LineSpeakerSt TimeContentEn Time
1DCB_se3_ag3_m_020.3628Today's date is October the fourth3.8304
3 4.6045two thousand seventeen.5.6365 
4DCB_int_017.0635And /RD-NAME-2/ when is your birthday?9.1330
5DCB_se3_ag3_m_029.6769Birthday is December the first.11.3886
6DCB_int_0111.8590What year?12.2794
7DCB_se3_ag3_m_0212.2728Nineteen seventy-six.13.6754
10 16.7613Where were you born?17.4053 
11DCB_se3_ag3_m_0218.0125I was born in Washington DC.19.2971
12DCB_int_0119.8576What neighborhood do you claim?21.1430
15 23.2251born on Bruce Place, Southeast.25.7709 
16DCB_int_0131.0835Do you claim that neighborhood now?32.1609
17DCB_se3_ag3_m_0233.0763Um, no.33.6902
19 34.2074Haven't been in that neighborhood in the last <laugh>36.1526 
21 36.7799four or five years37.7642 
23 38.1346[since] they, um- It's not the /??/ they remodeled.40.4743 
26 40.4084Mm. mm.40.9309 
28 41.6121I haven't been there in a while.42.4895
29DCB_int_0142.9768Wow okay.43.7308
31 43.9752Where do you live now?44.6499 
32DCB_se3_ag3_m_0245.0496I live in, um, Oxen Hill, Maryland now.47.3685
35 47.9091Oxen Hill.48.5764 
37 50.8428How long did you live in DC's-52.9442 
39 53.1817the city,53.6955 
41 53.8824within the city?54.4863 
44 56.8227wow.57.1798 
46 57.9905I was born here and then left60.0492 
48 63.4166when I was twenty65.5888 
50 66.9000seven.67.3454 
52DCB_se3_ag3_m_0268.5258So I pretty much grew up69.5768
53 70.7646in DC.71.2951
54DCB_int_0172.9501So when you left where'd you go?74.0754
55DCB_se3_ag3_m_0274.2881I went to Maryland.74.7727
56DCB_int_0175.1330Oh, s-75.4967
57DCB_se3_ag3_m_0275.5167I went to Maryland.75.9305
59 76.1941Yeah.76.4276 
61DCB_se3_ag3_m_0277.4119Yeah, PG.77.8757
64 80.0553Have you lived anywhere else outside of DC and PG?82.2108 
68 84.4062Where'd you go to school?85.0735 
71 85.9644Uh, high school I went to, um,87.7637 
73 88.0373/RD-SCHOOL-6/.89.1933 
75 94.3509College I went to /RD-SCHOOL-6/.96.4863 
76DCB_int_01104.7560What do you do?105.1964
77DCB_se3_ag3_m_02106.3676I am the director of safety and facilities109.4239
79 110.0553for /RD-WORK-11/.112.6060 
80DCB_int_01115.1770But you also have a little side gig, what's your little [side gig?]118.8080
81DCB_se3_ag3_m_02117.5735[Yes, yes], um, for the past four years,121.7075
82 122.5892I've been catering123.2732
84 124.0773on the side, for the last four years, yeah.125.5174 
85DCB_int_01126.6098Do you-127.4406
87 127.7776do you do that a lot?128.8661 
88DCB_se3_ag3_m_02129.2899<clears throat>129.6002
89DCB_int_01129.5968Do you cater a lot?130.2508
92 131.9124initially when I first started,133.1469 
94 133.3004it was a favor.134.5483 
96 134.7126That's how it started off. Because I always knew I can cook136.9815 
98 137.5120cause my mother's from the south, so.139.2586 
100 140.1187Her southern cooking and my city141.7637 
102 142.6712met. But143.2918 
104 143.8156how it happened was, a friend knew I could cook and wanted me to cook for her- her grandmother's repass.148.5936 
106 149.0683I was doing it as a favor.150.1393 
108 151.0101Um, but151.6374 
110 151.7684<clears throat> when I was packing up and leaving,153.5017 
112 153.7603her mom came to me155.0049 
114 155.6421and then was like, um,156.6198 
116 157.0202hold on I got something for you.158.2213 
118 158.8127She was handing me some money. I was like, no it was a favor for your daughter. She was like, no.162.6731 
120 163.3338Um, take this because you did a good job. And then166.0147 
122 166.5110a lot of her family members were aksing me, well you have any business cards? I was like, what, no. Cause I- <laugh>170.7227 
124 171.1063I don't do this r- <laugh> I don't do this on a regular basis.173.2017 
126 174.0425So, um,174.9067 
128 175.8977after that, I got to thinking, I said, maybe I should. So,178.0239 
130 179.1784I think she had another event like a birthday party and I came with business cards182.8795 
132 183.4467after I did the party and I passed them out. And I guess185.8290 
134 186.5731word got out through them, they passed on cards to other individuals.189.3920 
136 189.7169Other people started finding out I can cook so I been doing it for like the last four years.193.1536 
138 193.5215And this was something I had never really initially195.5635 
140 195.9305wanted to do196.6412 
142 196.9114on my own.197.3674 
145 198.6598But see, it's one little-200.2313 
146DCB_se3_ag3_m_02200.3590That's all it takes.201.2398
147DCB_int_01201.1964Just one opportunity [opens up] a door, you just never know.204.1727
149 204.2794Yup.204.5630
150DCB_int_01204.7399Um, where were your parents born? Where were your father and mother born?207.1998
152 207.2698Uh, my mother was born in Chester, South Carolina.209.8512
153DCB_int_01212.0820And your dad?212.6359
154DCB_se3_ag3_m_02212.6259My dad was born in Charlotte, North Carolina.214.5711
157 215.7456You're a southern boy216.6376 
159 217.0635at heart.217.7089 
162 218.1980yeah.218.4349 
163DCB_int_01218.6559And what- what'd your parents do?219.9159
164DCB_se3_ag3_m_02220.4743Uh, my mother sh- when she was- start working she was a, um,224.3156
166 224.5325assistant director of housekeeping226.2007 
168 226.9014for Marriott.227.4907 
169DCB_int_01230.8027And dad?231.3266
170DCB_se3_ag3_m_02231.8037Dad was232.9437
172 233.3285if it was a title, Jack of all trades. He did construction,236.4148 
174 237.0730um, and dad worked in maintenance as well.239.3285 
177 242.5992I'm gonna-243.0899 
179 243.5735That's all I need to write.244.6508 
183 246.6498So we're just gonna-247.4631 
184DCB_se3_ag3_m_02247.6174[<clears throat>]248.1546
185DCB_int_01247.8943[kind of] just talk. Um,249.3432
186 250.3242So tell me a little bit about251.7422
188 251.8523Bruce Place as w- as you remember growing up.254.2113 
191 255.5268l- looking at it256.3542 
193 257.0018/I'll just say/ from other individuals from the outside, I mean,259.6875 
195 259.7609to them,260.3248 
197 260.4490it look- they261.1397 
199 261.3432I guess261.8486 
201 262.2041would see that as a bad neighborhood.263.8423 
203 264.0859Of course growing up264.9234 
205 265.5173in what they call like, the crack era which is, you know, from the eighties,269.1053 
207 269.5821mid-eighties on,270.4596 
209 271.0969um, I wasn't really exposed to that.272.7694 
211 273.4200I mean I had a lot of friends274.7279 
213 274.9415growing up that were276.1161 
215 277.3271I guess you would say selling drugs or in the streets, but.280.2374 
217 281.4386Uh, one of 'em was my older brother,283.0346 
219 283.3938I mean.283.7642 
221 284.1746But284.5817 
223 285.0263I think285.4500 
225 286.5110my personality was to-288.1026 
227 289.1102I learned from what- my brother not to do. I mean, that's the only thing I can say he ever taught me293.1373 
230 294.8934All the wrong he done295.9619
232 296.7193I didn't wanna dabble in it.297.5968 
234 297.8504And plus I was scared of my mother so I- <laugh>299.5554 
236DCB_se3_ag3_m_02300.6231Yeah cause- I mean, growing up301.7809
238 302.3256on Bruce Place,303.1638 
240 303.2698um,303.7805 
242 304.8614it was pretty m- It's five of us, it was five of us.306.8733 
244 307.4239I have,308.1179 
246 308.8261um,309.3466 
248 310.2441a older brother, a younger brother, and a younger sister, but my older sister passed like, two thousand two.314.1880 
249DCB_int_01314.3122Mm, sorry to hear that.315.1030
250DCB_se3_ag3_m_02315.3065But, um, it was pretty much my mom.317.1083
252 319.0602She was mom and dad at the same time.320.9813 
254 321.6675And growing up /?/ in- in that neighborhood, I mean,323.6221 
256 324.6031that was around the time, of course,326.0345 
258 326.7360no electronics327.8070 
260 328.1107at all. We was outside, all day.330.0092 
262 331.2037I mean, it was violence in the- the neighborhood,333.0897 
264 333.7603so to speak. Whereas334.8647 
266 335.0983that's what everybody was-336.2294 
268 336.7232I guess337.3238 
270 338.0912the gang thing was more so more fighting than shooting.340.4565 
274 342.7199I mean, I never dabbled in- in, I- I never felt the need to.345.6869 
276 345.8504I never wanted to.346.7580 
278 347.5788But347.9124 
280 348.5697I think that349.2570 
282 350.1821it's a lot of things that I know I wanted as a child,352.9532 
284 353.5354but I was satisfied with the things that I had because I saw at a early age that356.6217 
286 357.6469my mother was busting her tail358.9327 
288 359.7422to support all of us by herself, so.361.8476 
290 362.1487I mean, I t- that was enough for me.363.6269 
293 365.7156couple of things I wanna ask you about.367.0769 
295DCB_int_01367.3405When you say you played outside, what'd y'all do?368.9307
296 369.3165Like what [kind of games and stuff?]370.4672
297DCB_se3_ag3_m_02369.6035[Uh, f- uh],370.4022
298 370.6879uh, basketball, football, tag,373.0315
300 373.8518um,374.4057 
302 374.9762I was more- more so into sports.376.8580 
304 377.0215I still am actually.378.0459 
306 378.4229But378.6665 
308 378.7999sports, anything then was sports. And I think back then it was a lot of rec centers382.0519 
310 382.5644we can go to.383.2384 
312 383.6488Um, of course the Boys and Girls Club. Um,385.9878 
314 386.4958I don't know if you remember, it was a o- o- a organization called OSAY.389.3552 
316DCB_se3_ag3_m_02390.8567I can't remember what it stands for but it was like a- um, it was similar to the Boys and Girls Club.395.0783
318 395.6355Whereas though after school you go there to do activities398.4849 
320 398.6326they involved you in sports, we went fishing.400.5911 
322 401.3218And it faded out cause I think it was funded by the- um,403.6708 
324 404.9062the government. I think it's a organization that, um,406.9948 
326 407.3419Marion Barry was affiliated with as well.409.2003 
328 409.4647So it was r- pretty much in like the DC-411.2498 
330 411.8871DC area.412.5878 
332 413.4453Um,414.0125 
334 415.1570that was pretty much it. I mean, /and/ as far as activities we played tag, football, basketball.419.2584 
336 419.9391Um,420.4229 
338 421.0135or421.5106 
340 422.4557in somebody yard doing something playing music or something. I mean, because425.5287 
342 426.1026that was when426.9067 
344 427.2904<clears throat>427.6411 
346 428.4457I guess, y- if you- if- if430.0873 
348 430.1974you in a- like a closed in like, neighborhood,432.3495 
350 433.3672um,433.9110 
352 434.2422you knew everybody on the entire street.436.0206 
