LineSpeakerSt TimeContentEn Time
1DCB_int_010.5642And your birthday?1.5018
2DCB_se2_ag3_f_022.1733December fifteenth.3.5012
4 4.0017You need the year?4.6657 
6DCB_se2_ag3_f_025.0294[Oh] gosh.5.8435
7 6.3006Nineteen eighty-six.7.5960
9 7.7062<laugh>8.4068 
10DCB_int_0110.2453Awesome. Where were you born?11.5499
11DCB_se2_ag3_f_0212.1872Um, I was born in Arlington Hospital actually.16.0084
13 17.1795Arlington, Virginia.18.1471 
14DCB_int_0120.5103What neighborhood do you claim?21.7248
15DCB_se2_ag3_f_0223.0060Um, <sigh> so, I'm DMV.26.1766
17 26.3101That's what I tell everybody, [I'm DMV.]28.3840 
18DCB_int_0127.5479[Mk- Mkay.]28.3854
19 29.7901Um, have you ever lived in DC proper?31.5760
20DCB_se2_ag3_f_0232.9140No, never actually lived in DC, have a lot of family in DC, so37.8963
22 38.0999kind of like stayed at grandma's house in DC but never actually lived in DC.41.6366 
24 42.1471And where do you stay?43.1271
25DCB_se2_ag3_f_0244.0031Um, right now I'm in Maryland, in, um, Temple Hills, [Maryland, so.]48.4241
27DCB_se2_ag3_f_0248.9721PG County.49.7896
28DCB_int_0149.9831I know, y- yup.50.7939
30 56.9640Where'd you go to school?57.6681 
33 59.7835I went to school a couple places, mainly in Maryland. [Um,]62.7372 
35DCB_se2_ag3_f_0263.3044I was born in Virginia64.5055
37 64.6724because65.3897 
39 65.5499my-66.3273 
41 66.5575my mom's family and my father's family are actually from Alexandria.69.6480 
43 70.1452Um, they're from O town. But then we moved to Temple Hills just as I was born. So with76.1852 
45 76.6757family still being in Alexandria then moving into Temple Hills, uh, I went to school in Maryland. I went to /RD-SCHOOL-4/,83.5766 
47 84.2072uh, /RD-SCHOOL-6/ and /RD-SCHOOL-8/,88.2653 
49 88.8692which ironically like,90.3582 
51 90.5884my kids are going to now. It's so [funny.]92.6380 
52DCB_int_0195.0227And what do you do?95.7568
53DCB_se2_ag3_f_0296.4608I'm a wedding planner.97.4718
55 97.7228I do weddings and events. I started my own business, it'll be four years in January.102.3104 
56DCB_int_01103.1323Do you love it?103.6628
57DCB_se2_ag3_f_02103.8430I absolutely freaking love it, it's so awesome.107.1283
59 107.5399Especially in this area.108.4941 
61 108.6343It's really fun.109.3449 
62DCB_int_01109.7862I can [imagine.]110.5203
64DCB_int_01111.1943I used to work at a bridal shop,112.5789
66 112.6891um, and I just love- I love that aspect of it.115.9230 
68DCB_int_01116.5703Um, and I'm not a117.9617
70 118.3020super detail detail orient person, I could never probably do events.121.1314 
72DCB_int_01121.5527But I love getting them ready and hearing about their123.9150
74DCB_int_01124.1952[big day.] And so they would bring in little things to talk about it, and I'm just like, oh my god I love this. (whispered)128.5286
75DCB_se2_ag3_f_02128.5637Yeah, it's- it's very exciting for everyone involved because it's like,133.1166
77 134.1266everybody wants a reason to celebrate.135.6981 
79DCB_se2_ag3_f_02135.9116[And] then you have this137.2629
80 137.3664big moment, and everybody's going all out to celebrate it. It's just really beautiful to see people in love.142.7358
81DCB_int_01143.3130[So what-]143.6717
83DCB_int_01143.8268uh, and this is not e- we not even in the question section yet, but146.0965
85DCB_int_01146.4168what got you into-147.4979
88 149.1628what- well, um, it's funny because151.5860 
90 152.0098I didn't- it's not like I went to school for it or anything. I always wanted to do events, I actually worked for a catering company for a little while, R and R Catering based in Springfield.160.4305 
92 160.8892And I liked it, but I- I just wanted to be more hands on in the planning part of it.165.5846 
94 166.2520I was working for a used appliance store when I decided to start my business. So I was nowhere near on the scale of what I wanted to do.174.7511 
96 175.1089I just decided, you know. And because I was working for a small business owner I was like, hey, he- he got this store,180.6343 
98 181.2190if he can do it, I can do it.182.7438 
100 182.9040You know, I'm helping him run his business, I can do a business.185.9236 
102DCB_se2_ag3_f_02186.5308So I kind of just put myself out there. Craigslist188.5103
104 188.8673helped me get my first gig,190.1085 
106 190.2586um, as a wedding planner. It was a lady, um,192.9946 
108 193.7762she had posted a ad saying that she was looking for a day of coordinator, no experience needed, um, she was gonna help somebody start their portfolio.201.1008 
110 201.7048She interviewed me via Skype,203.6834 
112 203.8402I got it, her wedding ended up being this beautiful207.2677 
114 207.3811Ritz Carlton wedding in Pentagon City. And the girl was a model.212.2033 
116 212.6704Like,212.9073 
118 213.1843real live like,214.0518 
120 214.5189cover of magazines like, she's a model.216.3907 
122 217.1122And so her pictures just came out- Her wedding, everything, it was just so gorgeous. And I think in that moment like,223.3249 
124 223.9831once it started coming together and I could see that I could actually do this, like I could put something together like this, like I was able to help her, I was like, I could do this. And I just-231.7281 
126 232.1652I- I232.6190 
128 232.8325started researching how to start my business. And that year I took some classes, um,237.7948 
130 237.9984<ts>238.0918 
132 238.2887like registering my business and all of that and240.5817 
134 241.0522I been rolling ever since.242.2233 
135DCB_int_01242.3935Is she the quote in your e-mail?243.7315
136DCB_se2_ag3_f_02244.2753Um, [she- it- th-]245.9002
137DCB_int_01245.2763[Is that the testimonial?]246.3016
138DCB_se2_ag3_f_02246.1571[No], that's actually another bride that I did. Th- um, /RD-NAME-3/ is the- is the quote in my e-mail. /RD-NAME-3/ was so amazing. Um, she came to me and it was like maybe like four months before her wedding and she was just like,258.4207
139 259.2290I know <sigh> it's gonna be good but I don't think it's gonna come together like I i- like I have it in my mind. She was like, I'm just afraid that everything won't come together.266.9040
141 267.2343She was so nervous that on her wedding day,269.4965 
143 270.1972<ts> this girl was literally trying to cut bangs into her hair.272.5470 
145 273.0475<laugh> She was like,273.7955 
147 274.2186I don't know, I hate my hair, I think I'm gonna cut bangs into it. Like, that's-277.8396 
149 278.1599that's how anxious people get before their [wedding.] They're like-280.8259 
151DCB_se2_ag3_f_02281.8468Like, girl you've never wanted bangs [before, why do you] want bangs now? No, I'm not gonna let you cut bangs into your hair before you walk down the aisle. Just cool out,289.6461
153DCB_se2_ag3_f_02289.7829everything's fine, you look beautiful, it's okay.292.3487
155 292.8158Like that- that's the quote in my e-mail, I love her.295.0981 
157 295.6361Yeah.295.9430 
160 296.9340Um,297.5379 
162 297.6814okay so we're gonna talk a lot more about that cause I think that's amazing, and I'm sure you have some crazy stories.302.1266 
164DCB_int_01302.5303[Um], where were your parents born?304.1919
167 305.2663both my mom and dad were born in [Alexandria.]307.4000 
168DCB_int_01307.2424[Okay] they both were. And that's what I- You said they grew up there so I was wondering if they were born there as well.311.0194
170DCB_int_01312.7018And what do your parents do?313.8730
171DCB_se2_ag3_f_02314.7839Um, my dad has his CDO so he does t- uh, like, kind of like the dump truck319.6194
173 319.7562[drivers] that320.9373 
175DCB_se2_ag3_f_02321.4579you see all over DC right now.323.3897
177 323.5174[<laugh>]324.0037 
178DCB_int_01323.6467[I do] mm-hm, construction everywhere.325.4653
180DCB_int_01326.1799What does your mom do?326.7972
181DCB_se2_ag3_f_02327.2343Um, my mom manages a deli at a grocery store.330.4808
184 336.5283Excellent.336.9843 
186 337.5226I think that's all I have for right now /on/339.3911 
188 339.6380the writing piece.340.4688 
191 342.1004tell me a little bit about343.6361
193 343.8530<clears throat>344.2250 
195 344.4936growing up. So you moved out.346.1385 
197 346.5122[So you were in] Alexandria but you p- you were really little.348.6309 
201 349.2023[or Arlington], so then you moved to Temple Hills but that's probably what you remember.352.1285 
203 352.3654Yeah, so th- Okay,354.4641
205 354.7010um,355.3458 
207 356.1900and m- this is just my story, so I'm gonna put- Cause I'm a [a hundred] percent honest [person.]360.7110 
208DCB_int_01359.0761[Put it out there.]359.6374
210 360.4574[Put it out] th- I love it.361.4521 
213 362.3868so, my mom364.5256 
215 364.9593had me when she was fifteen.366.4307 
217 367.2590My grandparents became my parents. They kind of were like, you know what,371.2830 
219 371.4731we're gonna take her,372.7177 
221 373.0822you don't know what you're doing. So I was-374.8039 
223 374.9240You know, at the time my grandparents, they hadn't expected a new child.378.9813 
225 379.4426They- they were-380.6938 
227 380.9040their children were teenagers, they weren't expecting a new child. So they-384.6977 
229 385.3525they went ahead and386.3034 
231 386.5036got a house in Temple Hills, Maryland to move to. Um, they left their- th- my- they had two children, uh, my uncle and my mom,394.1485 
233 394.4989and they left, uh, their son there cause he was about eighteen, nineteen. And, you know,399.3344 
235 399.7581my mom and I we went,401.1595 
237 401.6200uh, to Temple Hills, so that is the part that I do remember.404.6804 
239 405.0475But, um, my grandparents raised me. So,408.0771 
241 408.4349I grew up in a household where411.0341 
243 411.9483they weren't really parents because they were grandparents.414.8278 
245 415.1623Like they parented me, they gave me wisdom, they ga-417.7982 
247 418.0518they grandparented me, I [should say.]420.1171 
249DCB_se2_ag3_f_02420.4875And so,421.5151
251 421.7328I kind of-422.9340 
253 423.4679<ts>423.5379 
255 424.1752I grew up with this really kind of older world view.428.4602 
257 429.0708Uh, my great-grandmother was ar- live when I was young, my great-great-grandmother was alive when I [was young,]433.6161 
258DCB_int_01433.2924[Oh wow.]433.9208
259DCB_se2_ag3_f_02433.7462[and] she was born in nineteen eleven.435.5947
260 436.1419Um, she, too was from Virginia and, um,440.1165
262 440.3301you know, a lot of441.7214 
264 441.8282my mother, you know, family is from Virginia.444.2673 
266 444.6576Uh, my grandmother is actually from North Carolina so I have roots down there too, it's like448.9927 
268 449.1495this- this funny blend.450.6918 
270 451.2590My grandfather was in the Air Force and that's how he met my grandmother, so they-454.5189 
272 455.0594they kind of- um,456.5642 
274 457.2023<ts>457.2590 
276 457.6061they taught me everything I knew.458.8773 
278 459.4979But at the same time- Um, I was the eldest of four children, my mom just kept463.6728 
