## ENGLISH_SYLLABLE_COUNT() ## Modified from earlier version for CORAAL, to deal with redacted material /RD.../ ## Tyler Kendall, March 5, 2021 ## This function counts the number of syllables in 'ortho' ## Converted to R from SLAAP (http://slaap.chass.ncsu.edu/) version in PHP ## Originally based on Greg Fast's Lingua::EN::Syllable Perl Module ## That had an error rate of ~15% (though almost all errors off by just one syllable) ## This achieves close to 100% but will err on unusual words which are not ## in the lists of exceptions. ## Reference/Citation ## Kendall, Tyler (2013). Speech rate, pause, and language variation: Studies in corpus sociophonetics. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. [ http://slaap.chass.ncsu.edu/speechrateandpause/ ] ## Usage examples (first source this file) ## english_syllable_count("Happy times are here again!") # == 7 ## english_syllable_count(c("Happy", "times", "are", "here", "again!")) # == 7 ## sapply(c("Happy", "times", "are", "here", "again!"), english_syllable_count) # == c(2, 1, 1, 1, 2) # with names english_syllable_count <- function(ortho) { # Can add words to these lists of 2 syllable and 3 syllable 'exceptions' # Note that final -e is stripped before checking these lists! Specials.2 <- c('every', 'different', 'family', 'girl', 'girls', 'world', 'worlds', 'bein', 'being', 'something', 'mkay', 'mayb') Specials.3 <- c('anyon', 'everyon') # final -e is dropped # Regular Expression exceptions # SubSyl - remove a syllable from the count for each sub-string match SubSyl <- c('cial', 'tia', 'cius', 'cious', 'giu', # belgium! 'ion', 'iou', '^every', # every, but also everything, everybody 'sia$', '.ely$', # absolutely! (but not ely!) '[^szaeiou]es$', # fates, but not sasses '[^tdaeiou]ed$', # trapped, but not fated '^ninet', # nineteen, ninety '^awe' # awesome ) # AddSyl - add a syllable to the count for each sub-string match AddSyl <- c('ia', 'rie[rt]', 'dien', 'ieth', 'iu', 'io', 'ii', 'ienc', # ambience, science, ... 'les?$', '[aeiouym][bp]l$', # -Vble, plus -mble and -Vple '[aeiou]{3}', # agreeable 'ndl(ed)?$', # handle, handled 'mpl(ed)?$', # trample, trampled '^mc', # McEnery 'ism$', # -isms '([^aeiouy])\\1l(ed)?$', # middle twiddle battle bottle, etc. '[^l]lien', # alien, salient [1] '^coa[dglx].', # [2] '[^gq]ua[^aeiou]', # i think this fixes more than it breaks '[sd]nt$', # couldn't, didn't, hasn't, wasn't,... '\\wshes$', # add one back for esh (since it's -'d) '\\wches$', # and for affricate (witches) '\\wges$', # and voiced (ages) '\\wces$', # and sibilant 'c's (places) '\\w[aeiouy]ing[s]?$' # vowels before -ing = hiatus ) tot_syls <- 0 ortho <- gsub("/RD-.*?(\\d+)/", "RD\\1", ortho, perl=T) ortho.l <- tolower(ortho) stripchars <- "[:'\\[\\]]" ortho.cl <- gsub(stripchars, "", ortho.l, perl=T) spacechars <- "[\\W_]" # replace other non-word chars with space ortho.cl <- gsub(spacechars, " ", ortho.cl, perl=T) ortho.vec <- unlist(strsplit(ortho.cl, " ", perl=T)) ortho.vec <- ortho.vec[ortho.vec!=""] for (w in ortho.vec) { # if the word is a redacted thing, just take the syls from that annotation if (length(grep("rd\\d", w, perl=T))==1) { syl <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", w, perl=T)) # else process it as normal } else { w <- gsub("e$", "", w, perl=T) # strip final -e syl <- 0 # is word in the 2 syllable exception list? if (w %in% Specials.2) { syl <- 2 # is word in the 3 syllable exception list? } else if (w %in% Specials.3) { syl <- 3 # if not, than check the different parts... } else { for (pat in SubSyl) { if (length(grep(pat, w, perl=T))>=1) syl <- syl - 1 } for (pat in AddSyl) { if (length(grep(pat, w, perl=T))>=1) syl <- syl + 1 } if (nchar(w)==1) { syl <- 1 } else { chnk <- unlist(strsplit(w, "[^aeiouy:]+")) chnk <- chnk[chnk!=""] syl <- syl + length(chnk) if (syl==0) syl <- 1 } } } tot_syls <- tot_syls + syl } tot_syls }