354 436.7313And everybody mom knew you on the entire street. So we-439.3171 
356 440.4190if you did something out of order,441.5935 
358 441.9005you got c- <laugh>442.5010 
360 442.8414you got corrected from them and when you got home from your mother.445.5073 
362 446.1387But it- it was more activities then.447.5635 
363DCB_int_01448.4443Like what?448.8963
366 450.4296involved in451.1736 
368 451.3471interaction [with other individuals yeah, where as though] now, you got your phone,454.7014 
369DCB_int_01451.8563[Mm-hm, okay.]452.3852
371 452.5092[Mm, yeah.]453.4969 
372DCB_se3_ag3_m_02455.5188or computer or laptop, you fine457.1304
374 457.3540as a child.457.9579 
376 458.2090We didn't have that.458.8129 
378 459.0231So we had to make up stuff to do.460.3124 
380 461.1885[Sit on a- um], somebody's porch playing that's my car.464.1856 
382 464.4425<laugh>465.1332
383DCB_se3_ag3_m_02465.7471It- when you decide to be bad, you w- I remember one time I did get in trouble.469.3306
385 470.1989It was like a wooded area we went up, it was like on a hill.472.6180 
387 472.7047We rolled evr- <sigh>473.7190 
389 474.2996We used to roll tires down the hill into the street.476.1122 
391 477.2833I know it was- I know it was wrong.478.4712 
393 478.6980But still. [<laugh>]480.0660 
394DCB_int_01479.8125[So you] would sit on the hill,481.3706
396DCB_int_01481.8686wait til a [car come], and roll a tire into the street?483.7686
397DCB_se3_ag3_m_02482.4592[<clears throat>]482.7562
398 483.7805Yup, roll a tire down the hill into the street.485.3153
399DCB_int_01486.1461So the car would hit the t- so you would try not to hit- you try to dodge the car? What- what was the objective?491.3687
401 491.8792How do you [win?]492.6552 
402DCB_se3_ag3_m_02492.4364[Uh], the objective was to see if the car could stop /to/ hit on brakes before the, uh, the [tire came from- (laughing)]498.1428
404DCB_se3_ag3_m_02499.5617I mean, I know I was wrong.500.5927
406 500.7161I know I was wrong. Stuff like that.502.0941 
408 502.8348Uh, throwing snowballs at the bus504.5332 
410 505.4315when it droves past, I mean.506.6027 
411DCB_int_01508.0441You were mischievous. [So not so] much bad just you like to cause mischief.512.1155
414 512.1155<clears throat>512.4358 
415 512.6827Um, yeah but the [funny thing is]514.6213
416DCB_int_01513.9206[But you were bad,]514.7446
417 514.8949you were bad.515.4688
418DCB_se3_ag3_m_02515.7524I never-516.3830
420 516.5298I never got a beating and I never got a punish.518.5860 
422 519.6904Cause I watch what- like I said what my older brother and my older sister522.5732 
424 523.0804all the trouble they got into, I was like, nah I'm'a do the exact opposite.525.8239 
425DCB_int_01526.3177[So you the] third.527.2152
426DCB_se3_ag3_m_02526.3477[I've never b-]526.7815
427 527.6056Yes I'm a middle child.528.4564
429 529.1137And I have a younger brother and a younger sister.530.5593 
431 530.8863But I never got in trouble before.532.0774 
433 533.9659[They used to] say I was the spoiled one because I never got in trouble but I did what I was supposed to in school537.5402 
435DCB_se3_ag3_m_02538.3310to the point where my mother was like, if I did something small,540.6566
437 541.7919to her it wasn't as bad.542.9230 
439 543.7104Because I guess as a parent sometimes you weigh your options. I'm not gonna546.2773 
441 547.2639punish him that much, he- he doesn't never get in trouble and he does well in school. Where as though my brother551.1718 
443 551.6823skipped class every day,552.7801 
445 553.0303got suspended every week.553.9721 
447 554.0688So any little thing he done555.2500 
449 555.5903did,555.9476 
451 556.3077she was on top of 'em.557.0863 
454DCB_int_01559.0003Cause it's559.3673
456 559.5316two d- I mean, you doing all this versus [oh just] one little thing.562.6447 
457DCB_se3_ag3_m_02561.4568[<clears throat>]561.8072
459 562.5913Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, as a parent you gotta weigh your options.565.4215 
461DCB_se3_ag3_m_02566.6227[As a] disciplinarian. (laughing)567.4272
462DCB_int_01567.5236I can- I can just imagine little /RD-NAME-2/.569.2719
464 569.8091I'm still going on the h- hill, cause my tire just blew out the other day.573.2700 
466DCB_int_01573.5436[Some- there was a-] there's something in the road and the car in the [other lane]576.7567
468DCB_int_01577.2005ran over it and it came into my lane and hit my tire so I had to buy a new t- It blew my whole tire out.581.8158
470DCB_int_01582.0727[Like it] poked a- like the hole was this big.583.9387
471 584.5593And so, then I'm just like, oh my g- Cause I can just imagine this like- So right now,588.4631
472DCB_se3_ag3_m_02588.5899It- [it wasn't- it wasn't-] it wasn't [me, /RD-NAME-2/.]590.1923
473DCB_int_01588.7534[you know, that's a sore-]589.3814
475 589.9087[that's a-]590.1756 
476 590.2623that's a sore spot [right now.]591.3850
477DCB_se3_ag3_m_02591.0865[I didn't] do it, it wasn't me.592.0674
478DCB_int_01592.2643The- it wasn't you? [But I- I just] think that was little /RD-NAME-2/, that was little /RD-NAME-2]596.4725
479DCB_se3_ag3_m_02592.9817[That wasn't.]593.5756
480DCB_int_01596.9830reincarnated making my tire flat.598.9883
481DCB_se3_ag3_m_02599.2552I mean, as a child, I mean, you- you didn't try /?/ I guess, you know, harm, you saw it as fun.602.9230
483 602.9864Yeah.603.3077
484DCB_se3_ag3_m_02603.3834I didn't wanna harm nobody. But looking at it now I'm saying /I'm/ stupid, so. <laugh>606.7766
485DCB_int_01606.7867I mean, as the director of safety.608.0822
486DCB_se3_ag3_m_02608.0655Ah [yes, it is,]608.9297
488DCB_se3_ag3_m_02609.0898[it is, so.]609.7938
490 611.0117[You made it worse.]611.7824 
492 614.5793[<laugh>]615.2066 
493DCB_int_01615.5903Uh, thank you director of safety. [Uh], yeah, I used to roll tires and- and try to get people to slam on [breaks, um.]621.3067
496 620.3791[Yup, in t- in traffic.]621.6670 
497DCB_int_01622.1008So did y'all live in an apartment, did you live in a house?624.0369
498DCB_se3_ag3_m_02623.9993Town- it was a townhouse.624.9302
499 625.6217It was a town- it was a- m- uh,626.7862
501 626.9664yeah, it w- /??/627.9139 
503 628.0641yeah, [rowhouse, rowhouse] yeah, rowhouse yeah.630.2963 
504DCB_int_01628.6313[A rowhouse?]629.1585
505 630.7467And so- and it was like a lot [of kids in the] neighborhood?632.7929
506DCB_se3_ag3_m_02631.8953[<clears throat>]632.2590
508 632.7895Yes.633.3442 
509DCB_int_01633.9740Oh that's good.634.6313
510DCB_se3_ag3_m_02634.6346The entire neighborhood. The whole block of Bruce. Because Bruce637.4174
512 637.9554ran into, um, Stanton Road,639.9740 
514DCB_se3_ag3_m_02640.9183and went all the way around to Robinson.642.7801
516 643.7952And like I said from, um, knowing your neighbors, it extended from Bruce all the way around to Stanton Road, all the way around to Ro- Everybody knew everybody.651.1259 
517DCB_int_01652.4378Did y'all do anything together as like a neighbor- I mean, besides like, play did y'all like-656.1255
519 656.3057like have a community center or658.0177 
521 658.2843did y'all like-658.7948 
522DCB_se3_ag3_m_02658.8315[Yeah it was, um,]659.9059
523DCB_int_01659.0617[cookouts or something?]660.1304
524DCB_se3_ag3_m_02660.2696at- um,661.0503
526 661.3006<ts>661.3807 
528 661.8786directly across the street was the junior high school I went to, it's /RD-SCHOOL-5/.665.4080 
530 666.0360And they had a rec center, /RD-SCHOOL-2/ rec that like all the surrounding neighborhoods went to. Stanton Road,670.6447 
532 671.1184Bruce Place,671.8658 
534 672.5298and, um,673.4871 
536 673.8286like Congress Park, too,674.9030 
538 675.3134which is like further down,676.3644 
540 676.8482went to /RD-SCHOOL-2/ rec center cause every Friday678.7776 
542 678.8977we skated,679.4916 
544 680.1289or680.6160 
546 681.0898the rec center have some type of activities there whether it was sports, or684.3830 
548 685.1813anything, like, cheerleading competition686.8229 
550 687.4135for girls. Everything was there cause it was big enough,689.2815 
552 689.6890the rec center was to hold a lot of kids.691.6509 
553DCB_int_01692.0421So now going back, cause you said there was gang activity like,694.5979
555 694.7114turf wars. So was that a big thing?696.6232 
556DCB_se3_ag3_m_02696.9703Yeah but usually I figure during that time I'm like, what,699.1599
559 702.1561We didn't, I guess,703.2647
561 704.1022<clears throat> interact in that directly. It w- that was for like, the older guys like my brother at age like,709.1412 
563 709.6317nine- from nineteen up.711.0298 
564DCB_int_01711.4702Oh okay.711.9155
565DCB_se3_ag3_m_02712.0874Yeah, us as kids, they saw us- they'll see us, especially the ones that, you know,716.3761
567 717.5069they knew it wasn't their lifestyle, we'll719.8158 
569 719.9626be in their area, hey y'all need to go.721.5516 
571 722.0288Go somewhere else.722.7361 
573 723.8639It was like that then, whereas though now, I mean, I /would say that's-/726.2696 
575 726.5298you walk past people that don't say nothing to you or don't really care.728.8496 
577 729.6103Whereas though back then the older guys, they'll see us, the ones- the guys-732.6833 
579 732.8276the younger guys, you know, that- they know we into sports735.1065 
581 735.6070and we don't deal in that type of activity.737.2052 
583 737.7090They used to tell us, and I've been told that as well,739.6584 
585 740.0555we're walking in the area about to go play football, no, y'all can't come over here.743.3420 
587 744.0527Go back that way.744.7901 
589 745.2280We knew what it meant, so we- okay,746.5726 
591 746.7428we leave,747.2967 
593 747.6504go about our business.748.4978 
594DCB_int_01748.7648Cause they know something about to pop [off.]750.3830
595DCB_se3_ag3_m_02750.1962[Exactly], yeah.751.0070
596 751.2480Or we shouldn't be in that area at the time.752.7995
597DCB_int_01753.9607Oh wow. So everybody kind of looked out for everybody.756.3029
598DCB_se3_ag3_m_02756.3029Exactly, yeah.757.1337
599 757.2313In all the neighborhoods. Cause like I said, everybody knew-759.3701
601 759.6137I mean, the neighborhoods were that close where761.4688 
603 762.0026I can walk762.6433 
605 762.9144across the s- like the, um, football field,764.8896 
607 765.4935and I'm at, um, what's that, it's called Robinson Street.768.2028 
609 769.0612Um,769.5183 
611 770.4392and it's been instances where Bruce Street and Robinson Street, somebody from that area, from- somebody from my area775.7610 