280 463.9264going along having kids. So, um,466.3587 
282 467.4498I was always independent, in charge of everybody else, kind of in a leadership position472.8492 
284 473.0027early.473.4765 
286 473.6900Um,474.2906 
288 475.3892what I remember though, specifically, about478.8125 
290 478.9426growing up in the DC, Maryland, Virginia area is that people would always aks you484.5956 
292 485.0127where you're from.485.8335 
294 486.6576And487.3725 
296 487.5627the thing about it is, DC at the time had this491.6934 
298 491.8268era of pride493.5727 
300 494.0698where if you were from DC you were automatically better than being from Maryland or Virginia.500.5536 
302 501.0541You were more credible somehow, you were more cool somehow, your swag was better,506.5870 
304 506.8606ev-507.0908 
306 507.2743If you could claim DC, it was a thing that- that people would do.512.4636 
308 512.8539Like, it was almost like, um-514.8259 
310 515.6433And it's funny because they used to say Maryland girls were bamas.518.9707 
312 519.2910And I know that's like one of the terms, I read it on the website, that people say they didn't524.2033 
314 524.5837really know was a DC term. But th- yeah, they would call Maryland girls bamas because DC girls had this city swag.531.6881 
316 532.5422And, um,533.4832 
318 533.6967the thing about DC535.3550 
320 535.9297and their pride and- and one of the reasons that I think like, DC was kind of hyped up in the head like they were is because we've always544.4755 
322 544.9526had our own546.0637 
324 546.5509culture. Like, we've always had our own thing going.550.0217 
326 551.5199Forget the rest of the nation, we are the closest to the Capital.554.8760 
328 555.4912Who do you think is gonna know if they government goes on strike first?558.6985 
330 559.0021Somebody in a small town in Oklahoma or the people in the city?561.9050 
332DCB_se2_ag3_f_02562.7858We know (laughing) what's going on in the world, we know what's going on in our country566.9140
334 567.2410cause we're here in the /midst/ of it. We're right next to the President, we d- we have no choice but to know what's going on.573.0708 
336 573.4278So it always put us-574.8425 
338 575.2529You know,575.8929 
340 576.4875we were in our own world.577.8430 
342 578.0365DC had it's own thing going. We weren't worried about New York.581.7367 
344 582.0570New York had it's fashion, New York was fashion capital. Okay whatever, DC implemented it's own [style.]587.4698 
346DCB_se2_ag3_f_02587.9436Um, you know, even to the point where- you know, where you look at Baltimore and DC and it's such a distinction there.595.3183
348 595.6761Because Baltimore actually did decide to take more of a New York599.8769 
350 600.0504take600.4941 
352 600.8820to how they approach culture.602.6604 
354 602.8906Whereas DC had it's own thing, and that's why there's still a distinction between Baltimore and DC.608.0231 
356 608.8406Um,609.5613 
358 611.2596another thing612.1638 
360 612.4241like,612.8945 
362 613.1823growing up in DC614.4569 
364 614.6437people don't understand, people aks about go go music.617.8824 
366 618.3615They have no clue. They don't understand what it is, what it means, why we love it,623.9202 
368 624.1338what it is.624.9888 
370 625.7495Um, <clears throat> the reason why go go was so628.4822 
372 628.6457popular growing up because630.6243 
374 630.7677it was our artist.631.8397 
376DCB_se2_ag3_f_02632.8973It was people that were our brothers, our cousins, our-635.8135
378 636.1171our family members. These were people that we knew, these were neighborhood members640.0227 
380 640.3287forming bands and singing about our neighborhoods in the songs.644.4402 
382 644.7338I tell people- I also do Lyft part time, so647.1962 
384 647.5532I tell, um,648.5642 
386 648.7686gentrifiers, as they're called, when they get in my vehicle, um, when they aks me about DC, I say, if you hear655.6461 
388 656.0965the name of your street mentioned in a-658.6257 
390 658.9360a-659.0361 
392 659.2329a old go go song, just know your neighborhood used to be662.6337 
394 662.8272hood.663.2677 
396 663.7148It's nothing wrong with that.664.8592 
398 664.9760Just know,665.6867 
400 666.0270that whatever street you're on,667.6094 
402 667.9063if it was mentioned669.0842 
404 669.4412by Backyard,670.6924 
406 671.0127RE,671.9670 
408 672.3173any of those bands back in the day,674.3401 
410 674.6404just know there's a reason why that name is in that song.677.2863 
412 677.6166These were neighborhoods that people rep, these were streets that people would die for, these are people that-683.0160 
414 683.3597The-683.5833 
416 683.7668they were fighting.684.7210 
418 685.3892These were actual like, neighborhoods that were against each other, and you can hear each neighborhood named in692.3268 
420 692.6571one of these go go songs.694.1485 
422 694.7291That's one of the reasons why there were so many fights at the go gos. There were so many fights cause they would start calling out one territory,702.0337 
424 702.5450another territory would get upset.704.0598 
426 704.2834And even within DC they had their own factions.707.1762 
428 708.0904There was uptown709.2182 
430 710.3167guys.711.0274 
432 711.4312And,712.0518 
434 712.2653you know,712.6757 
436 712.8325the Southeast713.7167 
438 713.9303crew.714.3807 
440 714.6710And then, you know,715.9397 
442 716.5069nobody- nobody really, you know, wanted to say it, but the only real difference was723.6814 
444 724.0484the fact that the uptown725.9436 
446 726.2072or the,726.7944 
448 726.9588you know, the crew that was in the north was really just-729.6647 
450 730.2653they were around more schools and education, they were733.8630 
452 734.1199more educated735.1409 
454 735.6981black people.736.4381 
456 737.5156They were in Columbia Heights, and, you know what I mean, not far from Howard and743.5966 
458 743.9970they had access.745.5118 
460 745.9697Southeast,747.2543 
462 747.6614east of the river,748.6724 
464 748.8025doesn't have that kind of access. They don't have schools in Southeast.752.4802 
466DCB_se2_ag3_f_02753.4045So it was a difference in the- in the- in the- even in the sanctions of DC, so.759.3010
468 760.4388It w- it was a big deal to be from DC back in the day. And now,765.1008 
470 765.6414because767.0227 
472 768.1071everybody was kind of forced out into the surrounding areas of Maryland,772.5923 
474 773.0194Maryland773.9903 
476 774.3907then-775.2349 
478 776.1199PG County I should say, cause PG County778.9093 
480 779.5199kind of surrounds that part of DC782.0413 
482 782.6671that was on the borderline.784.5389 
486 786.5008as people started to move in- And you can look at the cities790.2286 
488 790.5289that are next to DC,792.0737 
490 792.5942from Capital Heights,793.9564 
492 794.3268Suitland, Forestville,796.8859 
494 797.1261Temple Hills, Oxon Hill, all of these go in a line around the DC line.801.2944 
496 802.3387And all of these communities is where804.2005 
498 804.8220the black people from DC got pushed out into.807.2176 
500 807.9216And so then PG and Maryland809.9202 
502 810.1872then had a connection811.5794 
504 811.8530because-812.7105 
506 813.3044Well, PG and DC then had a connection because815.9803 
508 816.7878yeah I'm from DC but I live here now, so now this is a cool area. So then,821.4898 
510 821.6934PG started to get it's own thing, and I guess825.2677 
512 825.5980that was like the era that I was coming up in because there were go go bands and they would do go gos in places like Marlow Heights Shopping Center.832.2890 
514DCB_se2_ag3_f_02832.8492You know what I mean, and then they would ha- I remember when they started playing at the Brandywine Firehouse.837.6247
515 838.0151And I was like, that's a little deep down the road for a go go, [but okay.]841.8296
518 843.3177<ts>843.4145
520 843.5980and then, you know, just watching, it kind of transformed to the DMV.848.3868 
522 848.6437Now Virginia,849.7448 
524 850.4855interestingly enough, cause I- like, my family is from854.1733 
526 854.3668this old town, Alexandria [area. And] that has it's own history858.9646 
528DCB_se2_ag3_f_02859.3692and culture860.3501
530 860.7338in itself. So like- and I think863.4598 
532 864.1772that's the-864.8612 
534 865.2724that's the one thing that kind of- excuse me, <clears throat> kind of separates me from like,869.7234 
536 870.9146like the- like the871.8863 
538 872.1766girls that kind of just grew up in PG only, that didn't have access to Alexandria.877.5794 
540 878.7705It's co- it was completely different.880.3053 
542DCB_se2_ag3_f_02880.7591My grandfather, he worked for Northern Virginia Community College,884.1766
543 884.5903and one of the things he did was have me at the college all the time.887.8068
545 888.4274And it exposed me to Annandale,890.2934 
547 890.7171Tyson's Corner,891.8516 
549 892.4622um,893.1295 
551 894.1238just a mass area of just,896.6760 
553 896.9674this is a whole nother world.898.6967 
554DCB_int_01898.7191/?/ yes.899.7000
555DCB_se2_ag3_f_02899.7167So it kind of gave me perspective,903.5813
557 904.0618um, knowing that there was something else out there, not to be limited to just what I saw around me. Um,910.0651 
559 910.4054and I remember- And there were- there- there- there were hoods in Virginia too,914.2033 
561 914.6037Old Town.915.2176 
563 915.6080Um, the house that my grandparents owned918.0704 
565 918.1805in Virginia before they moved, they just recently sold it. I'm talking about maybe, like the- the paper just-924.1338 
567 924.6109paperwork just finished this year.925.8430 
569 926.4802Um, and they been selling that house for the last929.0094 
571 929.1261four years because930.6151 
573 930.8620there's a developer that wanted to buy the entire block.934.0351 
575 934.3954And so first he had to s-935.6059 
577 935.7401buy out all the individual homeowners, and then there's a section owned by the state which were section eight housing941.5108 
579DCB_se2_ag3_f_02941.9736that they had to get approval to move all of those people944.8473
581 945.1709and have somewhere for them to go946.7458 
583 946.9693before they can get that whole block. So this process took four years just for my grandparents to sell their house.952.6423 
585 952.9326Because the block that my grandparents was on954.7886 
587 955.0722it was worth a lot because it sat right across from Braddock957.7014 
589 957.8716Metro Station.958.7791 
591 959.2062That house- that- that block was there before that Metro Station was there.962.3368 
593DCB_se2_ag3_f_02962.7672So that was like- like, I'm talking about966.0936
595 967.3158clothes drying out on a string969.8115 
597 971.0561in the- in the back alley972.9148 
599 973.1523neighborhoods, because that was the projects in Alexandria.977.1147 
601 977.4398So-978.3507 