613 776.6861was- um, had conflict at the time.778.2643 
615 779.0551And it's like, if you walk over there, it's like a five minute walk.781.2005 
617 781.8119That's how close it was.782.6894 
619DCB_se3_ag3_m_02783.5736Cause everybody was into- And some are like that now,786.0660
621 786.6199I guess claiming the street that you're from, which I never really understood and saw the point of it, but.790.7281 
623 790.8615Cause it's not your street, [so. <laugh>]792.1361 
625DCB_se3_ag3_m_02793.0804But they were into that then.793.8745
628DCB_int_01795.6003So tell me about school.796.9249
630 797.1118<clears throat> Cause-797.8825 
632 798.1828Elementary school, let's start there, where'd you go to elementary school?800.5059 
634 800.6260elementary I went to Malcolm X.802.0405
636DCB_se3_ag3_m_02802.7648I went to Malcolm X, um,804.2662
638 804.7600<ts>804.8468 
640 805.8419Left there and went to Johnson807.4902 
642 807.9039which was-808.6380 
644 808.9183if I walked to school, it took two minutes.810.6032 
646 810.7609So I had no excuse for being late.812.3257 
648DCB_se3_ag3_m_02814.0040Um, I mean, the most fun I ever had816.0627
650 816.3230was in junior high school, I mean because818.3758 
652 820.7014in elementary school I was kind of quiet, laid back.823.1137 
654 824.0288All I did was draw.824.8863 
656 826.0274I still draw sometimes, but827.4741 
658 827.6423that's all I did in the elementary school my mother used to tell me, was draw. In the house,830.4525 
660 830.8729if I'm not playing sports, I'm drawing somewhere.832.6780 
662 833.4388But junior high school,834.4631 
664 834.7000you know, the older you get,835.6943 
666 836.0855the more you observe,836.9997 
668 837.9340uh,838.6346 
670 838.8682the more you take a liking to girls.840.6266 
672 840.9177[So], (laughing)841.4015 
674DCB_se3_ag3_m_02841.9620that little shell you in, you843.2900
675 843.4869quickly come out of it.844.3869
677 845.3520Um,845.8692 
679 847.2605and I- and I think that's when I had the best teachers, I mean, cause849.6470 
681 850.8715back then, majority of teachers were nowhere near your age.853.3214 
683 854.1756Way older.855.0164 
685 855.2633Cause if you figure you in junior high school you like, what,857.4254 
687 858.4464fifteen,859.1838 
689 859.5750fourteen, something like that?860.5960 
691 860.8362Teachers was in their fifties and sixties.862.4445 
692DCB_int_01863.0117Oh wow.863.6356
693DCB_se3_ag3_m_02863.7324Yeah, teachers were older and experienced.865.8878
695 866.8229And it was more- um,868.4545 
697 870.0827more interaction with the kids there and in elementary school. You know, they used to w- they had the, um,874.2309 
699 874.6413the green light to discipline a student.875.9226 
701DCB_se3_ag3_m_02876.8443[Whereas though n-]877.3856
705 877.9387/praddle/, I got it on my hand a couple times.879.7972 
707 880.8115Um, whereas though now, it's the exact opposite, but.883.3348 
709 884.1923Junior high school I think was my best years. And from there, I went to887.2386 
711 887.6923/RD-SCHOOL-2/. I was supposed to go to /RD-SCHOOL-2/.889.5775 
713 890.4792But,890.7862 
715 891.5936I mean, because of the, um,892.8048 
717 893.5422what is that called, like the boundary rules? Because I could actually walk to /RD-SCHOOL-2/.896.4525 
719 896.8930But I wanted to go to /RD-SCHOOL-2/ because I heard it was a better school.899.6656 
721 900.1828And at the time, my grades let me go there. Cause I wasn't supposed to go there.903.0665 
723 903.2800But because of my grades they let me go.904.8148 
725 905.0817And I wanted to play football there.906.2462 
726DCB_int_01906.8568They had a better football team?907.8544
727DCB_se3_ag3_m_02908.5693Uh, I thought they did.909.7505
729 910.4545But <laugh>911.1919 
731DCB_se3_ag3_m_02912.4064found out very quickly the exact opposite when I got there.914.7862
733 915.0598But I stayed though.915.7447 
735 915.8873They had a- we had a better basketball team though.917.4037 
736DCB_int_01917.7357Did you play basketball too?918.5832
739 918.9636Football and basketball.919.7844 
740DCB_int_01920.5493Okay so you had to give up one for the other.922.1809
742 922.3410Yeah.922.5944
743DCB_int_01923.0217So tell me about-923.7991
745 923.9726<clears throat>924.2819 
747 924.8568tell me about your most fun time in school?927.8572 
750 931.1204m- m- just like at home I was a class clown in school.933.4702 
751DCB_int_01933.8639I can believe it.934.6747
754 935.8825it was to the point where I never disre- I did my work938.2790 
756 938.7161all the time. And I think that's why940.2209 
758 940.6380a lot of teachers let- let me get away with a lot of stuff because-943.2238 
760 943.9420And half the time I was making them laugh too so they couldn't get- put me out of class.947.0384 
762 947.1518I was never disrespectful though.948.3096 
764 949.3973But, um,950.2023 
766 951.2066I joked a lot in class.952.4378 
768 952.9216a whole lot in class.953.9669 
770 954.7867I never got put out but I was one of the ones, you- you joking with me,957.4961 
772 958.0140my work's done, your's not.959.2719 
774 959.5422But you gonna get in trouble, I'm not.960.7000 
776 962.1222And it was always like that.963.1699 
778 964.0107And I think964.4611 
780 964.6413I had so much fun965.6656 
782 966.4965in junior high school and high school because-968.4859 
784 969.4168And when I went to, um, /RD-SCHOOL-2/,970.8148 
786 971.9659and I think that's another reason why my mother really wanted me to go there,974.6594 
788 975.1866I didn't know nobody there.976.1842 
790DCB_se3_ag3_m_02977.1885Because everybody I knew from junior high school979.5141
792 980.3691and everybody in my neighborhood981.8539 
794 982.2343went to /RD-SCHOOL-2/982.9142 
796 983.1385because it was closer.983.9860 
798 984.7967/RD-SCHOOL-2/ had to catch a bus to get to. It w- wasn't that far, but still.987.8172 
800 988.9850I didn't r- I didn't- when at that- out of that entire school I only knew like two people when I first got there.992.5761 
801DCB_int_01993.6203At /RD-SCHOOL-2/.994.1283
802DCB_se3_ag3_m_02994.1642At /RD-SCHOOL-2/.994.6413
804 994.9316Didn't know nobody.995.7190 
806 996.2963And she thought it was better for me, I think it was too, I mean, [because]998.9430 
808DCB_se3_ag3_m_02999.3901I don't think I was the type to follow behind anybody, but she just wanted to make sure that I didn't1003.3640
810 1003.6050follow that route.1004.1923 
812DCB_se3_ag3_m_021005.1495[Because it was nobody] to follow behind because1006.9149
814DCB_se3_ag3_m_021007.2085[you don't-]1007.4819
815DCB_int_011007.2286[You don't know nobody.]1007.8058
816DCB_se3_ag3_m_021007.6023[you don't] know nobody, nah.1008.5142
817 1009.1905So, I mean, I- I- I loved- I loved high school though.1011.2745
819 1012.0608I- um,1012.6346 
821 1015.0703my first year I didn't play any sports,1016.9096 
823 1017.6203cause I was kind of hesitant.1018.6780 
825 1018.8649Because, I mean, I've-1019.5656 
827 1020.7119Plus you know, now I'm1021.4240 
829 1021.6918kind of tall. I was tall for my age.1023.3467 
831DCB_se3_ag3_m_021023.8172[So going] there,1024.6212
832 1024.9616I'm tall,1025.5989
834 1026.1928guys in the twelfth grade, some of 'em,1027.8553 
836 1028.2690my- my height.1029.1899 
838 1029.8906They looking at me like, /?/1030.8782 
840 1031.6923when you- when- when you get here?1032.8768 
842 1033.3673But I was like, man I'm in the, um, tenth grade.1035.1932 
844 1035.9907You are?1036.3811 
846 1036.8148Why you not playing sports? Oh, I didn't want to.1038.6032 
848 1039.6242So I didn't play until my second year.1040.9297 
849DCB_int_011042.6380And then1043.3553
851 1044.2496were you on varsity?1044.9903 
852DCB_se3_ag3_m_021045.5275Uh, second year yeah I was.1046.7662
854 1047.1365Varsity basketball, football though, the football team was I felt-1050.2362 
856 1051.3139um, it was a couple of players that was there1053.2466 
858 1053.6637last year,1054.2876 
860 1054.9316the year before, that should've graduated.1056.2544 
862 1056.5699So,1056.8868 
864 1057.8453stayed on the team.1058.6527 
866 1059.8105So,1060.2242 
868 1060.5179I played m- majority, um,1062.2729 
870 1062.8234my last two years basketball. I didn't play that much football. I should've but I didn't.1066.0574 
871DCB_int_011067.4454So how did- Okay, so1068.8748
873 1069.1746tell me about playing basketball, cause I'm'a ask you about basketball in a minute.1072.3977 
876 1074.2395<ts> I loved it, man.1075.0879 
878 1075.8353I really really loved it. Um, cause I think my-1077.9273 
880 1079.1585when I was in the tenth-1080.0518 
882 1080.1795One person I did know there, and I knew him from when I was in junior high school cause he was older.1084.2476 
884 1085.2085I don't know if you ever heard of him but his name /RD-NAME-4/.1086.9602 
886DCB_se3_ag3_m_021087.8920He went to Georgetown,1088.7929
888 1089.0931played for John Thompson, he- he was good. But it- my first year [there-]1091.8367 
889DCB_int_011091.6089[The daddy.]1092.0861
890 1093.8086He played for the daddy.1094.8262
891DCB_se3_ag3_m_021094.9630Yeah [he played-] yeah.1095.5830
893 1095.5836not the son. [/???/]1096.8328
894DCB_se3_ag3_m_021096.1508[No he played for the] father [yeah, he played for the dad- yes.]1098.5131
895DCB_int_011097.1818[This the eightie- oh, I'm-] we're in the nineties. [Yeah, the] daddy, [mm-hm.]1100.1656
898 1099.8820[He played] for the daddy.1100.7328 
899 1101.4402Uh, cause my first year there1102.7448
901 1103.0350was his last year.1103.8959 
903 1104.3263He was like real1105.1538 
905 1105.3273like-1105.5475 
907DCB_se3_ag3_m_021106.9997real hyped up player,1107.9807
909 1108.7347from a, um, area standpoint. Everybody was supporting him and was behind him.1111.6542 
911 1112.4091And he knew- remembered me from playing1114.2276 
913 1115.5055in junior high school.1116.4364 
915 1116.5532And when he saw me, he was like, man why you ain't try out for the team?1118.7094 
917 1119.2366Was like, I ain't-1119.7037 
919 1119.9073nah, I ain't want to, I'm'a wait the next year.1121.5055 
921 1122.8401But I love basketball, I still love basketball.1124.8062 
923 1125.4735I still play basketball.1126.5546 
925 1127.1051And I think the coach that I had there1128.6399 
927 1129.9153<clears throat> we didn't really s-1131.2900 
929 1131.4902I guess1132.0174 
931 1133.4187see eye to eye on certain things because he wanted me to play a position I didn't wanna play.1136.8763 
932DCB_int_011137.3634What position?1137.8606
934DCB_int_011138.7881I was gonna ask were you a center.1139.8959
936DCB_int_011140.1161What'd you wanna play, power forward?1141.1679
937DCB_se3_ag3_m_021141.3047Uh, [yes.]1141.8914
938DCB_int_011141.6150[Or small] forward?1142.2417
939DCB_se3_ag3_m_021143.0097Uh, power forward, small four.1144.5194
941 1144.8248I mean, because [of cour-]1145.7702 
942DCB_int_011145.3662[So four] or five.1146.2088
944DCB_int_011146.6040[You just] didn't wanna play three.1147.4457
945DCB_se3_ag3_m_021147.4682No I did not.1148.0855
947 1148.7770Because1149.3943 
949 1149.8047of course now,1150.5153 
951 1151.4830the height I'm at now, if I was going to the NBA I'm considered short.1154.0200 
953 1154.5868Six four,1155.1015 
955 1155.3509this is not that tall [in the NBA.]1156.6154 
956DCB_int_011156.1416[You point] guard.1156.9758
957DCB_se3_ag3_m_021157.5230[Pretty much.]1158.1350
959DCB_se3_ag3_m_021158.3638So [imagine me-]1159.3481
961DCB_se3_ag3_m_021159.4457I mean, I- I knew I was kind of tall for, uh, high school.1161.9749
963 1162.2384I was like, man I didn't wanna play center.1163.5063 
965 1164.4839I didn't because1165.4349 
967 1166.5801center don't have the ball that much.1168.0682 
969 1169.1226You get the ball occasionally when you in the post, I mean, but1171.4749 
971 1171.7460I didn't wanna play it. But now,1173.2241 
973 1173.6712looking at it,1174.2618 
975 1174.8290I shoulda want to play it more because me playing center1177.2836 
977 1178.4734the average guy that was checking me was bigger and slower.1180.7456 
979DCB_se3_ag3_m_021181.6998He saw that as advantage,1182.9577
981 1183.1346I saw it as me not getting the ball all the time.1184.8437 
984 1185.7646[And he] saw it as making you-1186.9991 
986DCB_int_011187.1493giving you [opportunities], yup.1188.7185
988 1188.7375I- and at a young age, I didn't see it as that.1190.5362
990 1190.8771At all.1191.2208 
991DCB_int_011191.8447What's your favorite college team?1192.8607
994 1193.8934Uh, I'm a homer.1194.6875 
997 1196.7937All the home teams, Maryland and Georgetown.1198.6030
998DCB_int_011198.9524Love it, I [love it.]1200.1964
1000 1200.4072That's all sports, I don't-1201.8219
1002 1202.3265I've never liked another team that's outside of the area.1204.5254 
1003DCB_int_011204.7189So you're a Wizards fan?1205.7789
1006 1206.6708Without a doubt a Wizards fan.1207.6287 
1007DCB_int_011207.7126So what do you think about the season?1208.7236
1009 1209.2942W- what- think- w- what- what you think gonna happen this-1211.1960 
1011 1211.8400Jodie Meeks?1212.8306 
1012DCB_se3_ag3_m_021213.0979Yeah, I think they gonna, [um-]1214.5693
1013DCB_int_011214.3566[He was]1214.7436
1014 1215.0072good. I went to the1215.8647
1016 1215.9748preseason game the other day, he was real good.1217.4029 
1017DCB_se3_ag3_m_021217.6698Oh you did?1218.1469
1019 1218.2737[<sigh> I'm-] /I haven't ?/ I need to find when is the next [one.]1220.7395 
1022 1220.4200[Go-]1220.7536 
1023 1220.9271go Fri- Friday is Knicks,1222.6922
1024DCB_se3_ag3_m_021223.2260[This Friday?]1223.8900
1025DCB_int_011223.3028[and then-]1223.8334
1026 1223.9467Friday is Knicks and then Sunday is Cleveland.1226.6861
1028 1226.9171And the tickets aren't that bad, I think I'm'a go Sunday, cause I- I gotta [write.]1230.4100 
1029DCB_se3_ag3_m_021230.1603[So they] play Cleveland Sunday?1231.3581
1031DCB_se3_ag3_m_021233.2441I gotta write that down, I'm going to that game now.1234.9391
1032DCB_int_011234.8991Go to StubHub, [Ticketmaster.]1236.9744
1033DCB_se3_ag3_m_021236.4339[I usually go to StubHub], yeah.1237.5783
1036 1238.1564Cheap.1238.4934 
1038 1238.6435I paid1239.2975 
1040 1239.6478six bucks1240.5487 
1042 1240.7122for tickets. [Um],1242.2437 
1044DCB_int_011242.5573It was a Chinese team on Monday.1244.2156
1045DCB_se3_ag3_m_021244.2098Yeah I- I heard, I heard, [yeah.]1245.3442
1046DCB_int_011245.1140[But they] were g- Jodie Meeks showed1247.0425
1047 1247.3428[out.]1248.0035
1049DCB_int_011248.9711I mean.1249.5149
1050DCB_se3_ag3_m_021249.6225/?/ they beat 'em by like what, thirty or something like [that?]1251.5911
1051DCB_int_011251.4410[Yeah], it was kind of- I mean, we coulda [left- we coulda-]1253.4753
1054 1255.5717we coulda left in third quarter.1256.9805
1056 1257.1607But what do you think about-1257.9087 
1058 1258.1316think about the outlook of the season? Think how- how they- h- for you how they end the season and then what you think is gonna happen for this season.1263.3042 
1059DCB_se3_ag3_m_021263.2942I think the way they ended the seas- season last year a lot of- a lot of people are1266.8910
1060 1267.0612I guess on the edge of they seats because they coulda easily won1269.9982
1062 1270.4586and- and went on to the next series and played, um,1272.6441 
1064 1273.5316Cleveland.1273.9689 
1066 1274.7369This year,1275.3776 
1068 1276.3919I still s-1276.9191 
1070 1277.1159I still think they have the same chance. But,1278.7879 
1072 1279.5349you know, Cleveland has restocked,1280.9038 
1074 1281.0573Boston.1281.8547 
1076 1282.2618I mean, all the other teams1283.4663 
1078 1284.1670they lost a lot of good players but they gained a lot of good players as well.1286.8704 
1080 1287.4176I- I think they chances are good. I mean, I was real disappointed last year, though,1290.2591 
1082 1290.7108losing to Boston1291.4794 
1084 1291.6259in Boston /where-/1292.4633 
1085DCB_int_011292.5067Game seven?1293.1507
1088DCB_se3_ag3_m_021294.2017Hurts even more1295.0292
1090 1295.8333[because it was-]1296.3204 
1091DCB_int_011295.9467[But game] six was [good.]1297.6670
1092DCB_se3_ag3_m_021297.5183[Yes] it was. I was [at that game too.]1299.0940
1093DCB_int_011298.4387[John Wall.]1299.4610
1094DCB_se3_ag3_m_021299.6765I was at that game.1300.4773
1096 1301.3957But, um,1302.0797 
1098 1302.5501I think their chances are better this year. I mean, that's- it's good to see them making the playoffs every year, because growing up1307.5283 
1100 1307.6760watching the Bullets,1308.4801 
1102 1309.5144you pretty much was going to the arena to watch the other team.1312.3064 
1105 1313.1847Oh.1313.4591 
1106DCB_se3_ag3_m_021314.7070Because they wasn't that good.1315.7046
1108 1317.0659At all.1317.4763 
1109DCB_int_011318.2638No, but right- so, right when you were born though wasn't that Phil Chenier, wasn't that the year?1323.4196
1110DCB_se3_ag3_m_021323.4330Yeah that's [when- well, you know, w- when I was-]1325.0761
1111DCB_int_011323.9301[That was- but you were] like, three.1325.6251
1112DCB_se3_ag3_m_021325.6318[Yeah so I didn't know nothing.]1326.5744
1113DCB_int_011325.8294[So it- it didn't matter, yeah.]1327.3472
1114DCB_se3_ag3_m_021326.8604[I'm talking about] the eighties.1327.9849
1115DCB_int_011328.4820When they went just all the way [down hill.]1330.0869
1117 1330.4906At the Capital Center, yeah I remember that.1331.9963
1119 1332.6002Eighties and early nineties.1333.7280 
1121DCB_se3_ag3_m_021335.2695Every year,1335.7366
1123 1336.0235so.1336.2738 
1124DCB_int_011337.1446But now there's hope.1338.0321
1126 1338.2699Okay so talk about Bo- but think about Boston, they've re-tooled.1341.3429 
1128 1341.4596I'm not sure Kyrie Irving is a better choice than Isaiah Thomas.1344.9839 
1130 1345.2408Only because chemistry matters,1346.6255 
1132 1346.9024then you got Gordon Hayward coming [and then they] lost some of their defensive prowess.1350.2022 
1134DCB_int_011350.5301I don't know.1351.0673
1135DCB_se3_ag3_m_021351.4377I- I don't- I don't think Boston is gonna be as good everybody think they are, mainly because1354.9591
1137 1356.4463Kyrie is a player that ha- has the w- got to have the ball, that's why he left.1360.0101 
1139 1360.6742He want the ball in his hands all the time.1362.2465 
1141 1362.7637And the type of offense that they s- the coach run, Stevens run,1365.3929 
1143 1366.3872everybody gets the ball.1367.3048 
1145 1367.5659And then they lost two players,1368.7804 
1147 1369.7146two good defensive players1371.0693 
1149DCB_se3_ag3_m_021371.9234that went to other teams, so the chemistry gonna be off, I think.1374.2457
1151DCB_se3_ag3_m_021375.2075That's why I think it's gonna be a- better for the Wizards right now cause they have the same core players.1378.8276
1153 1379.3615They added a couple players, so1380.6703 
1155 1381.0106they should be better.1381.7179 
1156DCB_int_011382.6589What about Cleveland, what you think?1383.6999
1157DCB_se3_ag3_m_021383.8867I- man, you know, <sigh>1384.9711
1159 1385.6251I don't like LeBron but as long as he's playing, he's-1387.9282 
1161 1388.3552he has to be a favorite.1389.3295 
1163 1389.9668I mean, that's how good he is. And because1391.2414 
1165 1391.7060they lost1392.4801 
1167 1393.2508Kyrie but they gained1394.5221 
1169 1395.1627a lot too.1395.8033 
1171 1396.2971Derrick Rose,1397.1613 
1173 1398.3166he's gonna [help.]1398.9605 
1174DCB_int_011398.7136[Sh-] show me what Derrick Rose did in New York1401.0203
1175 1401.4963to tell me-1402.2830
1177 1402.6408to make me feel better about him being in Cleveland.1404.8438 
1178DCB_se3_ag3_m_021405.0373Uh, you know what the biggest difference is gonna be?1406.9825
1180 1407.4963He got somebody that's unselfish that will give him the ball.1410.1556 
1184 1413.0926Whereas though1413.8133 
1186 1414.0860/???/ New York, everybody, their whole offense was based off one on one playing, one on one, um, when they got the ball.1419.2861 
1188 1419.4663Carmelo,1420.0102 
1190 1421.5951he has that /unintelligible/ (laughing)1422.6436 
1192 1423.0573He's a ball hog.1423.7413 
1194 1423.8848He's good, but he's a ball hog.1425.0726 
1196 1425.6331Whereas though in Cleveland, I mean, they got a lot of players. Everybody just gonna get their touches.1428.7737 
1198 1429.3009That's why Kyrie- I mean, guess why Kyrie left, cause he wants to be the person1432.5474 
1200 1433.3715who has the ball in his hands at all times.1435.1474 
1201DCB_int_011437.2428Cleveland looks good on paper, right? You got Derrick Rose, you got LeBron, you got1441.2175
1203 1441.4877D Wade.1442.1584 
1204DCB_se3_ag3_m_021442.2651Isaiah Thomas.1443.0459
1205DCB_int_011444.7042But when you put all that-1445.8294
1207 1446.1164but now1446.6769 
1209 1446.8838to me sometimes [having too] much superstar1449.1226 