603 978.7085and there- and there were- there- there- there were projects, and in the section eight in Alexandria funny enough, it was very integrated, it was a bunch of black and white people. I remember986.6004 
605 986.9574my dad had a place, um, there. And my- um,989.9536 
607 990.3006<ts>990.3607 
609 990.4374and his next door neighbors was these two white ladies named Lynda and Brenda.993.9650 
611 994.1052They were twins.994.9093 
613 995.4832Um,996.1772 
615 996.3340and Lynda and Brenda they were home all day they just sat around, they always had the candy, we always used to go over there and get snacks.1001.8268 
617 1002.3006[Um,]1003.0046 
619DCB_se2_ag3_f_021003.4159so like it was- it- it was- it was different in Alexandria. It was still like, the lower1009.7195
621 1009.8530i- income community, section eight, poverty, but it was- it was just-1015.0330 
623 1015.4693it was different. It wasn't like a whole bunch of crime,1018.4955 
625 1018.8459it was just us hanging out. Like I remember,1021.1948 
627 1021.5760um, hanging out with my dad. And at one point,1024.3020 
629 1025.0394my dad's house was like one house on the block, two houses down was his sister, and two houses down from that was his aunt and uncle.1031.4665 
631 1031.7901And so like our family was lit- almost like that whole block. And [we would] go to the park behind the house,1037.2663 
633DCB_se2_ag3_f_021037.6266and play outside1038.7477
635 1039.0355past dark.1039.7929 
637 1040.0231Never had to worry about nothing. We would roam Alexandria, we would walk from-1044.5418 
639 1045.5026we would walk all the way down to Del Ray, which is all the way down the other side.1049.5599 
641 1049.8035So we would just be [out, um, walking around through Alexandria.] So- um,1055.5332 
643DCB_se2_ag3_f_021055.7801and that was like weekends for me. So like weekdays was back to PG County. It was back to, um,1061.5199
645 1061.9236you know, just1063.0055 
647 1063.3358a whole different set of things. Because now PG County, it was starting to1068.6877 
649 1069.0088grow with this DC influence so it was like a new mix, um, of-1074.8812 
651 1075.6661of just what it was to be from DC, it was like- And-1079.5299 
653 1079.9369and honestly, my uncle- and h- there's a- there's a article online, my uncle- I have that uncle that swear he came up with the phrase DMV.1087.2082 
655 1087.8163He literal- and it- they s-1089.1876 
657 1089.4912someone published a article on it, like they literally coin him being the first person to come up with the term.1094.7672 
659 1095.1142And he's a producer, he's been into music, so it d-1098.0170 
661 1098.2839it doesn't surprise me that unc woulda been saying one day, yeah the DMV, the DMV. And it catch on,1104.1238 
663 1104.4583and people not even realize. Because again,1107.0174 
665 1107.3411he was- you know, he- he was on my father's side, he's from- he has family in Virginia,1112.8706 
667 1113.1876his mother lives in DC, Kenilworth Ave. Like, I just know like,1116.7344 
669 1117.1523he's also a part of this mix where it's DC, Maryland, Virginia. He lives in Maryland now, he lives1122.7844 
671 1123.0388like across the street, oddly enough, which is1125.2777 
673 1125.3778ironic, he lives like right across the street from me still.1127.6900 
675 1128.1271Um,1128.7586 
677 1129.1456<ts>1129.2390 
679 1129.6961and so1131.0215 
681 1131.3711DMV grew because there's a bunch of us that's like,1135.4326 
683 1136.7305there's really no difference.1138.2553 
685 1138.3754I- I m- I may1140.0437 
687 1141.1548have grown up in PG but I spent time in Alexandria, I partied in DC, I used to come- Oh man, when I hit- when I hit1148.2400 
689 1148.8906nineteen about, when I was nineteen and I- and I realized that I- literally from where I was in Temple Hills it was a1155.4779 
691 1155.6781fifteen minute ride to downtown DC,1158.6143 
693 1159.1056straight down two ninety-five.1161.1008 
695 1161.6447When I [realized] that,1163.2029 
697DCB_se2_ag3_f_021163.3397I was in1164.4608
699 1164.6009the clubs like every weekend because it was so much fun to just go out into the city.1170.3807 
701 1170.8420And you know the U Street crowd and the Adams Morgan vibe when it- when it w- used to be just like a bunch of people standing around,1179.4712 
703 1179.8549saying hey, having fun,1181.8335 
705 1182.0837drinking.1182.9254 
707 1183.1690Not e-1183.5727 
709 1183.8797Adams Morgan was the first place that I saw1185.9650 
711 1186.1652people just out1186.9326 
713 1187.3063and about1187.8101 
715 1187.9970drunk, and the police didn't care.1189.5933 
717 1189.9063Like cause they knew1191.1242 
719 1191.3244that this is what people were here doing. They're- everybody's here getting blasted, as long as nobody's hurting anybody,1197.2310 
721 1197.6414do what you want.1198.5923 
723 1198.8993And that was the first place I seen that, was Adams Morgan. And /?/ I was like, what?1202.4836 
725 1202.9707D- that man is drunk. And he is just1205.3430 
727 1205.7234stumbling around the street, and ain't nobody gonna say nothing. Okay,1208.6738 
729 1208.8239I'm gonna keep partying, so.1210.2486 
731 1211.3330That's how it was, it was like we would-1213.4084 
733 1213.9030me and my friends we would- we would go to Iverson Mall,1217.1228 
735DCB_se2_ag3_f_021218.3440we would go grab us, um, a couple of outfits,1221.6247
737 1221.9850and then we would figure out what we was gonna wear that weekend, and we would be out every weekend. It was- it was so much fun.1228.0718 
739 1229.4164And so like- And then I've worked in DC. Oh my gosh, who hasn't had a job in DC where you had to commute1235.5499 
741 1236.0971for freaking-1237.1531 
743 1237.6528So Metro has always been jacked up. Let me just say that, it's [never- it's never been good, like Metro has] never been good. It's always been horrible. And I just remember,1248.3373 
745DCB_se2_ag3_f_021248.7077years ago before I became an entrepreneur just that commute to DC.1253.4231
747 1253.7401And it was like, okay,1254.9112 
749 1255.2590park my car at Southern Avenue Metro Station and take the green line into to transfer over to the red line so I had to ride to L'Enfant Plaza.1265.1929 
751 1265.4731And you can actually see on the train the difference1268.9373 
753 1269.2844of1269.6614 
755 1269.8749the people as th- as you go from stop to stop, you're like, okay everybody1274.1165 
757 1274.4502that's sitting next to me looks like me, and then all of a sudden you turn around and you look and you're like, nobody looks like me.1279.6933 
759 1280.2834You can see the difference once you flow into certain parts of the city through the train.1285.2849 
761 1285.8096Just like,1286.7171 
763 1287.2643ride one of the trains to the last stop and you'll see, at each s-1290.9479 
765 1291.3617one of those last stops it's a different-1293.8003 
767 1294.5623like I'm talking about different ethnicities for every like- almost at every different area.1298.8906 
769 1299.4612So,1300.1052 
771 1300.6624it was like,1301.6733 
773 1301.8769you know, you ride into the city,1303.5249 
775 1304.0098<ts>1304.0865 
777 1304.3501you would go ahead and- and- and put on your armor, cause you're in the city now, you gotta put on your armor.1309.5418 
779 1309.9330And you get ready for this hustle and bustle. I worked, um, at a temp agency1313.9102 
781 1314.4574and we1315.4284 
783 1315.5493would pretty much just, you know, help people find jobs, staffing and stuff like that.1319.9136 
785 1320.3774Um,1320.9679 
787 1321.5894and that was interesting because that kind of showed me,1325.7434 
789 1326.3106um,1326.9012 
791 1329.1209like-1329.5880 
793 1330.3721The CEO of the company used to come by,1333.2182 
795 1333.5160um,1334.0031 
797 1334.2300every now and again.1335.3113 
799 1335.5880Little old lady.1336.4722 
801 1337.0928And she was the CEO of a Fortune five hundred company.1340.9006 
803 1341.3411And she would just come by and go to Au Bon Pain across the street and get us all some danishes and stuff. And I'm-1346.3001 
805 1346.5949and I'm wondering like, if the person in the line behind her1350.3018 
807 1350.8891knows that this woman1352.4606 
809 1353.0320owns this massive1354.7136 
811 1354.9872corporation across the street.1356.5955 
813 1356.9258Cause she's just sitting here buying pastries. You don't know who's in DC with you. You don't know.1362.9592 
815 1363.6665You could be standing next to1365.8461 
817 1366.0230somebody that just like, owns half the daggone1369.7199 
819 1370.0444block and you're just standing there next to them at Panera just getting a sandwich. And that's the crazy part about DC. There's so many people that come to DC for so many different reasons.1379.4143 
821 1380.0483So many different reasons. And especially now,1383.2222 
823 1383.7293it's like-1384.4701 
825 1386.0116And this is how I know when people aren't from here cause-1389.2856 
827 1389.4090like, I told you I do Lyft.1390.7470 
829 1391.1874They get in my car,1392.4186 
831 1392.7356we're talking for a bit and they're like, oh,1394.5949 
833 1394.9686are you from here?1395.6493 
835 1396.4133I'm like, oh, you're not.1397.4443 
837DCB_se2_ag3_f_021399.8175[Cause (laughing)]1400.5415
839 1401.3556[if you have] to aks [me]1403.4036 
841 1403.8814[<exhales>]1404.2351
842DCB_se2_ag3_f_021404.2518if y- if I'm from here, then you're not from here. I know you're not.1409.0540
844 1409.3176So,1410.1269 
846 1410.3285It's like a dead giveaway. And I get people that- they're like from all over the place like, Alaska, Utah, Nebraska, Miami, New York.1418.6583 
848 1418.9186Had one guy from LA in my car, he's like-1420.7337 
850 1421.7847he's like- um,1422.7394 
852 1423.0759he was like, man I hated it there, I love it here, I was like, really?1426.0964 
854 1426.5034Like, man I'm trying to go to LA. He's like, nah you're not gonna like it. I was like, okay. You know, it's just1430.9753 
856 1431.3490crazy cause people just- they're like1433.3543 
858 1433.7613from all over and they're coming here. And so,1437.0453 
860 1438.4500like now with the whole process of the gentrification and like people-1442.8315 
862 1443.4891It's so funny like, especially like in the black community cause people don't know how to feel about it. They don't know if they wanna be mad or w- if they wanna be happy about it. Like,1450.5568 
864 1451.0540you know you like this new structured building they're building here, you know you like all this clean architecture and stuff, you know it.1458.8958 
866 1459.3362The part that really gets me is that, okay,1461.8728 
868 1463.1541<ts> let's take it back.1463.9615 
870 1464.3953you know, people are mad it's no longer Chocolate City. You know, I think- Even my uncle the one that1469.3376 
872 1470.2118made up DMV, he po- he posted a post on Facebook, he was like,1473.1188 