1210DCB_se3_ag3_m_021447.7179[<clears throat>]1448.1517
1211 1449.2194Mm-hm.1449.5330
1213 1450.7909that's too many-1451.4049
1215 1451.5892that's too many cooks in the kitchen.1453.2575 
1216DCB_se3_ag3_m_021453.3776Uh, y- know what, you're absolutely right because it g- it might get to a point your team has no identity at all.1458.1523
1218 1458.7770Prime example when the Lakers had Karl Malone,1461.0225 
1220 1461.2628Gary Payton, and all- Kobe and Shaq.1463.6459 
1222 1464.0897They got swept by the Pistons in the playoffs.1465.8681 
1225 1466.5154everybody wanted to be the guy.1468.2204 
1227 1468.5874and it don't work all the time.1469.6151
1230 1470.5268That's why they had that whole- Think about when John Wall and Bradley Beal kind of had they little1473.7533 
1232 1474.0369tiff, [right?]1474.6375 
1234DCB_int_011475.1179But then when Bradley Beal conceded and said, this is John Wall's team,1478.0116
1236DCB_int_011478.3452but we the- we're the back court,1479.9692
1237 1480.9144think about where they went after that.1483.3176
1239 1484.3686Cleveland,1485.0125 
1241 1485.3195they all over the place, [it's a mess.]1487.3448 
1242DCB_se3_ag3_m_021486.4306[Yes they are.]1487.0919
1243 1487.7252I don't- I-1488.0522
1245 1488.4500I think it might- I mean, just cause LeBron on the team I think it might work, but1491.4763 
1247 1491.6732can the Wizards beat 'em?1492.5207 
1249 1492.8477I think so.1493.4991 
1251 1494.1631I hope so.1494.6938 
1252DCB_int_011494.7270I think they're vulnerable, I think they're vulnerable more than they've been in the last couple of [years.]1498.9578
1253DCB_se3_ag3_m_021498.4673[They coulda beat] 'em last year I think.1499.7886
1254DCB_int_011499.8753I think so too.1500.5368
1255DCB_se3_ag3_m_021500.6603Better match up than Boston- (laughing) [Boston was.]1502.5955
1256DCB_int_011502.1083[That February] game was [crazy.]1505.0912
1257DCB_se3_ag3_m_021504.4640[Yes it was], yeah.1505.5413
1258DCB_int_011505.8286Were you there?1506.3533
1259DCB_se3_ag3_m_021506.3533Mm, nah I didn't go to that game, I wish I was though.1508.4754
1260DCB_int_011508.6555<ts> I had a1509.1994
1262 1509.4063dinner that night so I couldn't go but we watched, it was crazy.1513.3433 
1263DCB_se3_ag3_m_021513.5978And then they-1514.1884
1265 1514.2818couple of months- like a month later they went to Cleveland,1516.2704 
1267 1516.4206b- beat the brakes off /of 'em/.1517.7212 
1270DCB_int_011519.5878What about the Redskins?1520.8557
1272 1521.2828Tell me-1521.6331 
1274 1521.8267talk about- talk about football. Cause football is [your heart, it seems.]1525.2341 
1275DCB_se3_ag3_m_021523.9596<clears throat> Y- yeah, it is], it is.1526.0142
1276 1526.6122I- um,1527.2461
1278 1529.1421I mean, they're better this year, especially de- on the defensive side, cause the def- defense has been terrible1533.7466 
1280 1534.6041for the last1535.1746 
1282 1535.4090what, decade probably.1536.6135 
1284DCB_se3_ag3_m_021537.5878But I think-1538.3798
1285 1539.6231I think they have a good chance this year because it's no like, super team this year.1542.6073
1287 1543.2909Everybody's losing to everybody.1544.6288 
1289 1545.2928But I think the games that's coming up they gotta take advantage of1548.1598 
1291 1548.9472and win.1549.4143 
1293 1549.7847Cause they play what, the forty-niners?1551.1780 
1295 1552.2271Game like that they should be dominate- And it's good that they have a bye this week1555.0440 
1297 1555.5611all the injuries they got.1556.6422 
1299 1557.9501<clears throat> I think they should make the playoffs. Do I think they gonna go far1560.6954 
1301 1560.7755with the team they got?1561.5578 
1303 1561.8114I don't know yet.1562.3567 
1305 1563.5431Cause them- it's the same thing with them.1565.3217 
1307 1565.4291They don't have no identity1566.4734 
1309 1567.2842at all.1567.6808 
1311 1567.9215Especially offense.1568.8424 
1313 1569.4563Don't know if they a passing team or running team.1570.9478 
1315DCB_se3_ag3_m_021573.3342They just do both good. None- neither one of 'em they do well, just1576.3005
1317 1576.4806average at both.1577.1687 
1318DCB_int_011578.0221Are you a season ticket holder?1579.0006
1319DCB_se3_ag3_m_021579.1674No, I'm not.1579.5974
1321DCB_se3_ag3_m_021581.5998I- I prefer to watch-1582.6174
1323 1583.5283I- I went to the- um,1584.7403 
1325 1585.8014the Redskin game when they played Oakland,1587.3729 
1327 1588.3538like [two weeks] ago.1589.1272 
1329 1589.2647Mm-hm.1589.6551
1330DCB_se3_ag3_m_021589.8328I had a good time, but for football1591.3342
1332 1592.2118I prefer- I guess cause you get a better feel for the game by actually looking at it on TV.1596.3491 
1334 1596.5134I prefer to watch football on TV.1597.7780 
1336 1598.4220Basketball game, I gotta be there.1599.9101 
1338 1601.5125You can see everything, whereas though on TV, with the basketball-1604.5797 
1340 1604.7790basketball game you-1605.5264 
1342 1606.0102you miss a lot.1606.6742 
1343DCB_int_011607.5558[Cause they show you] what they wanna sh-1608.8971
1346 1608.8938Pretty much, [yeah.]1609.7647 
1348 1610.3386[And you miss all] that could be [happening.]1612.1703
1349DCB_se3_ag3_m_021610.3652[Pretty much.]1610.8524
1351 1611.8901[Yup.]1612.1803 
1354 1613.2881I've-1613.5417 
1356 1613.9396So sometimes like I go to the basketball game and then I'll go ho- Like, when I don't have anything to do [which is] not often,1618.2037 
1358DCB_int_011618.5741but I'll go home and rewatch the game, [and I'm] like, oh my god that felt so different being there cause you see it from a totally [different angle.]1625.1112
1361 1624.2104[/??/ I ain't know you was] into, um, [sports-]1626.3500 
1362DCB_int_011625.9262[Oh I'm a-] I'm a [basketball- I'm a-]1627.6579
1363DCB_se3_ag3_m_021626.7503[basketball fanat-]1627.6546
1364DCB_int_011627.9649Oh, we can talk basketball all day.1629.4096
1365DCB_se3_ag3_m_021629.6098I did not know that.1630.2037
1366DCB_int_011630.1870I am a basket- I am a Wizards fan.1632.3491
1367 1632.6603After the Wizards I'm a Spurs fan because I was a Timmy fan.1635.6069
1368DCB_se3_ag3_m_021635.6065Oh yeah.1636.0569
1371 1637.7352<ts> and I'm a Popovich fan.1639.1432 
1373 1639.6279Um, I lo- but I also love the Warriors.1641.7065 
1375 1641.9668Like,1642.3105 
1377 1642.9544if it's Warriors and- if it's Warriors and Cavaliers I will go Warriors all day. I'm- cause I'm not a LeBron fan. I am- I'm a LeBron hater because I think LeBron is a- too much of a LeBron fan.1651.7613 
1379 1652.1117I don't like people like [that.]1653.1427 
1380DCB_se3_ag3_m_021652.8023[Oh that's-] that's obvious, that's-1654.0402
1381DCB_int_011654.3939I don't- but I don't like people like [that.]1656.1289
1383DCB_int_011656.4234And I love Golden Sta- I love that nobody is over themselves and nobody is good enough that they can't step back1662.3525
1385 1662.5635for the good of the team.1663.6913 
1387DCB_int_011664.1917And so I appreciate that, because it's about- at the end of the day it's about the team. [And you can] take all the individual accolades,1669.3815
1389DCB_int_011669.7246and they do that, because it's about the team.1672.2076
1391 1672.3972And so when your team is the better- when your team is better,1674.8638 
1393 1675.6846the individual performances will ps-1677.4296 
1395 1677.6165will shine.1678.2471 
1397 1679.0712That's why I don't like-1679.7819 
1399DCB_int_011680.3333I'm not a LeBron fan any day of the week.1682.1384
1401 1682.7456But oh we can talk basketball all day.1684.1036 
1403 1684.5707Okay, but [I know we not gon-]1685.7627 
1404DCB_se3_ag3_m_021685.0846[Yeah, yeah.]1685.7886
1405DCB_int_011686.0296So let's- [we'll move] on, so-1687.6656
1407DCB_int_011687.7813<clears throat> so tell me about- um,1689.6065
1409 1690.5040<ts> So when- when the- the season really starts we will be1692.5235 
1411 1692.8838most definitely talking about-1693.9015 
1413 1694.0583So /RD-NAME-2/ and I used to talk about the games,1695.8567 
1415 1696.4606um, after- after the [games.]1698.1022 
1416DCB_se3_ag3_m_021697.9020[Oh yeah? /How did I not know that?/]1699.2742
1417DCB_int_011698.2899[Yeah, like the day after] we would always talk about the games.1701.1593
1418DCB_se3_ag3_m_021701.1293I heard you bef- before but I didn't know you was that like into basketball [/inaudible/]1704.5928
1419DCB_int_011704.0697[Like I'm-]1704.5802
1420 1704.7270cause I'm also a sta- I do data, so I'm also- [But stats-]1707.4730
1421DCB_se3_ag3_m_021706.6222[Well yeah.]1707.2574
1422DCB_int_011707.7199but I love [stats. So] I think basketball has some of the most interesting [stats.]1711.6746
1425 1711.4977[Mm-hm.]1711.8644 
1426DCB_int_011711.9815And I love like, percentages, I love just-1714.7629
1428 1715.0445The numbers part of it is fascinating to [me too.]1717.1040 
1430DCB_int_011717.7213Um, but anyway.1718.7906
1432 1719.2127Um, so tell me a little bit about your family.1721.0846 
1434 1721.4824Do you think- are you a close family or y'all kind of-1723.6279 
1435DCB_se3_ag3_m_021723.8014/RD-NAME-2/ I tell you.1724.5855
1437DCB_se3_ag3_m_021726.3338I think-1726.8112
1439 1727.4716and I- <sigh>1728.0764 
1441 1728.2165I'm not saying it just because it's my family,1729.8645 
1443 1730.2318I don't think it's /?/ a family on this planet that's close as we are.1733.0111 
1445 1733.8053We have gatherings1734.9439 
1447 1735.0640all the time,1736.0216 
1449 1737.7099at somebody's house.1738.7876 
1451 1739.5158We have a family reunion every year.1740.7804 
1455 1742.7690the eighties, we haven't missed a year yet.1744.4406 
1457 1745.6051We have a family reunion every year, either it's- it's here,1747.8281 
1459 1748.4120in DC or it's in South Carolina. But the last couple years we have it at-1752.0121 
1461 1752.3032we had it at Myrtle Beach one year.1753.6245 
1463 1754.6755We had it at Ocean City.1755.6031 
1465 1756.1203We've had a family reunion every year.1757.6685 
1467 1757.9362My cousins, you- sometimes people think we're br- like brothers and sisters.1760.8557 
1469 1761.2161Or brothers1761.8767 
1471 1762.5073period.1762.8877 
1473 1763.7027Family is really really close.1765.1107 
1475 1765.6546Really close.1766.4946 
1477 1766.9291And that's-1767.4411 
1479 1768.9077I have a huge family here in the DMV area,1771.2686 
1481 1772.0149and I have a huge family-1773.2161 
1483 1773.3696And this- well, this is my mother's side.1774.7122 
1485DCB_se3_ag3_m_021776.0096And, um, my family's huge in South Carolina,1778.6722
1487 1779.1427I'm not that close1780.0435 
1489 1780.1937to my fam- my father's side of the family. It's- I know a couple people with them, but not-1783.6712 
1491 1784.5187[not that many.]1785.1126 
1492DCB_int_011784.6255[But you're not close] to him, so that-1786.0502
1493DCB_se3_ag3_m_021786.0335No. Well m- cause my father passed like,1787.5417
1494 1789.1774two thousand and-1790.1851
1496 1790.3486probably four years ago now,1791.3472 
1500 1793.4983But-1793.8219 
1502 1794.3333but my mother's side of the family we are really really close. We just had a gathering matter of fact, this past Saturday.1798.9444 
1504 1799.8119And my cousin she just moved into a house.1801.3876 
1506 1801.8714So she had a cookout1802.7456 
1508 1804.1970in the wind. <laugh>1805.0712 
1509DCB_int_011805.3381Oh y'all celebrate anything. Y'all celebrate cause [it's Tuesday.]1807.6168
1510DCB_se3_ag3_m_021806.9706[Pretty much.]1807.4265
1511DCB_int_011807.7246Oh [we gonna celebrate.]1808.5354
1512DCB_se3_ag3_m_021807.9315[Uh, yeah.]1808.4720
1513 1808.8724Yeah, cookout, um, because if she move or1811.7497
1515 1812.2599what- what's another thing?1813.2141 
1517 1814.1884Somebody like-1814.8157 
1519 1815.2895some- my- well my cousin could call my aunt,1817.1112 
1521 1817.2948I mean, call my mother and be like, w- what you doing Saturday, and we're like, nothing.1819.8581 
1523 1820.5221Oh we- we gonna come over there.1821.5431 
1525 1822.3639We turns into1823.4883 
1527 1823.6618him,1823.9988 
1529 1824.3900his wife,1824.9339 
1531 1825.6045my brother and sisters,1826.6459 
1533 1826.9858his brother and sist- /well/ his sisters,1828.7542 
1535 1829.3982uh, my other cousins.1830.6736 
1537 1831.3876And then it's just like a spur of the moment, never planned.1833.3295 
1539 1834.0936And it happens all the time.1835.2781 
1540DCB_int_011836.5101Do [y'all go to] church?1837.5444
1542 1838.3386Together, no. Separately, yes, for the most part, majority of 'em. Especially in South Carolina, they live church down there.1844.1650
1545 1845.5998[Do y'all do] like after church Sunday like, Sunday dinner1847.7652 
1547DCB_int_011847.9362type thing?1848.4133
1548DCB_se3_ag3_m_021848.4033Uh, <sigh>1849.0840
1549 1849.3509we used to, we haven't done that lately. Cause usually1851.7533
1551 1852.8510if we have a gathering it's on like a Friday or Saturday.1854.9286 
1553DCB_se3_ag3_m_021855.6412We used to have Sunday dinner though.1856.9258
1555 1857.0259And f-1857.3529 
1557 1857.5064everybody used to call it that still do.1858.9744 
1559 1859.5483At like my mom's house or my aunt's house.1861.3042 
1561 1861.6913We haven't done that in a while though.1862.7289 
1562DCB_int_011863.4830So you recently got married.1864.8110
1564DCB_int_011865.2622How'd you meet your fian- or, your wife now, but how'd you meet?1867.8848
1566 1869.0597Um,1869.7937
1568 1869.9305sh- <sigh>1870.5111 
1570 1870.6579I been knowing her since like, the nineties. She's like one of my sister friends1873.4873 
1572 1874.8386that-1875.2013 
1574 1875.9272It's- it's funny because (laughing)1877.5584 
1576 1878.9067growing up- She's a little bit younger than me, like probably1880.9262 
1578 1881.1097three years younger than me.1881.8950 
1580 1882.6078But growing up,1883.2585 
1582 1884.3062uh, her and like, a couple of my other sister friends probably used to like /me./1887.1364 
1584 1887.4000Sister hated it.1888.0840 
1586 1889.7790Sister hated it when they used to come over like, where your brother at?1892.1947 
1588 1892.7719Where's your brother?1893.3733 
1590 1893.9338Sister be like, why?1894.7213 
1592DCB_se3_ag3_m_021896.0192I mean, of course, you know, you got a sibling. You is like, /??/ you don't want nobody messing with your brother and sister, I mean, because that's your brother and sister.1901.3546
1594 1902.2173The first expression on your face like,1903.9344 
1596 1904.0912ew, why- why you wanna, um, get involved with my brother and sister? But1906.9115 
1598 1907.4086what happened was1908.3529 
1600 1909.6475that a couple a years ago-1910.8086 
1602 1911.8805cause her family and my family know each other.1913.4954 
1604 1914.5431Um,1915.1370 
1606 1915.3338her mom had a gathering1916.5791 
1608 1916.9562at her house. And my sister went but I didn't know nothing about it.1919.1202 
1610 1919.8591So,1920.3562 
1612 1921.8643I think she hit me on f-1922.8030 
1614 1922.9496on Facebook or1924.1407 
1616 1924.8514she text me or something, asked what I was doing,1926.5164 
1618 1926.8967to come past it.1927.6308 
1620 1927.8443I went over there,1928.6216 
1622 1929.6069course we had fun,1930.4844 
1624 1930.8381we exchanged numbers, we been talking every since.1932.9044 
1627DCB_int_011936.0773Tell me about the wedding.1936.9982
1628DCB_se3_ag3_m_021937.7623Wedding was nice.1938.6396
1630 1939.2070The wedding was nice.1939.8684 
1632 1940.0745I didn't plan anything with it,1941.5535 
1634 1941.9238neither did I wanna have anything to do with- (laughing) [<laugh>]1944.1393 
1636DCB_se3_ag3_m_021945.5707I didn't wanna have anything to do with the planning,1947.2452
1638 1947.8838cause her sister is a- um,1949.4420 
1640 1950.3729that's what she does on the side,1951.5173 
1642 1951.9010like planning and events and stuff like that.1953.6169 
1644DCB_se3_ag3_m_021954.1808So she helped her.1955.0950
1646 1956.0059And like all the- um,1957.5340 
1648 1958.2047<ts>1958.3181 
1650 1958.5058the decorations,1959.7303 
1652 1960.1040um,1960.7613 
1654 1963.2037um,1963.7876 
1656 1963.8810the tablecloths and everything,1965.1557 
1658 1965.4334her and her sister pl- uh, picked everything.1966.9649 
1660 1967.5287And decorated everything.1968.5497 
1662 1970.0078I didn't take no part in the planning process. Neither did I want to. But it- it turned out really really nice though.1973.9758 
1663DCB_int_011974.1327How many people were there?1974.9468
1666 1979.3886maybe a h-1980.0473 
1668 1981.1970close to a hundred.1981.8944 
1669DCB_int_011982.2247Oh that's a good size. [That's] a-1983.6703
1671 1983.8137Well I didn't- that's the number I didn't wanna go over.1985.5121
1672DCB_int_011985.6589That's enough.1986.4596
1673DCB_se3_ag3_m_021986.4229Yeah, it is.1987.1570
1674DCB_int_011987.4973Cause you get past that and it's just too much.1989.3091
1675DCB_se3_ag3_m_021989.2832Yeah, pretty much. I mean, cause you don't wanna get to a point where your- um,1992.0025
1676 1993.4473your wedding is about how many people you bring1995.3499
1678DCB_se3_ag3_m_021996.3943to the wedding.1996.9682
1680 1997.2351Because that1997.6822 
1682 1998.3629gets expensive1999.0402 
1683DCB_int_011999.2337Very much so.1999.8431
1684DCB_se3_ag3_m_022000.0579So, no.2000.6693
1685DCB_int_012001.3866Very much so.2001.9639
1687 2002.0807Do you have kids?2002.8060 
1688DCB_se3_ag3_m_022003.0216/Wes/, one.2003.5821
1689DCB_int_012004.3862Girl or boy?2004.8934
1690DCB_se3_ag3_m_022005.0936Girl, she's fifteen.2006.5202
1692 2007.4200Turns sixteen2008.3709 
1694 2008.6746next year, in August.2009.6388 
1697 2011.4973Does she have you wrapped around her little finger?2012.9387 
1699DCB_int_012013.6806Yeah, she does, that's- [that's a yes.]2015.5177
1700DCB_se3_ag3_m_022014.4810[Yeah /thanks/ yeah], I'd rather hear somebody else say /unintelligible/ <laugh>2017.2971
1701DCB_int_012017.4906That's a yes.2018.2414
1702DCB_se3_ag3_m_022018.1880Yeah, she does,2018.8720
1703 2018.9796I'm not gonna lie.2019.5942
1705 2020.4677I love her to pieces though. Mainly because2022.2394 
1707 2023.1370I know,2023.6575 
1709 2025.0230um,2025.6763 
1711 2026.0473society has changed.2027.4887 
1713 2028.2695Like kids her age, uh,2029.8434 
1715 2031.2432fifteen acting like eighteen, twenty-one, twenty-six, and- or older.2035.4473 
1717 2036.7152That's why I'm thankful. And I make sure I talk to her2039.2818 
1719 2039.6188every day or see her every day because2041.8443 
1721 2042.4082I've never had any problems with her.2043.7970 
1723 2045.1417Never.2045.5124 
1725 2045.6589She's a daddy's girl.2046.5497 
1727 2047.5907And I talked her to her at a early age as far as what I think2049.9372 
1729 2050.2508is important2050.9849 
1731 2052.5330in life2053.1203 
1733 2053.7209in general.2054.2075 
1735 2054.5225It's just stuck with her.2055.3725 
1737 2055.9906She never got in trouble at school, she always get good grades in school.2058.9134 
1739 2059.6408And then that's why I spoil her. I don't have no problem spoiling her though.2061.5335 
1740DCB_int_012062.1541Because she's doing what she's supposed to do.2063.2952
1741DCB_se3_ag3_m_022063.2618Yeah, exactly, yeah.2064.0545
1742 2064.8300But I- I don't just give her stuff just to be giving her- I mean, I explain to her, you know,2067.9766
1744 2069.0282why I'm doing it. Not just-2070.3729 
1746 2070.5764Cause I know she aks for a lot. But I- I- she- she know the difference between2073.5635 
1748 2074.4243stuff that she wants and something that she needs.2076.6577 
1751 2078.3857Is she into boys yet?2079.3433 
1754 2080.5019Uh, no not yet but I know it's coming though.2082.2161 
1755DCB_int_012082.6899No not yet that you don't know of.2084.2681
1757 2085.1197Which is different. [She may-]2086.3976 
1758DCB_se3_ag3_m_022085.8304[You sounding] like my mother.2087.1217
1759DCB_int_012087.7323I mean, I'm just being-2088.5509
1760DCB_se3_ag3_m_022088.5531She- no, she told me the [exact same thing.]2090.2280
1761DCB_int_012089.3405[Look, we work] around kids, [right?]2091.4934
1762DCB_se3_ag3_m_022091.0864[Yeah], yeah.2091.7870
1765 2093.6355and so we're the- we're the people that the kids go to when they don't go to their parents.2098.5600 
1768 2100.5631That's absolutely right.2101.3538 
1769DCB_int_012101.5507And so we know about all the kids [who like], you know, I really like this person, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.2107.1270
1771DCB_int_012107.6942You did it2108.3281
1773 2109.0597when you were younger.2110.1490 
1774DCB_se3_ag3_m_022110.2508Hold on a sec.2110.9122
1776DCB_se3_ag3_m_022111.2218My /waitlist/ guy.2112.0384
1779 2113.0802Hey /RD-NAME-2/.2113.8677 
1780DCB_se3_ag3_m_022114.0612But, [um,]2114.7385
1781DCB_int_012114.5984[You] did it.2115.3091
1782DCB_se3_ag3_m_022115.6736Oh yeah, see, but this- this the thing though, /RD-NAME-2/.2117.2852