874 1473.5425it's no longer Chocolate City, it's Chocolate chip City, and you know, he got a couple of laughs for that.1478.1970 
876 1478.6516But I'm like, look,1480.1664 
878 1480.5235you know,1481.0875 
880 1481.4377the chocolateness has nothing to do with the fact that1484.0502 
882 1484.7317we as the nation's1485.8928 
884 1486.2098capital have to set an example.1487.9382 
886 1489.1460If I am from anywhere else in the world,1491.4124 
888 1492.2198and I come to the city that's supposed to be1494.6889 
890 1495.3670the city that houses the leader of the free world,1499.4577 
892 1500.2118I don't wanna see no homeless guy pissing on the corner.1503.1588 
894 1503.6960I don't wanna see1505.0373 
896 1505.4443potholes the size of my car.1507.2895 
898 1507.6273I don't want to see1509.3657 
900 1509.9062the- the- the- just the griminess. Like I think DC needed to be cleaned up, like honest to goodness, like it just- it just needed like a facelift. And I don't think there's nothing wrong with that.1520.9119 
902 1521.3123Now,1521.8595 
904 1522.7804I'm also looking at it from a business person's point of view. I don't see anything wrong with all the money that's coming into the city.1528.9339 
906 1529.2975Because that's what people miss.1530.5955 
908 1530.8524people miss the fact that with all this migration of, um, these millennials, cause that's who it is, the millennials with money1539.8061 
910 1540.1364that are coming to the city that are- are1542.5221 
912 1542.6856doing nothing but increasing the property value. Well, they're bringing their money with them.1546.6369 
914 1547.1340And it just so happens, me as a wedding planner, I welcome1549.7733 
916 1550.0711the- the-1550.9219 
917DCB_int_011551.2322Come [on in.]1551.7794
918DCB_se2_ag3_f_021551.3723[the- yeah, exactly], I- I welcome the millennials1554.3753
919DCB_int_011551.9796[Come on in.]1552.5329
920DCB_se2_ag3_f_021554.5855with the money to spend1555.7588
922 1556.0269that should soon be getting married1558.3733 
924 1558.6102after they live this life in the city and they decide they're ready to settle down. Because this is where they come and meet.1563.9863 
926 1564.4033They come and meet at the little bar on the corner or the little restaurant or the little- You know, they come and meet here and they're like, oh my god I'm in love. And then they getting married.1571.3176 
928 1571.8781They start their families and then they move somewhere else.1573.8867 
930 1574.2546That's what- that's the migration of DC. People come to DC for what, for work and school.1578.1017 
932 1578.6355They come- they- they will come to DC for work and school.1580.9853 
934 1581.3556Very few people1582.1798 
936 1582.4500will stay1583.2508 
938 1583.5378in DC.1584.2818 
940 1584.9692That's the thing. There- they'll come, work and school, I got my degree at Georgetown, and I gotta, /you know what I mean,/ and now I'm gonna go1591.4697 
942 1591.5864move here.1592.3071 
944 1592.7751Once I got my degree and my husband and my everything that I wanted I'm gone.1595.8681 
946 1596.9725And then, you know, it's just a new flux of people coming in.1600.1498 
948 1600.8037And it's always been a revolving door like that, it's always been that way.1604.8251 
950 1605.4291The only difference now is that1607.3743 
952 1608.4487you can see <exhale> DC is trying to1611.1888 
954 1611.6359capitalize on this.1613.1284 
956 1613.4477That's why they're building so many condos.1615.9434 
958 1616.3680That's why they're building so many freaking apartments.1618.4234 
960 1619.0473They're trying to capitalize on this wave of people that they know just wanna come here for a little while. Because come on, be real, if you really wanted to keep people in your city you would be building houses.1628.2904 
962 1629.2088You would be building long term things not short term spaces.1633.2836 
964 1633.7608Come on.1634.4368 
966DCB_se2_ag3_f_021635.6726It's very simple.1636.6803
968 1637.0873They wanna capitalize on it.1638.3753 
970 1639.1360As- as should they.1641.2956 
972 1641.4824Because after all, it's a market.1643.5624 
974 1644.1617S-1644.4053 
976 1644.8357business,1645.3629 
978 1646.2279so.1646.6216 
979DCB_int_011646.7918What do you do with the- <clears throat> what do you do with the people though that are getting pushed out?1649.5545
981DCB_int_011650.4487How should they feel?1651.2913
982DCB_se2_ag3_f_021652.3981The people <sigh> that are getting pushed out,1655.2041
984 1657.4271<ts>1657.5005 
986 1657.7241I understand how they could feel hurt.1659.2161 
988 1659.9329I- I- I truly do. I understand it1662.1584 
990 1662.8991and1663.6932 
992 1664.7217I get how1666.0797 
994 1666.5201just having something taken from you that's always been yours and1670.4581 
996 1670.8785kind of feeling victimized by it, you know what I mean. I get it, I understand it.1675.9168 
998 1676.8151But I've just-1678.2832 
1000 1679.7947I guess like I said, because i- like that sliding door experience, if it wasn't for the fact that I already knew1686.9024 
1002 1687.4430that there w- there is a different way of living, that you could have a different life.1691.6579 
1004 1692.0182And that's the problem.1692.9592 
1006 1693.2695See, I don't think-1694.1812 
1008 1694.4815You know, people always talk about1695.8762 
1010 1696.1431people in poverty, and, you know, how they're lazy and this that and the third, and they don't-1701.2889 
1012 1701.6493they don't want1702.4934 
1014 1703.0073to do anything.1704.0216 
1016 1705.1760Um,1705.8041 
1018 1705.9776I think <exhale>1706.9686 
1020 1707.0820what people kind of forget is that1710.0816 
1022 1710.9358we have a society1712.5349 
1024 1712.9386that's kind of set up where1714.7136 
1026 1715.1607we need people like that. That's the way capitalism is set up, [that's the] way that it [is.]1719.8028 
1029 1719.6693Mm.1719.9729 
1030DCB_se2_ag3_f_021720.7837That is the way that it is done. People that don't understand economics fall to the bottom of the list.1727.8981
1032 1729.0926And unfortunately it's not enough people taking notice of what the real problem is. What is the real problem? Well, it's not the gentrifiers, it's not the money coming into DC. That's not a problem.1740.9758 
1034 1741.4096You gonna tell me that's a problem? That's not a problem, the problem is is that you don't know how to capitalize on it because nobody has ever taught you.1747.1927 
1036 1748.3246That's the problem.1749.1388 
1038 1749.7994You don't even-1750.4968 
1040 1750.9939you don't even understand1752.8791 
1042 1753.3162that this1754.2749 
1044 1754.6783is a good thing.1755.6059 
1046 1757.0306Because1757.8581 
1048 1759.3595right now,1760.5273 
1050 1762.0396you can honestly1763.5278 
1052 1764.1884get in1765.1727 
1054 1765.4797for- with nothing. Li- okay, <sigh>1767.7360 
1056 1768.9372right now <exhale> somebody could1771.4263 
1058 1772.5982come up with a vegan juice smoothie bar.1775.5745 
1060 1776.5488A little cart,1777.2127 
1062 1777.4063set it up1778.1245 
1064 1778.8618on the corner somewhere.1779.9863 
1066 1780.1698And make a killing.1780.9818 
1068 1781.9448And still keep their regular job.1783.3228 
1070 1783.6832You could open1785.0787 
1072 1786.1564a pilates place, anything fitness.1789.2528 
1074 1789.5931Bicycles,1790.3146 
1076 1790.4314ooh,1790.6717 
1078 1790.8518open a bicycle repair shop.1792.4767 
1080 1792.8805Oh my gosh,1793.6646 
1082 1793.9015you could just sell1795.4530 
1084 1796.1470accessories1797.1922 
1086 1797.5859for workouts,1798.7170 
1088 1799.3509and make money right now. You get what I'm saying, like there's no-1802.6041 
1090 1804.1097there's no way that you can't kind of grow from this if you're not open to growing.1809.4057 
1092 1810.7804You can grow from this.1812.2551 
1094 1812.3853You can grow to the point where you don't have to worry about nobody pushing1815.9796 
1096 1816.3032anybody else1817.1007 
1098 1817.3176in your lineage1818.3119 
1100 1818.5688around1819.1026 
1102 1819.3329anymore.1819.8167 
1104 1819.9768Cause they will have what they need.1821.2522 
1106 1821.7027See the difference is1822.7770 
1108 1823.2275again1823.8448 
1110 1824.0983like1824.5454 
1112 1825.0059I was shown- And I- and- and I consider myself blessed.1827.7427 
1114 1828.1231My grandfather is- is the type of person1830.9178 
1116 1831.0246that- and I guess this is what we d- we need more of is that1834.8171 
1118 1835.4710he works1836.2018 
1120 1836.5454with making sure1838.1603 
1122 1838.4915that tomorrow is good.1839.7460 
1124 1841.2909We don't look at tomorrow, we j- we just see today.1843.8000 
1126 1844.6983He- he's looking at tomorrow.1846.5201 
1128 1846.7570My grandfather is the type of person that he already has money set up for when1850.6083 
1130 1850.9719my- my daughter is old enough to get a car,1853.8314 
1132 1853.9915and she's twelve.1854.8795 
1134 1856.3413So,1857.4491 
1136 1858.2065he has money set up for her when she's eighteen for her to go- for her first year of college.1862.2009 
1138 1863.5759She's twelve.1864.2499 
1140 1865.1607She's already aksing me, mommy-1867.1827 
1142 1867.7674Like she's already going on college tours,1869.4991 
1144 1869.6993she understands how credit works.1871.0139 
1146 1871.2041That little girl can explain to you1872.7156 
1148 1872.9825how to improve your credit,1874.6083 
1150 1875.0554how t- how- what things damage your credit,1877.0773 
1152 1877.7079what a credit score is.1879.0693 
1154 1880.3413You understand? [Like she] gets that1881.8328 
1156DCB_se2_ag3_f_021882.2765at twelve.1882.9939
1158 1884.0716She- she aksed my grandmother the- the other day, how do you buy a house?1887.5458 
1160 1887.9262Cause she aksed me and I was like, you know what, I don't know anything about that, I'm gonna let you talk to, uh, your gran- your great-grandmother over there cause she's done it1895.2575 
1162 1895.7446three, four times before,1897.0025 
1164 1897.2661and so she knows.1898.3772 
1166 1898.7317So- but that's her level of curiosity.1901.3042 
1168 1901.4677She wants to know.1902.3252 
1170 1904.5982<ts>1904.6529 
1172 1904.7241It's a difference in mindset.1906.0563 
1174 1906.9405It's a difference in mindset.1908.1339 
1176 1908.6222And so,1909.4129 
1178 1910.8652I don't think1911.8528 
1180 1912.8071that anybody ever really took the time to- to give them1916.5905 
1182 1917.6092that1918.1865 
1184 1918.9605different mindset,1919.9325 
1186 1920.7523to actually1921.4897 
1188 1921.9134instill that in them.1923.3256 
1190 1924.4767I- it was instilled in me whether I wanted it or not because my grandfather exposed1928.6550 
1192 1928.7555it to me.1929.3002 
1196 1931.4556<ts>1931.5156 
1198 1931.7926and it's-1932.1529 
1200 1932.2931it's one of the things that kind of like,1935.3068 
1202 1935.4670propelled me1936.4313 