1784 2117.7790As a man, s- especially, y- your- your /atmosphere/ on life and the way you see life changes when you have a child.2122.6145 
1786 2122.8414Especially when your child is a daughter, I mean, is a girl.2124.8800 
1788 2125.7476it changes. I mean, because she knows,2127.4467 
1790 2128.6045and I hate to say it,2129.3586 
1792 2129.7022I hate every little boy.2130.7956 
1794 2131.2137I don't like none of 'em.2132.0078 
1796 2134.0573I know it sounds harsh /unintelligible/ (laughing)2135.7957 
1798 2136.9168But I- seriously, I mean, I-2138.0612 
1800 2138.3348mean, I know it's just me as a father talking, but I don't2140.7546 
1802 2141.0082like mean it like- like, [directly, but.]2142.7032 
1803DCB_int_012142.3495[Right], but I [get it.]2143.4940
1804DCB_se3_ag3_m_022143.2271[Cause I] know how I was as a, um, young man.2145.6736
1805 2145.9706They're worse now.2146.8147
1806DCB_int_012147.5488Times twenty.2148.4096
1807DCB_se3_ag3_m_022148.5764Yeah, and2149.3171
1809 2149.5107that's why I talk to my daughter all the time about what's important, I mean, what's gonna be there as she get older. And she don't need it now, I mean, it's- /it's just gonna-/ as long as you're living it's gonna be there.2156.9529 
1810DCB_int_012158.2208/unintelligible/ no need to [rush.]2159.6032
1812 2160.3629I mean, but, um,2161.2204
1814 2162.5483She probably- I mean, I j-2163.4634 
1816 2163.7003she probably has a interest in boys already I just don't know about it.2165.7122 
1817DCB_int_012167.0936[As long as you're] not ignorant to that fact.2168.9796
1818DCB_se3_ag3_m_022167.2437[That's why-]2167.5907
1819 2169.0296Oh n- oh, no I'm not.2170.0673
1821DCB_se3_ag3_m_022170.5478[I'm] not gonna lie I used to be.2171.7278
1822DCB_int_012172.6465Cause you thought she was a perfect [angel.]2174.0579
1823DCB_se3_ag3_m_022173.7876[Oh yeah.]2174.2847
1824 2175.0663Of course.2175.5503
1826DCB_se3_ag3_m_022176.0506But I wanted it- I don't wanna get- have it in her mind that-2178.4363
1828 2178.9034the hate that I have for little boys2180.5016 
1830 2181.0130that she gotta,2181.4850 
1832 2181.6269well I-2181.9706 
1834 2182.1207I don't wanna tell him this.2183.0783 
1836 2183.6689[I don't think] I should tell him because he might get mad or /I'm- I ain't/ gonna take it.2186.0712 
1838DCB_se3_ag3_m_022186.4683That's why2187.1989
1840 2187.6269<clears throat> I eased off that a little bit.2189.4887 
1842 2190.2895And-2190.6865 
1844 2191.1103and trying to get to the point where she's comfortable talking about anything, including boys.2194.5077 
1846 2194.8948I might not wanna hear it,2195.8023 
1848 2196.9134I mean, but hey.2197.6975 
1850 2198.0145It comes with the territory, though.2199.1297 
1851DCB_int_012199.2131It does.2199.9105
1853 2200.0406And that's wonderful. Where-2201.0583 
1855 2201.2818Does she wanna go to college?2202.2245 
1856DCB_se3_ag3_m_022202.1794Yes she does. Where, I don't know yet,2203.7542
1857 2203.8610but she does.2204.4524
1859 2204.5725Initially she does.2205.4492 
1861 2205.5568I mean initially when I aksed her she wasn't really-2207.8023 
1863 2208.4363Cause she in the tenth grade now.2209.3905 
1865DCB_se3_ag3_m_022210.4224She wasn't really I guess2211.7270
1867 2212.6979that enthused about it cause I guess in her mind she was like, I'm-2214.8800 
1869 2215.0035I'm only in ninth grade, why is he asking me about college?2217.0982 
1871 2218.3276And I used to aks her all the time, now2219.8369 
1873 2221.3205when I aksed her, she was like, I'm going but I just don't know where I'm gonna go yet.2223.9702 
1875DCB_se3_ag3_m_022224.5311Whereas though like a year or two years ago, she was like, college, /unintelligible/2227.2271
1877 2228.2180Can I get through the eighth grade- <laugh> eighth grade first? Yeah, [so.]2230.8623 
1878DCB_int_012230.6646[I'm] just trying to get to eighth gra- I'm just trying to get to high school, Dad.2233.5040
1879DCB_se3_ag3_m_022233.6007Yeah, so,2234.3548
1881 2234.4616I mean, if she-2234.9621 
1882DCB_int_012234.9662<clears throat>2235.3299
1883DCB_se3_ag3_m_022235.5001she knows that I want her to go, I-2236.7513
1885 2237.3786I think she wants to go, too.2238.3996 
1886DCB_int_012238.9601Let's- so let's transition from family. How did you get to-2242.6145
1888 2243.4120[You're kind of in] this job, [right? So], in safety, and like, people just don't walk into, I'm gonna2248.1507 
1889DCB_se3_ag3_m_022243.4220[<clears throat>]2244.0059
1891 2244.6365[Mm-hm.]2244.9391 
1892DCB_int_012248.3442be in safety.2249.1050
1894DCB_int_012249.3886How did you kind of get into this career path? Was it through college, or2252.8086
1895 2253.3066how did you get here?2254.5745
1896DCB_se3_ag3_m_022255.2618Uh, /RD-NAME-2/ this was never initially on my career path2258.1112
1898 2258.6418leaving college and in high school.2260.0473 
1900 2260.8948Never was.2261.6088 
1902 2262.0392I mean, cause I could draw,2263.1503 
1904 2263.5574really really good, and I wanted to be like a artist, engineer, or I be on TV playing sports.2267.8324 
1906 2269.5040Safety- And the reason I- um,2271.2490 
1908 2271.8004I got into it because when I was in school, I started doing security part time2275.2938 
1910 2276.4816for /RD-WORK-5/.2277.3358 
1914 2281.3438initially, I mean, I- I di- I'm not gonna say I was a expert, but2284.2809 
1916 2285.2818he- the guy I was working for thought I was. I mean, because I was making decisions on my own. That's w- how security p- pretty much is.2291.1217 
1918 2291.6355They put you in a position where2292.9168 
1920 2294.4582you can't make personal decisions2296.0540 
1922 2296.1674because your2296.7487 
1924 2297.3419personal decisions don't matter.2298.7065 
1926 2299.1770Every decision you make, you gotta be, how would it benefit the organization I'm working for?2302.4900 
1928DCB_se3_ag3_m_022304.7032I mean, sometimes, you might not agree with it.2306.9054
1930 2308.0640But2308.4277 
1932 2309.1951how you feel don't matter at the time because you gotta figure2311.7042 
1934 2313.5735the decisions you make is gonna affect other people2315.7923 
1936 2316.1260and the business.2316.9434 
1938 2317.4439So whatever guidelines2319.0655 
1940 2319.4167the organization has2320.6207 
1942 2321.0483those what you gotta follow.2322.0693 
1944 2322.6832So I started doing security there.2324.0946 
1946 2325.6694Um,2326.2184 
1948 2326.3994<clears throat>2327.0580 
1950 2327.6066St-2327.8298 
1952 2327.9324I'm not gonna lie, I started to like it2329.3097 
1954 2329.9532a little bit.2330.4630 
1956 2330.9033I mean, cause I- when I2331.7388 
1958 2332.0352<clears throat> first started doing security, security was looked at the guy with the mean face2335.6004 
1960 2336.0287standing in CVS telling everybody what to- <laugh> what to do and being mean [to people.]2339.5675 
1962DCB_se3_ag3_m_022340.2280That quickly changed when I left there2342.0587
1964 2342.5234And I started doing security for /RD-WORK-3/,2344.2585 
1966 2344.3701/RD-WORK-5/.2345.1513 
1968 2345.6490Because, you know, at a hotel, they preach2347.6940 
1970 2348.5212like it's in the Bible, hospitality.2350.1348 
1972 2351.6188Every day, I mean, it's-2352.5509 
1974 2352.8314and I- I didn't really see security and like hospitality like, connecting together2356.9282 
1976 2357.5736/?/2357.7878 
1978 2357.9326until I started working in the hotel /world/ because, of course, you gotta,2360.2987 
1980 2361.2059you know, provide a p- uh, secure presence by standing in the lobby, at the same time2364.4846 
1982 2365.3208you gotta be hospitable, too. A guest walk past, how you doing?2367.9450 
1984 2368.8890Can I help you with anything?2369.7607 
1986 2371.1278And I think that's learned behavior because if you-2372.7023 
1988 2373.0824you- growing up, I mean, everybody don't have that personality.2375.3650 
1990 2376.3406You don't.2376.7177 
1992 2377.8246I mean, cause I was- I was a person- I used to laugh and joke, but was I open to like, having conversations with people2382.3497 
1994 2383.0706at a younger age? I'm n- I'm not gonna lie. No I wasn't.2385.5560 
1996 2386.9804But when I started working in a hotel,2388.4535 
1998 2389.1672and I saw that everybody2390.4008 
2000 2390.5878talk to everybody.2391.6838 
2002 2392.6668Guests'll come up to you and hold a conversation with you for a hour if they could,2396.1777 
2004 2396.6874about their day, their kids,2398.3350 
2006 2398.6909um,2399.1434 
2008 2399.2731things that's going on in the area.2400.5701 
2010 2401.2035I started to like it.2402.0631 
2012 2402.7787<clears throat> So the more I start to like it, I switched from part time to full time.2405.8073 
2014 2406.5068And within-2406.9713 
2016 2407.1914within like, two years I was promoted to like a, uh,2409.5991 
2018 2409.7258lead officer or something like that.2411.0862 
2020 2411.7859And then,2412.3500 
2022 2413.3906as the lead officer I took on more responsibilities.2415.5466 
2024 2416.2718Um,2416.7212 
2026 2417.1616I'm good at writing reports.2418.3206 
2028 2419.3823<clears throat> And I think initially that's what got me, um, promoted because2422.0155 
2030 2423.1345it was a instance where my supervisor2425.1229 
2032 2425.7835I guess she was older2426.8663 
2034 2427.2856she was inclined to technology.2428.8540 
2036 2429.1164I [used to do her] reports.2430.1902 
2038 2430.9873Mm, mm-hm.2431.9826
2039DCB_se3_ag3_m_022432.1395I used to do her reports.2432.9991
2041 2433.0775And I think my director found out that I was cause he knew2435.3246 
2043 2435.7295she wasn't that good.2436.5549 
2045 2436.8365So he was looking at some of the reports and he was like, man no way in hell she wrote this.2439.6205 
2046DCB_int_012440.1212Cause it wasn't happening before.2441.3254
2047DCB_se3_ag3_m_022441.5396It sure enough wasn't.2442.4716
2049 2443.0175And then2443.5514 
2051 2444.5498he saw a report that I did and saw they were similar. He never came- I know that's what it was, he never came out2449.1020 
2053 2449.8772and said it. Until one time2451.2254 
2055 2451.5610she did a report,2452.4146 
2057 2453.1204well, she was supposed to do it, I helped her do it.2454.9881 
2059 2455.3976And he saw her and he was like,2456.1819 
2061 2456.3063good job on the report you did yesterday. I'm saying to myself, I didn't do no report yesterday.2459.4009 
2063 2460.0464Then I got to thinking, oh damn, he know.2461.3555 