1204 1936.9951into business probably, just that understanding, knowing that it's possible.1940.8155 
1206 1941.3402Um, a lot of people1943.3788 
1208 1943.4723just don't view things as possible,1946.0114 
1210 1946.7288and so they get stuck.1947.9575 
1212 1949.1553Um,1949.7225 
1214 1950.1730but again, it's like1951.9836 
1216 1952.6921<ts>1952.7521 
1218 1953.0524there's this program this young lady has where she's working with DC public schools and DC charter schools now to get financial education into schools.1961.1453 
1220 1962.3498<ts>1962.4032 
1222 1962.9270I reached out to her to see if she could do the same thing for PG County.1965.4881 
1224 1965.6572Um, I need to talk to,1967.4322 
1226 1967.7525you know, like1968.3898 
1228 1968.5366PG County school board, I don't know how that process would work.1971.4370 
1230 1971.8307I just wanna get them linked up where we could start the process because I know if my twelve year old can learn credit,1976.5720 
1232 1977.3836the rest of the twelve year olds in PG County can learn credit.1979.6191 
1234 1980.2130Cause1980.7335 
1236 1981.4475it-1981.5843 
1238 1981.9180it can be taught.1982.5853 
1240 1983.5137Um,1984.0876 
1242 1984.7082and that's like a project that I would love to help with, just like getting more financial education out there, getting1990.5314 
1244 1991.1153people to understand that it's possible. It's one of the things on my1994.6220 
1246 1994.9765website, one of my goals for my business is to1998.6167 
1248 1998.9337start more2000.0381 
1250 2000.2291female entrepreneurs.2001.4870 
1252 2002.1009Like just to help them get started. Like I feel like2004.4977 
1254 2006.3451with entrepreneurship2007.6672 
1256 2008.2277we can start to shift the balance2010.7001 
1258 2011.0653because2011.8828 
1260 2012.8671the whole2013.9682 
1262 2014.8098slave thing,2016.0710 
1264 2016.5982well,2017.1187 
1266 2017.2589we need people2018.0563 
1268 2018.1697to be slaves.2019.4543 
1270 2020.2192If you are financially free,2021.8808 
1272 2022.5915meaning,2023.2155 
1274 2023.4857you make your own- you set your own income, you establish.2026.6196 
1276 2026.9366And see, and that's the thing like, people like, oh I make good money with my job and this /and other/ things/, Yes, but you're-2031.8914 
1278 2032.1225the government has his hand in your pocket before you do.2034.9586 
1280 2035.6325He's already collecting what he wants2037.5110 
1282 2037.7579before you even see your paycheck.2039.4846 
1284 2040.3947It's different as a entrepreneur.2041.8294 
1286 2042.4867It's different, it's a whole different mindset. It's like,2045.0667 
1288 2045.5105let me pay for what I need to take care of first,2047.7260 
1290 2048.0296then you get yours.2049.2723 
1292 2050.7064What?2051.1601 
1294 2052.4147You can do that?2053.1688 
1296 2053.3289Yes you can do that.2054.4467 
1298 2054.9205You can do that.2055.8769 
1300 2056.3560It's possible.2057.0760 
1302 2058.2445And it- you know what I mean, it's just-2060.1063 
1304 2061.9556<sigh> it's a difference in mindset.2063.7741 
1306 2064.6716<ts> And not to say that there's like-2066.5501 
1308 2068.6897you know, there's not things out there. There are very positive programs in DC. My grandmother on my father's side, she had a program called We Can.2076.8051 
1310 2077.4757It was Washington Enrichment Cultural Arts Network.2083.5858 
1312 2084.3165And she literally- like, that woman slaved for that program, like that's all I remember2089.2989 
1314 2089.7527about that is that she2091.0106 
1316 2091.1774always was there dedicating her time to teaching things like2095.5825 
1318 2096.0730music and dance and2098.1125 
1320 2098.3527anything arts related. Like she was just getting kids2101.3957 
1322 2101.7160off the street2102.6202 
1324 2102.9038into something2103.8013 
1326 2104.0424positive, creative, influential,2106.7684 
1328 2106.9085fun,2107.6159 
1330 2107.9796freedom,2108.5835 
1332 2108.8237just2109.0606 
1334 2109.4343change your mindset.2110.4661 
1336 2110.8532There are great programs like that.2112.1652 
1338 2112.9485There are some,2113.7293 
1340 2114.0062but there are not2114.8371 
1342 2115.0172as many2116.2626 
1344 2116.4261as there need to be. And it's not as much as a push as there should be for2121.3943 
1346 2121.7755like actually focusing on, okay-2124.2879 
1348 2125.3189You know, what's done is done.2126.8270 
1350 2127.3843DC is gone. Y'all can f- forget about2129.9709 
1352 2130.2712getting whatever y'all want back, because they gonna slap so many zeros behind that tag, it's r- it's gonna be ridiculous.2136.7383 
1354 2137.4223What you need to focus on now is building2140.0482 
1356 2140.4361for what's next.2141.6239 
1358 2142.2545Because2143.1652 
1360 2145.2174if we don't learn anything from this (laughing) then2149.2522 
1362 2149.7360what's-2150.3666 
1364 2150.5434you know what I mean, what's the point of bitching and griping? I'm sorry,2153.1835 
1366 2153.8942what's the point of complaining?2154.7917 
1368 2155.2488/Whatchu/ complaining for?2155.9762 
1370 2156.6002Oh no, they pushed us out. Well, whatchu gonna do next time they push?2160.5315 
1372 2161.2322You just gonna keep moseying?2162.2798 
1373DCB_int_012162.4051Push back.2163.0172
1374DCB_se2_ag3_f_022163.3509Exactly, you have to learn something from it. So,2166.7317
1376 2167.2322As much as I like- I sympathize with people,2169.3776 
1378 2169.5953I get it,2170.2726 
1380 2170.6597but at the same time I'm like,2171.7941 
1382 2172.4848wake up.2172.9648 
1384 2174.0663<snaps>2174.6702 
1386 2174.9271Wake up.2175.3717 
1388 2176.7064You ain't woke up by now?2177.8408 
1390 2178.1811You ain't up yet?2178.9352 
1392 2179.5792Get up.2180.0997 
1394 2180.5868Whatchu waiting on?2181.3809 
1396DCB_se2_ag3_f_022183.5572What- <laugh> what more do you need? They're- they're literally2186.6869
1398 2187.0473building buildings on top of overpasses in DC to get people in here.2191.3158 
1399DCB_int_012191.5658Yes. (whispered)2192.0378
1402DCB_se2_ag3_f_022193.7021Do you understand how th- that [works? They are- they don't] give a damn, they want to fill the city.2199.0706
1404DCB_se2_ag3_f_022200.8231To the point where they're building buildings on top of something- it j- it- it shouldn't even- Why are you building a building on an overpass?2206.8165
1406 2207.5505And then patching it up calling it safe. I don't think that's safe, I don't think there should be a [building up there.]2212.4428 
1407DCB_int_012211.7087[I'm not gonna live] there, I'm not [going there.]2213.6973
1408DCB_se2_ag3_f_022213.2002[That's what I'm] saying, like it's j- it's that- DC is that desperate.2217.0940
1409 2217.8255DC offer all kinds of money to grocery stores to open up.2220.9849
1411 2222.0429<ts>2222.1130 
1413 2222.2064That's why- why you think they finally let Walmart in DC?2224.1692 
1415 2226.1578Why you able to-2226.7884 
1417 2226.9586Th- you have- the things that they are doing is to get people in the city.2231.4905 
1419 2232.4014They're bringing them here, they're drawing them here like a magnet.2235.1748 
1421 2236.0491And it's gonna be that way for a while2238.1211 
1423 2238.2345because they figured out what works. Oh, these young millennials, they like that DC is city2243.4504 
1425 2243.7240but still urban.2245.1054 
1427 2245.3790Just like,2245.7794 
1429 2246.0062you know, suburban, like they can still walk,2247.9923 
1431 2248.2493you know, home and2249.3303 
1433 2249.5806ride their bikes to work and2251.2021 
1435 2251.5625th- you know, go out and have a good time and,2253.9278 
1437 2254.2092you know,2254.6597 
1439 2254.8498still be2255.5038 
1441 2255.6439safe and,2256.4381 
1443 2256.6883you know. They love it.2257.8528 
1445 2258.3766They love it.2259.1941 
1447 2260.0157They figured it out.2261.0934 
1449 2262.0610They got a formula.2262.8918 
1450DCB_int_012263.7727What happens when it moves to east of the river?2265.4674
1453 2267.2903Oh boy, it's gonna get ugly.2268.9319 
1455 2269.1621<ts>2269.2388 
1457 2269.5091I- you know what, I don't really-2271.2975 
1459 2274.0110I don't really think that2275.7178 
1461 2276.8337they can fully take east of the river.2279.8074 
1463 2280.6783I don't think they can. I think they are trying to,2284.4318 
1465 2285.0334But I think2286.3480 
1467 2286.9052even if they put all the buildings that they wanted up,2291.3637 
1469 2291.9376and they did everything they could to kind of make it this new, shiny space,2298.6015 
1471 2300.0163east of the river has a2301.7655 
1473 2301.9089disconnect from the rest of the city so it's never gonna quite be like downtown2307.4440 
1475 2307.9056or uptown or anything like that. East of the river was always it's own kind of thing.2313.4718 
1477 2314.1392And2314.7130 
1479 2315.0767there is2316.2646 
1481 2316.4781a very, very strong historical2320.6530 
1483 2320.7731black presence in east of the river. I'm talking about like Frederick Douglass home strong, you know what I mean. So there2327.3537 
1485 2327.7407is something there2329.2956 
1487 2329.7193that they can't fully take away from2332.5896 
1489 2333.0033the people that were there. And even just the fact that everything that's around2338.1792 
1491 2338.5195east of the river it's2339.7641 
1493 2339.9476it's still gonna be those people. Even if you push them they not going far, they right there next to you.2345.0691 
1495 2345.4738Cause you can't do but so much w- they- once they hit that Maryland line. They still gonna come right across the street,2350.7164 
1497 2351.1234and come on down and hang out.2352.7584 
1499 2353.0119Like right now on m- um, on Minnesota Avenue, they got that big beautiful building on Minnesota Avenue, you walk and you look past and it's just a bunch of a- black people standing outside.2362.4328 
1501 2363.5138They just standing there not bothering nobody.2365.5758 
1503 2365.8561They not bothering nobody, they out there though. They're not- they- you know what I mean, they're gonna still-2371.3890 
1505 2372.4967I th- I feel like they just gonna still like kind of linger in that area, I don't know.2376.1645 
1507 2377.3456/Um/ that's my guess for east of the river.2378.8970 
1508DCB_int_012378.9171No that's-2379.4545
1510 2379.6754in fact I work- um,2380.9766 
1512 2381.1501I work over there.2382.0744 
1514 2382.2646Outside of2382.7917 
1516 2383.4223school here I work2384.1764 
1518 2384.5067over, um,2384.9372 
1520 2385.0740at /RD-WORK-4/ on Benning Road.2386.3727 
1522DCB_int_012387.1868So every day I2387.9752
1524 2388.1811drive by2388.8751 
1526 2389.0053[<clears throat>] Shrimp Boat.2390.1030 
1528 2390.4533Mm-hm.2390.8004
1531 2391.7421It's got a facelift.2392.8098 
1533DCB_int_012393.3336That ain't Shrimp Boat.2394.2096
1537 2397.0706the condos right there.2398.1225 
1539DCB_int_012398.4394[They're] adding in that right from- across from Dorothy Height Library.2401.0234
1540 2402.7269Where'd this come from?2403.4777
1542DCB_int_012403.9123Then corner of Minnesota and Benning.2405.4738
1544 2406.2946W-2406.4586 
1546 2406.5515what is this?2407.2822 
1548 2408.6769[Yeah.]2408.9156
1550 2409.0439it doesn't fit,2410.1859
1552 2410.2960[right? It-] not to say that they can't fix the area up,2412.6360 
1554DCB_int_012412.9152but fix it up where it's- it's authentically2415.0372
1556 2415.2475present and it makes sense. [Not-]2417.0167 
1558DCB_int_012418.5615don't put,2419.7927
1560DCB_int_012421.3442you know, [a Christmas tree-]2422.9933
1561DCB_se2_ag3_f_022421.8355[And that's what I notice.]2422.9833
1562 2423.2469They- they- Like even on Minnesota Avenue there's a Popeye's right there.2426.4233
1564 2427.9189I noticed [that. They di-]2429.2202 
1565DCB_int_012428.5128[Just to make sure] it's-2429.8074
1566DCB_se2_ag3_f_022429.8508Yeah, you know what I mean, like I- I noticed that. There's little things2433.5311
1568 2433.6687and I think they will- See,2435.7073 
1570 2436.6683the thing is, there's also with this whole process, um, and with everything else going on in the nation and all these2444.3299 
1572 2444.5601racial issues that really2446.3393 
1574 2446.8031isn't-2447.2178 
1576 2447.9943Like2448.2445 
1578 2448.6783honestly <exhale>2449.9556 
1580 2451.4176the way that people2452.9333 
1582 2453.7474are approaching racism right now is just-2457.4743 
1584 2457.9281<ts>2457.9915 
1586 2459.0500I don't know, like I feel like people aren't really-2462.3099 
1588 2463.5653All these debates that I see on social media- I guess I should say /?/ they're on social media. I saw- I saw actually a funny one the other day.2469.1507 
1590 2469.7354It was a- it was a post2471.4905 
1592 2471.5872that somebody posted and it said, dear white people,2473.8061 
1594 2474.5801aks any question you've ever wanted to aks a black person.2477.5372 
1595DCB_int_012477.4771I saw.2477.9442
1596DCB_se2_ag3_f_022478.0210You [saw it?]2478.5648
1597DCB_int_012478.2012[My-] my2478.8918
1598 2479.0420cousin put one up on his [page.]2480.5835
1600 2481.2374okay.2481.6353
1602 2481.9957So if you go to the original post-2484.1745 
1604 2484.2879Cause there's2484.8384 
1606 2485.2822hundreds of2486.4934 
1608 2486.6035comments on there.2487.7454 
1610 2488.9967It was good- it was good to see people like posting funny stuff and trying to get down to the root of little, um, stereotypes and things like that.2498.3065 
1612 2498.7403But I think that2500.4461 
1614 2502.7917when we start2503.7593 
1616 2503.9662trying to2504.9972 
1618 2506.0657genuinely understand each other2508.6149 
1620 2509.7860/?/2509.8694 
1622 2510.0897/?/2510.2064 
1624 2510.4300and not assume we [know] each other2513.0638 
1626DCB_se2_ag3_f_022514.0443then we can approach racism.2516.1230
1628 2517.6520Then we can approach racism. That's the difference, that's the difference. If you're approaching it as2523.1707 
1630 2523.4818I already know everything about you, tell me something I don't know,2526.5448 
1632 2527.9996that's not-2528.4956 
1634 2528.7503that's not-2529.1674 
1636 2529.4877what?2529.8144 
1638 2529.9256No.2530.3056 
1640 2530.9366That's not how you do that.2531.7207 
1642 2532.6750You have to approach it with2534.3733 
1644 2535.1740I know stuff but it2536.5395 
1646 2536.6997could be wrong. [Can you help] me understand so I know better?2539.7593 
1648DCB_se2_ag3_f_022541.6253That's how you approach it.2542.7464
1650 2544.4514It's not hard.2545.1421 
1652 2545.2789It's just a- just-2546.0997 
1654 2546.2331just a slight-2546.9238 
1656 2547.2308you know what I mean, sw- slightly different approach.2549.6806 
1658 2550.0844And you will get a much different2552.2598 
1660 2552.6736response.2553.8829 
1662 2555.8842So2556.4722 
1664 2556.7117with like,2557.6050 
1666 2559.5119the w-2559.8145 
1668 2559.9590the way that people are in this area,2562.8284 
1670 2563.5758<ts>2563.6259 
1672 2564.7870you can kind of see it, like you can see that there's-2567.8942 
1674 2568.1845And it's not even that2569.4924 
1676 2570.9972we hate each other in this area it's just we don't understand each [other. It's] like the way that2576.6836 
1678DCB_se2_ag3_f_022577.7388the white people look at the black people in this area and the black people look at the white people, it's just- you just- you don't understand each other.2584.5028
1680 2584.8832Because2585.6373 
1682 2586.8351there- now there are a lot of white people in this area that are from places like-2591.3770 
1684 2591.5639you know what I mean,2592.7717 
1686 2593.1120they're- they're from all over the country.2594.6374 
1688 2595.0706They grew up in these small towns, these rural homes and they just- they don't2600.2098 
1690 2600.4400understand. They just never had encounters where2604.4948 
1692 2605.2855they can see it from a different perspective. A lot of times this is their first time in a city.2610.1444 
1694 2610.5448This is a city to people, DC is a city to people. And yes it is a city, but its like nowhere near like New York or something. You know what I mean, [DC] is still manageable.2619.0473 
1696DCB_se2_ag3_f_022619.5778And people2620.2459
1698 2620.5863still come here and they're like in awe of DC. So,2623.5925 
1700 2624.0096like I think if- like if we just2625.7780 
1702 2626.2292you know,2626.6163 
1704 2627.1168took the time to do more to understand each other. And you- you can see it all over DC. I remember,2631.5711 
1706 2632.0624um,2632.7998 
1708 2633.2803seeing Trump signs up and then somebody spray painted over the Trump sign, fuck, so it say fuck Trump.2639.7641 
1710DCB_se2_ag3_f_022640.3947I remember, um, it was very tension- uh, the tension was thick in this area when- when that election went down. That was-2646.9485
1712 2647.3556that was the most contentious I've ever seen [race] in this area,2651.2469 
1714DCB_se2_ag3_f_022651.6573um, was at that time.2653.2689
1716 2653.7527And2654.6168 
1718 2655.2408but at the same time,2656.5362 
1720 2656.7698I know2657.8911 
1722 2659.9829lots of people2661.2108 
1724 2661.8355who2662.6964 
1726 2663.0300like2663.5806 
1728 2664.6049have friendships like,2665.9695 
1730 2666.1397you know what I mean, /interracial-/ int- interracial friendships and it's nothing.2669.2269 
1732 2669.7407Like because they grew up in this area too. So [you know]2673.1173 
1734DCB_se2_ag3_f_022673.5611that they get it,2674.6463
1736 2674.7831like they understand it's certain things you can and cannot say, it's certain things you can and cannot do.2678.8738 
1738 2679.2475But I think people from the outside coming in2681.6673 
1740 2682.2312don't really get that. So I don't think it's like a- uh, a race thing in this area, I think it's like a- like a inside outside thing.2688.6216 
1743 2692.5395That's a interesting perspective. So,2694.2979 
1745 2696.4066what's something that you can do on the inside?2697.9256 
1748 2701.1754Something that's inside, um,2704.0149 
1750 2705.4438that's particular to this region. Okay so like,2708.7670 
1752 2711.7007inside stuff for us that we know and that, um,2715.5244 
1754 2715.7212kind of we all understand together is like,2718.6883 
1756 2719.2455the policing system in the area.2720.6608 
1758 2721.7546Like,2722.2459 
1760 2722.3660if you talk to anyone,2724.1878 
1762 2725.0320and this could be black or white,2726.9211 
1764 2727.8756they know that,2729.7240 
1766 2730.0243okay,2730.8643 
1768 2732.3132in Virginia,2733.7545 
1770 2733.9123you may get pulled over for less2735.8808 
1772 2736.5448and held for more.2738.4054 
1774 2739.1874Like they will- they will2740.5462 
1776 2740.7664pin- pull you over for next to nothing,2742.8264 
1778 2743.3523and pin you with everything they can.2745.1040 
1780DCB_se2_ag3_f_022747.3770Doesn't matter.2748.1578
1782 2748.2812If- if i- if you get pulled over in Virginia, just know that they're gonna throw the book at you. That's something that2753.2703 
1784 2753.4771we know.2753.9505 
1786 2754.7350Versus driving2756.1130 
1788 2756.7403in2757.6579 
1790 2758.1024DC,2758.7898 
1792 2759.6173whereas2760.7383 
1794 2762.0563you have to be doing something2764.1158 
1796 2764.6697almost extreme2766.5115 
1798 2766.8151for them to really mess with you.2768.6469 
1800 2768.9805Because2769.6245 
1802 2769.9123people buck U-turns in the middle of DC streets.2772.9886 
1804 2773.6893Nobody cares2774.7445 
1806 2775.1273about driving in DC.2776.5095 
1808 2776.6496People- they will buck a U-turn in a heartbeat and just keep it going going about their way, in front of an officer.2781.7313 
1810 2782.4061Police officers do it too.2783.7507 
1812 2784.4481It's a difference. But you wouldn't do that in Virginia cause you know2787.8814 
1814 2788.0791it's just a U-turn, but they're gonna get you, they're gonna throw the book at you.2791.1554 
1816 2792.4500Versus, you know, being in Maryland, driving through certain ar- areas in Maryland. Like certain areas, the State Troopers are waiting for you in Maryland.2799.9481 
1818 2800.1592They're waiting for you, they have traps.2801.8041 
1820 2802.5815It's a inside thing. We know. So w- if we- if we-2806.1191 
1822 2806.4995you know, if we're talking about police in our area and how they behave,2811.7313 
1824 2812.0357it's not a race thing, it's not saying like, oh white cops is always on our back.2815.4602 
1826 2815.7460No it's a area thing, like no, it's just a- it's a- it's a- it's a inside thing. We know, we know better.2820.4145 
1828 2820.8952That's a inside thing.2821.6432 
1830 2822.4100So if I say,2823.2833 
1832 2823.5244police are press in- press in Virginia,2825.2903 
1834 2825.7507they're like- you know, somebody from the outside must be like, oh wow maybe cause that's a predominantly white area, you think police are more2831.5038 
1836 2831.9809likely to pull you over cause you're black in Virginia. No it's because the police are literally more annoying in Virginia.2837.3070 
1838 2838.1678[It's not-] (laughing)2838.7450 
1840DCB_se2_ag3_f_022839.5391[it's not a race] thing.2840.8671
1841 2841.6111You know what I mean, [that's-] that's kind of like a- I guess that's a- a way to put it in perspective, like we don't-2846.6902
1843DCB_se2_ag3_f_022847.9189It's not necessarily a race thing it's just like the different areas to us, it kind of blends together. And we know it's some- some stuff that's just like,2856.1578
1845 2856.9452you know,2857.5191 
1847 2857.6392like some- like when we- when we make fun and we see white people running around in DC we know /what they like,/ they like to run, they like to jog. You know, you used to go into Virginia you'll see automatically2867.9442 
1849 2868.4314bike trails and paths and stuff like that, you don't see a whole lot of that in Maryland.2872.0315 
1851 2872.5362You have to go to a park area to find a trail almost.2875.1688 
1853 2875.5558Like you gotta go to like a regional park like it's gonna be like a county park or a state park just to get a trail to go2881.6592 
1855 2882.6435jog if you wanted to.2883.6979 
1857 2884.1125Different, it's regional.2885.3870 
1859 2885.6806It's not- it's not-2886.8318 
1861 2887.1688it's not black and white in my mind.2888.6435 
1863 2889.5844It's not because2890.5562 
1865 2890.8966the black people that lived in Alexandria got to jog when they wanted to so, you know what I mean, (laughing) they had access to the same bike trails.2897.4471 
1867 2897.7607We used to walk down that bike trail to go to the Seven-Eleven. So it's not-2902.0883 
1869 2902.7464it's not really black and white it's like,2904.3212 
1871 2904.4814more like2905.0186 
1873 2905.2722just regional distinctions to me.2907.1107 
1874DCB_int_012907.8088Do you think-2908.5429
1876 2908.6597<clears throat> So you said you're a Lyft driver, is that-2910.7650 
1878 2911.1087is it fun?2911.5500 
1879DCB_se2_ag3_f_022912.0730Oh I love Lyfting.2912.9850
1881 2913.5586I meet the funniest people2915.2302 
1883 2915.3503Lyft driving.2916.1543 
1885 2916.2679Yeah, I do like it.2917.3990 
1887 2917.5091It's-2917.7427 
1889 2918.0930it's cool because again, I'm one of those people that need freedom, I need to be able to do it when I want to, so2923.1411 
1891 2923.3156it's good for me.2924.1097 
1893 2924.3866Um, it's flexible.2925.1400 
1895 2925.2942And then,2925.8522 
1897 2926.1992the people that I meet2927.2402 
1899 2927.6973are always interested and curious about2930.7036 
1901 2930.8771growing up here. They always wanna know2933.6640 
1903 2934.0944where are you from,2935.0820 
1905 2935.4490and what's it like.2936.3933 
1907 2936.8838As if there is some2939.0901 
1909 2939.2335epic story to growing up2941.3189 
1911 2941.4824in DC that is- d- every- every DC native has, they must have some epic story about DC.2947.1454 
1912DCB_int_012947.9429But that's the perception, right? That's-2949.7121
1913DCB_se2_ag3_f_022949.7154It [is.]2950.7912
1914DCB_int_012950.0524[People think] that it's-2951.4674
1915 2951.8975w- I think there's two reasons, right? B- [one], I think because-2954.8058
1917DCB_int_012955.9423because there's the DC of CNN,2957.9075
1919 2958.1778and there's the real DC right? [Because once] you walk outside of2961.0973 
1921DCB_int_012961.3142three or four blocks, it's not like that.2963.0869
1923DCB_int_012963.5939And so,2964.3980
1925 2964.6783once people are here and they see that they're like, oh wait I've been deceived all my life [cause it's not] that way.2968.9866 
1927DCB_int_012969.2769And the second thing is because you get the myth that there are no people from DC.2972.3036
1929DCB_int_012972.9572And so when you meet somebody who's from DC or even from this area that grew up in this area,2976.5515
1931 2976.8618wait I didn't think there was anybody from here, so now li- like, there must be a story.2979.8155 
1933DCB_int_012980.0124[So] when you have those two things coming together,2981.8775
1934 2982.2312like, oh my g- there has to be some amazing crazy story that happened to you.2985.7279
1936DCB_int_012985.9857[Did you have] like, playtime at the White House every day? Did you-2989.1054
1937 2989.4490You know, I [mean, like it has to be] something crazy, like, right? Did you [have like-]2992.2893
1940 2991.7788[Yeah.]2992.3026 
1941DCB_int_012993.0133I don't know. But people in their minds make [up this] big [whole thing] like,2996.2598
1942DCB_se2_ag3_f_022994.8051[They make-]2995.2555
1944 2995.4957[Yeah.]2996.0157 
1945DCB_int_012996.4700dude I just2997.0506
1947 2997.2775did the same shit you did, [like-]2998.5629 
1949DCB_int_012999.2602[like] that's just kind of how it-3001.0962
1950 3001.9195But in their minds because- because3003.9990
1952 3004.1125these other factors come into play,3005.8108 
1956 3007.0787it becomes this whole thing.3008.6736 
1958 3009.0573How'd you- how did- how did we- I mean, I know how we got connected but how did3012.4450 
1960 3012.7884you and /RD-NAME-1/ start talking to get-3014.4800 
1962 3014.8871to get us here to this [point?]3016.4461 
1963DCB_se2_ag3_f_023016.1925[Oh] man, so3017.6973
1964 3017.7841that particular night that I met /RD-NAME-1/ I was catching a Lyft,3021.2908
1966 3021.4051so.3021.9723 
1969 3024.6683[What had happened was-]3025.8628
1970DCB_int_013024.6783[Which is totally different.]3025.7356
1971DCB_se2_ag3_f_023026.1797I know it was totally different. Um,3027.9682
1973 3028.4294it was a Friday night,3029.5828 
1975 3030.1144I had got published in Capitol Romance that day. Um, one of my s- photoshoots got published.3035.4838 
1977 3035.8208I said, you know what, screw it, I'm going out tonight, I'm gonna hit U Street.3039.8614 
1979 3040.5062Went out,3041.4752 
1981 3041.7874looked for parking for forty-five god darn minutes.3044.9305 
1983 3045.3108Couldn't find not s- stitch of parking near U Street. So I drove all the way down3049.4223 
1985 3049.6893to Constitution Ave.3050.7503 
1987 3051.0906I said, I'm'a go over here by the government buildings where I know my car's not gonna get broken into and I'm still in the city,3056.2632 
1989 3056.5167and I parked my car and I called a Lyft from there.3058.8031 
1991 3059.4237The difference is if I woulda went all the way home3061.8594 
1993 3062.2031to Temple Hills and called a Lyft and parked my car at my house, that Lyft woulda been like twenty dollars.3066.5715 
1995 3066.9686I called a Lyft from Constitution Avenue to U Street, it was four dollars and sixty-seven cents.3071.0555 
1997DCB_se2_ag3_f_023072.6149Big damn difference.3073.6759
1999 3073.9896Using my noodle.3074.7570 
2001 3075.0506So,3075.4476 
2003 3075.7279I was like, I'm going out,3077.0067 
2005 3077.4337I had called a Lyft.3078.3877 
2007 3078.7917Um, I was talking to the Lyft driver, it was a Lyft Line of course, and /RD-NAME-1/ got in. Um,3083.4071 
2009 3083.8208and- and I was just talking and,3086.7937 
2011 3087.3642you know, it was one of those things where3089.5105 
2013 3091.7093I was being me,3092.6535 
2015 3093.0581talking about my publishing in Capitol Romance and everything like that. And then it was just like, one thing led to another and it was like,3100.4261 
2017 3100.6196you gotta do this-3101.6640 
2019 3101.8141this interview because3103.4524 
2021 3103.6192I'm very curious to hear more of your story.3106.4995 
2023 3107.4037And that's usually like, you know,3109.0086 
2025 3109.1621how it happens.3109.9629 
2027 3110.6535I start talking (laughing) and people are like, what?3112.5696 
2028DCB_int_013113.7207No, it's been-3114.8351
2030 3115.2989Just to hear-3116.4367 
2032 3117.3317So I'm really interested in how people think about DC.3119.6706 
2034DCB_int_013120.1578And to hear your thoughts on DC and the way you've3123.1335
2036 3123.9089painted the picture and thinking about how people think about3127.8828 
2038 3128.1664the change3128.9805 
2040DCB_int_013129.4585has been absolutely amazing.3131.0334
2041 3131.1201Like,3131.5441
2043 3132.2512um,3132.8618 
2045 3133.0853<clears throat>3133.5587 
2047 3135.1107different,3135.8320 
2049 3136.1125um,3136.9199 
2051 3138.0577and3138.3177 
2053 3138.7150I have just really enjoyed it. Because I think-3140.5801 
2055 3140.8137I [think] one, sometimes either-3142.7276 
2057DCB_int_013143.3470And you're young, like we're almost the same age. [And] I think-3147.0539
2059DCB_int_013147.9790But you've seen a lot of things, one with Lyft but I also think3150.1511
2061 3150.2879being-3150.6382 
2063 3150.9519And your whole thing about you love the /millennials/ coming in, meeting at the bar.3154.0279 
2065DCB_int_013154.2860[and getting] married.3155.1300
2066 3155.3637Because I think that shows that3156.6783
2068 3157.9595instead of being upset with the system, make the system work for you. And that's one of the things I tell3161.4071 
2070 3161.7741k- I work with kids.3162.9101 
2072DCB_int_013163.6592All the time like,3164.5167
2074DCB_int_013165.0039don't get mad at the game, play it,3166.5064
2077 3167.6439[Yeah.]3167.9276 
2078DCB_int_013167.7407[and] win.3168.3213
2081 3169.7593Pretty much.3170.4867 
2083 3171.0514That's it.3171.4652 
2084DCB_int_013171.5286Like people get mad at the game because they don't- they aren't good at it.3174.4481
2086DCB_int_013175.5725That's the only reason you get mad at it because you don't know how to play.3178.4161
2088DCB_int_013179.1935Like if you're playing /scrapple/ with /monoboly/-3180.7550
2090 3181.1921playing Scrabble with Monopoly money you're gonna lose every day of the week.3183.8447 
2092DCB_int_013184.2092But as soon as you get you some /scrapple-/ some Scrabble tiles you're gonna start winning cause you're gonna start making words,3188.3099
2093 3188.6202and you're gonna start getting those points just like everybody else.3190.7965
2095DCB_int_013191.0834[But when people] don't know how to play the game-3192.8051
2096DCB_se2_ag3_f_023193.0486That's it.3193.4980
2098 3194.3666And the thing is, there's a lot of people that don't want people to know how to play the [game. It makes] it easier for them to play.3200.1531 
2100 3200.6869Yup.3200.9389
2102 3201.1707[And using that advantage.]3202.4495 
2103DCB_se2_ag3_f_023201.1816[It makes it easier.]3202.0922
2104 3202.5362[Yes.]3203.3503
2105DCB_int_013203.1735[So] tell me how you- Okay so, talked about the wedding,3205.2522
2106 3205.4891what has been your craziest w-3207.1173
2108 3207.4710experience in the whole wedding planning business?3209.2536 
2109DCB_se2_ag3_f_023209.5572Oh man.3210.3025
2111 3211.1754Um,3212.0963 
2113 3212.4800craziest experience.3214.6230 
2115 3215.8508So, <exhale> um,3217.4668 
2117 3220.1759I- I once did a wedding.3221.4504 
2119 3222.0543Mm, gosh.3222.8584 
2121 3223.1487And I wrote about this on my blog because it was very, very disturbing.3226.4394 
2123 3226.7931I once did a wedding3227.7941 
2125 3228.1811where3228.8818 
2127 3229.1487the caterer was3230.9672 
2129 3231.1315an absolute diva.3232.2392 
2131 3232.4862And matter of fact I've done a couple weddings where the caterer has been a diva, but in this particular case, the- the caterer was like, really, really upsetting.3239.8441 
2133 3240.3580Um,3240.8117 
2135 3240.9919it's pretty standard or at least normal in3245.2035 
2137 3245.3804my mind, /and I don't uh, I b- I don't-/ I'm only the wedding planner here,3249.4110 
2139 3249.7855that the caterer, they usually have a team of people3252.9452 
2141 3253.3823that, um,3254.4634 
2143 3254.7636set up the tables and chairs,3256.9666 
2145 3257.0801you know, get stuff ready for- You know, just at least set the tables and chairs up.3260.6358 
2147 3260.7248And maybe they don't wanna put the linen on it, maybe a decorator drops the linen and the centerpiece.3264.7050 
2149 3265.0486They come back and put the place settings, stuff like that.3267.6153 
2151 3267.7788Work as a team.3268.6063 
2153 3270.2846If not the caterer,3271.5625 
2155 3272.0196then maybe the rental company, whoever dropped off the tables and chairs, but nine times out of ten it's the caterer, it's always been the caterer.3278.7937 
2157 3279.4952So on the day of this woman's wedding, the caterer was there, after we had already had issues about where she was gonna set up because the bride had changed venues.3288.9953 
2159 3289.3189And so the venue went from a indoor venue to a outdoor venue.3292.4862 
2161 3293.0901She had opportunity to come see the venue b-3296.8337 
2163 3297.0114beforehand but waited til the week of the wedding to come see the space,3300.8952 
2165 3301.1854the new space.3302.1230 
2167 3302.5868Um,3303.3509 
2169 3303.5686decided that, you know, the way that it was set up she wasn't gonna be able to do her job3309.8213 
2171 3310.0724as expected because the kitchen was too far from the tent.3313.1654 
2173 3313.4190<ts>3313.4891 
2175 3313.7326So she wanted the bride to pay for another tent3316.5358 
2177 3316.8265so that she could have her own tent to be set up in. Again, this is something that's in my mind, why don't you have your own tent?3322.8432 
2179 3323.2703You're the business person,3324.6649 
2181 3325.0119not her, why you making her pay for a tent? But regardless, she- the bride paid for a tent so that the3329.1368 
2183 3329.3637caterer could be closer to the-3330.8084 
2185 3330.9619to the actual tent that the reception was in.3332.8838 
2187 3333.3576So on the day of the wedding, there she is in her little tent, she's getting it all set up. Tables in-3337.7860 
2189 3337.9996the- the tables are broken down on the floor,3340.0156 
2191 3340.5028on the ground. I'm like, oh, you know, are you and your guys gonna get these set up?3344.4734 
2193 3345.4677She's like,3345.8889 
2195 3346.0224oh, no I'm not doing that, if I do it it's gonna be another hun- two hundred and fifty dollars.3349.9128 
2197 3350.6702At this point it's this bride's wedding day.3352.5462 
2199 3352.9933You're not gonna come to me with any additional cost that you want me to take to her because that is gonna piss her the fudge off. And my job as a wedding planner3361.0954 
2201 3361.3856is to keep her stress free.3363.0740 
2203 3363.4084She's supposed to be blissfully blind the entire day3366.7484 
2205 3366.9919so that even if stuff does go wrong,3369.1774 
2207 3369.4451she don't know about it.3370.8098 
2209 3371.0233She just thinks everything's going according to plan. That is my job as a planner. So no, I'm not about to go to her f- for this two hundred and fifty dollar3378.2078 
2211 3378.5719up charge that you wanna charge on the day of her wedding.3380.8355 
2213 3381.6958That was one thing.3382.3398 
2215 3382.9136You know, even after the tent thing I had to calm the bride down after that.3386.6081 
2217 3387.4355Even, you know, now on the day of, th-3389.3641 
2219 3389.4909the tables, I grab some- the groom and the- some- some- some groomsmen, hey- hey guys.3394.0995 
2221 3394.3631Can you get these set up for me?3395.6110 
2223 3395.8979I know you guys got a couple more minutes before you gotta get dressed,3398.6748 
2225 3398.8917just throw these tables up,3400.0762 
2227 3400.5199throws these chairs up,3401.4699 
2229 3401.8379and we're good.3402.3450 
2231 3402.6487Cause the ta- chairs are stacked. That's some stuff you need- you need3405.3288 
2233 3405.5156man arms for.3406.4899 
2235 3406.8469So, um,3407.7278 
2237 3407.9747I'm a wedding planner, I don't carry man arms on me.3410.1884 
2239 3410.6226Um,3411.1186 
2241 3412.9512they got everything all set up.3414.5747 
2243 3415.4963Um,3416.3045 
2245 3416.7702we were getting through the day okay,3419.0857 
2247 3419.8761um, you know, even with that little hiccup.3421.9751 
2249 3422.9506As they were doing the place settings, I remember her staff kept coming to me,3428.0866 
2251 3428.4652kind of, um, asking me, you know, where do things go. That's another thing, it's like, when your staff has to come aks me questions, what are you doing?3436.6856 
2253 3437.1611That's another issue I had. Okay, still trying to get through the day.3440.2771 
2255 3440.5931Fast forward to dinner.3441.6000 
2257 3442.8004<ts>3442.8627 
2259 3443.0726We know,3443.5941 
2261 3444.1057dinner time.3444.6468 
2263 3445.0601Vendors come to me and aks me,3447.1146 
2265 3447.3278because I'm the planner, they know I know,3448.9086 
2267 3449.4629what time can we eat,3450.6045 
2269 3450.9814where do we go to eat,3452.1818 
2271 3452.4882what are we getting to eat?3453.5508 
2273 3454.1083That's what they do.3454.8004 
2275 3455.1808They gonna come to me and aks. They're not gonna go to the bride and aks because they know, they've already had in their contract they get a vendor meal.3461.0660 
2277 3461.3809The planner should know, cause she gotta eat too. So they could all come to me.3464.3982 
2279 3464.7768So the band is coming up to me, maybe like two by two, three by three, they coming up to me anywhere, they're- they're aksing me the same dang question.3470.7065 
2281 3471.0359Apparently they aksed the caterer too,3472.6495 
2283 3473.4694before they aksed me. So I- so I think I went back there to her space as she was getting dinner out to ask her. I said, hey,3481.9702 
2285 3482.2651I know not now,3483.6164 
2287 3483.9214but I just wanna know,3485.3251 
2289 3485.7023you know,3486.2210 
2291 3486.4697whenever you're ready can you let me know3488.4511 
2293 3488.6850when the vendors3489.7213 
2295 3489.9542can go grab their food.3491.2462 
2297 3491.9056She3492.7387 
2299 3493.4077literally like3494.7407 
2301 3494.9867threw3495.6820 
2303 3496.2067a bitch fit,3497.1841 
2305 3497.4137and was like,3498.1811 
2307 3498.6075oh my god,3499.4307 
2309 3499.6636if one more person aks me,3501.3573 
2311 3501.6361I gotta feed3502.4462 
2313 3502.7282my- my- my- my guests first,3504.4993 
2315 3504.7223da da da. Like she just went off, like slamming trays and like flipping out.3508.8233 
2317 3510.6141I'm like,3511.0601 
2319 3512.0159okay.3512.9309 
2321 3513.2031And I walked away.3514.2071 
2323 3515.4498That3515.8499 
2325 3516.1385was the craziest moment, cause I had never seen3519.2589 
2327 3520.3346a grown adult business person3522.3451 
2329 3523.0011throw3523.5502 
2331 3523.6978a four year old tantrum3525.3934 
2333 3525.6164in front of me3526.4691 
2335 3527.0037at an event.3527.8171 
2337 3528.1910That was the craziest thing.3529.5261 
2339 3529.9030Hit her-3530.5439 
2341 3530.7505She- she- she- um, she had the business with her husband, her husband had to pull her away and calm her down.3535.5684 
2343 3538.4658Maybe you shouldn't be in this business, lady.3540.5595 
2346 3542.3865[you can't handle] the [pressure.]3543.7157
2349 3543.3901[That's-] that's too much for her.3544.4396 
2350DCB_se2_ag3_f_023544.6265It's too much.3545.5121
2352 3545.9745That was the craziest thing. But I- I mean, caterers they f- I had one caterer,3550.3248 
2354 3550.6889uh, at a reception3551.7646 
2356 3552.1516gonna tell me, um,3553.6308 
2358 3554.0014<laugh>3554.3425 
2360 3554.9539when it's time to cut the cake3556.3773 
2362 3556.8430that the bride didn't pay the cake cutting fee and he wasn't gonna cut the cake.3560.2178 
2364 3562.1116Bruh,3562.5019 
2366 3563.2497charge it out on the back end,3564.6604 
2368 3564.8731cut the damn cake.3565.8964 
2370 3566.1799We're here at the reception, it's time to cut the cake and serve it to the guests.3569.0923 
2372 3569.3251Why you can't just charge her that on the back end and get your- Cause you- you b- Like,3572.9801 
2374 3573.1605I can't cut the cake, I'm not food safety certified.3576.0926 
2376 3576.6764I'm not about to touch nobody's food,3578.5852 
2378 3578.9506it's not my job,3580.0952 
2380 3580.3084I'm not getting paid for that.3581.5252 
2382 3582.1680It is literally your job to cut the cake,3584.1244 
2384 3584.3537cause you're the caterer.3585.3114 
2386 3585.4294You handle food.3586.4670 
2388 3586.9119Why would you not just cut the cake?3588.8928 
2390 3589.5094No, that was another time.3590.5187 
2392 3590.6784Like,3590.8981 
2394 3591.2031caterers are like, crazy.3592.7446 
2396 3593.4301They usually have staff,3594.9574 
2398 3595.3815that are3596.5068 
2400 3597.4327<ts>3597.4885 
2402 3597.8066constantly revolving.3598.9546 
2404 3599.2759because it's like a on-call thing. As you get events you- a caterer never knows, they can get booked today for something,3605.7154 
2406 3605.8466you know, two months out. I don't- they don't know.3607.7546 
2408 3608.1457And then they don't know how much staff they need until they figure out how many, you know,3611.8499 
2410 3611.9679entrees or whatever the client is gonna need.3614.0453 
2412 3614.4127So it's a- it's a revolving door. They usually have3617.2431 
2414 3617.5219staff that don't know what they're doing,3619.1587 
2416 3619.9095or, um, you know, the- the-3623.1644 
2418 3623.4170the actual person who's in charge3626.1162 
2420 3626.6653is in charge of too much. Like, the way catering is tiered is like, you got your chef,3631.5586 
2422 3631.9915and like his assistant, and there's usually like a banquet manager that oversees,3636.7157 
2424 3637.1060um, everything. But there should be some s- other people underneath the chef and other people underneath the banquet manager. Like it should be3644.1208 
2426 3644.4652teams of people. And I only know this cause I worked for a catering company before, and we had at least like,3649.2044 
2428 3649.4504two to three teams of people3650.7997 
2430 3651.1736that would come in and do events. We had people in the kitchen that was setting plates,3654.7288 
2432 3655.0142we had people out on the floor that was doing the- you know, the place settings and everything like that,3659.1021 
2434 3659.3940and then we had people that was just moving big heavy stuff.3661.9162 
2436 3662.2356Cause that's what they was good at doing, setting up, you know, all the big stuff that we d- You know, so we had teams3667.5422 
2438 3667.9259and it was always like a- a- a smooth flowing process. And we even had a person3672.2664 
2440 3672.6108that was over all the teams3674.4441 
2442 3674.8030that made sure each team was [doing what they were supposed to doing.] It's like,3678.0204 
2443DCB_int_013676.4429[Doing what they're supposed to do.]3677.5201
2444DCB_se2_ag3_f_023678.3714you're supposed to manage a catering3680.1654
2446 3680.5603company that way. And so when caterers come in,3683.0791 
2448 3683.4268and it's just like, one person, one chef, and like,3685.9194 
2450 3686.0946three people,3686.8066 
2452 3687.3934like,3687.6590 
2454 3688.4166you- this all you got?3689.4766 
2456 3690.0368Okay.3690.3941