2065DCB_se3_ag3_m_022463.4585[But I think- And after that I] was- Cause m- m- I- I can say /RD-WORK-3/ was like, one of the best jobs I ever had.2469.1781
2066 2469.8839I mean, because I got to meet like a lot of, um-2471.6755
2067DCB_int_012473.0788[/Need to get it? Uh,/ mm-hm.]2474.2129
2068DCB_se3_ag3_m_022473.1723[/Let me answer this real quick./]2474.0289
2069DCB_int_012474.7022Can't write everything [down.]2475.7301
2070DCB_se3_ag3_m_022475.3742[<clears throat>]2475.9315
2073 2477.1296Um, so you were talking about2478.2999 
2075 2478.6324he found out about the report.2479.8898 
2076DCB_se3_ag3_m_022480.2706Yeah, he found out about the report and, um, he told me good job. Of course,2483.2990
2078 2483.5338when he first initially told me I didn't know what he was talking about, and then it dawned on me, dang, he knows.2487.4165 
2080 2488.3515But after a while, I- I guess the performance- um,2490.8859 
2082 2491.4409my performance,2492.3156 
2084 2493.1420uh, he took a liking to. And then when2495.3537 
2086 2497.6460the assistant director left,2498.9671 
2088 2499.5251he aksed me to apply to for the position as assistant director.2501.9078 
2090 2502.3461I didn't really wanna do it, I mean, because I was like, man I-2504.3941 
2092 2505.0637cause I- I-2505.5320 
2094 2506.1382I didn't even plan on being there that long.2507.4171 
2096DCB_se3_ag3_m_022508.4969Being at /RD-WORK-3/ was like a stepping /stone-/ stone for me2510.7569
2098 2511.7703going on to something else.2512.9263 
2100 2513.7067But I was- this was like the third year I was there.2515.6250 
2102 2516.3912So I was there three years past. (laughing)2518.0569 
2103DCB_int_012518.7144Been here quite a long time.2520.0597
2104DCB_se3_ag3_m_022520.1954Yeah, so I applied for the position, I interviewed with the, um,2523.2250
2106 2524.0026executive committee.2524.8864 
2108 2525.5831And I got the position2526.3824 
2110 2527.2360as assistant director. And my hours changed. Instead of the morning I came in the evening because2531.2273 
2111 2531.2273f2531.6164
2112 2531.6164the assistant director was also the- um, the night manager on duty.2534.6907
2114DCB_se3_ag3_m_022535.3874Which means a- anything happen2537.1097
2116 2537.5953as far as from emergency standpoint whether it a guest or anything,2540.3529 
2118 2540.7540they come to me aksing me questions.2542.2994 
2120 2543.3872Um,2543.9060 
2122 2544.0817/I just-/ I love working at the hotel. I mean, I- I've seen a lot,2546.5670 
2124 2546.7873good and bad.2547.5112 
2126 2548.8624Real bad.2549.4235 
2127DCB_int_012550.0576What's the craziest thing you've seen? Or the2552.0212
2128DCB_se3_ag3_m_022552.7933<clears throat> [The craziest] thing, and I- I still- I don't still think about it but when I2556.5493
2130DCB_se3_ag3_m_022556.9836go past the hotel that cross my mind,2558.6184
2132 2559.4208it was a instance where2560.5074 
2134 2561.3006it was a, um- And2562.4739 
2136 2562.5886I was assistant director when this happened.2564.0635 
2138 2565.4155I- um,2566.0942 
2140 2566.9840I was walking on the floor. Though how it usually works is2569.0682 
2142 2569.7438/so if/ a guest locked out of their room,2571.2949 
2144 2571.9525or2572.6583 
2146 2573.1047somebody needs assistance,2574.3820 
2148 2574.9627whoever's there they call security and we'll respond.2577.3161 
2150 2577.6056I was already on the floor and was responding to something else.2579.7653 
2152 2580.1061I heard a call over the radio about2581.5328 
2154 2583.0145a- um, a guest needs assistance.2584.6674 
2156 2584.7699Never said what for.2585.8075 
2158 2586.1242So I'm on the floor, I'm walking towards the room. As I get towards the room,2588.7250 
2160 2589.4428one of the housekeeping supervisors walked out the room and said, /RD-NAME-2/ hurry up, hurry up, come here.2592.8700 
2162 2593.2893So I'm running to the room.2594.2756 
2164 2594.7854Soon as I get to the door,2595.8561 
2166 2596.2603it was a- um,2597.2056 
2168 2597.5211a older woman2598.2058 
2170 2598.6228like, frantic,2599.2924 
2172 2599.7870screaming and crying. I was like, ma'am, calm down, /uh/ how can I help you?2602.6826 
2174 2603.3100She said, my husband, my husband, my husband.2605.1054 
2176 2605.9017/RD-NAME-2/ I walked in the room,2606.9905 
2178 2607.3012her husband was just laying on the bed,2608.6163 
2180 2608.9880<clears throat> stretched out on the bed on his back,2610.7918 
2182 2610.9215mouth wide open.2611.7681 
2184 2612.9092I'm not a doctor2613.7062 
2186 2614.3758by any means,2615.1540 
2188 2615.4104but once I walked over there,2616.6138 
2190 2617.5941touched him, cold as ice.2618.9725 
2192 2620.2250Cold as ice.2620.9157 
2194 2621.0997And I found out they were there2622.5023 
2196 2622.9366on vacation2623.7601 
2198 2624.1069to go sight seeing.2624.9726 
2200 2625.2569It was him, his wife, their two kids,2627.0696 
2202 2627.5040and his mother.2628.1434 
2204 2628.9035So,2629.3529 
2206 2630.0225she told me that,2630.8618 
2208 2631.0066um,2631.5827 
2210 2632.1256earlier that day, well, that morning,2633.5613 
2212 2634.1314he said he didn't feel well.2635.1388 
2214 2635.2987His ch- he was like, chest felt funny, and his stomach was hurting.2637.7697 
2216 2638.3971So it was like, well, you stay here and rest, we'll go sight seeing.2640.7407 
2218 2641.4080So imagine they went to go sight s-2642.7925 
2220 2642.9493sight seeing, they came back,2644.2433 
2222 2644.8616and found him in the room,2645.8540 
2224 2646.1224his wife,2646.7287 
2226 2647.1004his mom, and his kids.2648.3284 
2228 2649.0399And when I get to the room, the kids were like, on the side2651.3171 
2230 2651.4619/??/ cause they got conjoining rooms.2653.0311 
2232 2654.4819And they had a housekeeper to t- to take them in the room cause they was like, real real frantic.2658.0180 
2234 2658.7808So, of course, all of us are, um, CPR, First-Aid, um, certified.2662.7863 
2236 2663.4265/RD-NAME-2/ like I say, I'm not a doctor. I knew he was- um,2666.0627 
2238 2667.0189/and/ I had a feeling he was dead, I'll say that.2668.5122 
2240 2669.1883So I aksed the wife, well, help me move him to the floor cause, you know, you can't do CPR on the bed because2673.4140 
2241DCB_int_012672.7052[Bed cause] the surface.2674.3167
2242DCB_se3_ag3_m_022674.3016the resistance, so2675.2517
2243 2675.5382we moved him on the floor.2676.5969
2245 2677.4204Um, but when I first got there I told her to call downstairs and have 'em call the ambulance.2680.9954 
2247 2681.7886Um, I started CPR process2683.7220 
2249 2684.8358for like, five minutes, five- five to eight minutes.2687.3002 
2251 2687.9998During the process, um,2689.5592 
2253 2689.9611they showed up, the ambulance showed up,2691.8523 
2255 2692.2203and they saw what I was doing. They was like, well, keep going, cause they started setting up for everything.2695.4929 
2257 2696.1120So I- I was still doing CPR process until they took over.2698.7210 
2259 2699.6229Um, from there-2700.6122 
2261 2701.8315Course, the wife,2702.5222 
2263 2703.4995s- lo- she's losing it.2704.7482 
2265 2705.3213They took him to the hospital.2706.5044 
2267 2707.6083Um,2708.2900 
2269 2708.6399of course, he was pronounced dead2709.8404 
2271 2710.6427before he even got there.2711.6169 
2273 2712.3325But- um,2713.1378 
2275 2713.5873and that's the first time I actually-2715.0499 
2277 2716.3713I've seen- like,2717.5302 
2279 2718.2541from a distance though,2719.1077 
2281 2719.2103seen people get shot, or people die, but this was the first time I was actually this close2722.6556 
2283 2723.2256to like, a dead body.2724.0523 
2285 2725.6658And it stuck /for/ me that entire week.2727.0502 
2287 2727.2161it was like rolling around in my head like,2728.8487 
2289 2728.9814dang should I-2729.4730 
2291 2730.5951what if I'd have got there sooner?2731.6296 
2293 2731.7563I mean,2732.1310 
2295DCB_se3_ag3_m_022733.0865But, um,2733.6482
2297 2733.7960<clears throat>2734.3963 
2299 2734.6134it got to a point where2735.7566 
2301 2736.9691like I said, I was doing the CPR process,2738.6582 
2303 2739.2230it didn't work,2739.8986 
2305 2740.5170they took him to the hospital, he pronounced dead.2742.0764 
2307 2742.4293The very next day, I'm walking in the lobby,2744.3989 
2309 2744.5444I run into his wife.2745.5639 
2311 2746.9996She look like she was lost. I mean, it's2748.8513 
2313 2749.3915explainable, I mean, of course she would.2750.7676 
2315 2751.3317I talked to her for a while, aksed her did she need anything, /I got/ the front desk-2754.6495 
2316DCB_int_012755.4254It might be /RD-NAME-2/.2756.2187
2317DCB_se3_ag3_m_022756.2187Yeah, just hold on [a sec.]2756.9939
2319 2757.0210Wanted to s- start early cause it's gonna start getting busy.2759.3013
2321DCB_int_012760.0282So you saw the wife, [she was-]2761.7375
2322DCB_se3_ag3_m_022761.0317[Yeah, I s- uh], and she was frantic.2762.6303
2323 2762.7781I mean, she was-2763.4447
2325 2763.5714you could tell she been crying all night, she didn't sleep when I was talking to her.2766.2830 
2327 2767.2519I mean, of course,2767.9969 
2329 2769.4658I'm not gonna say I feel your pain because I- I have somebody passing me2772.3742 
2331 2773.0710as well, but that don't mean I feel the same thing she's feeling.2775.2216 
2333 2775.9515So I aksed her, I was like, well, um,2777.5863 
2335 2777.9128if there's anything we can do to help,2779.3606 
2337 2780.2594just let me know. I gave her my business card,2782.0420 
2339 2782.5706cause I didn't have a chance to the day before.2784.1934 
2341 2784.8630We comped her- um, we just went ahead and comped their stay.2787.3182 
2343DCB_se3_ag3_m_022788.3354I went over to the front desk,2789.4846
2344 2789.8133and I talked to the GM2790.9505
2346 2791.6321and, um,2792.3952 
2348 2792.9532we comped their stay.2793.8853 
2350 2794.1153They stayed for like another day.2795.3157 
2352 2795.4273Cause they- they was from-2796.5660 
2354 2797.3788<ts>2797.5176 
2356 2798.6879I can't- forgot what city they was from, but it was nowhere near DC of [course.]2801.7350 
2358DCB_se3_ag3_m_022802.7545Cause I worked at the /RD-WORK-3/ um, downtown on /RD-ADDRESS-2/ by the convention center.2805.9525
2359DCB_int_012806.0128Mm, mm-hm.2806.6281
2360DCB_se3_ag3_m_022807.0805So, um,2807.8467
2362 2811.0748of course, she- she said she didn't need anything but I let her know, well, I'm'a come back and check on you2815.0328 
2364 2815.4521later today if th- if- if- if that's okay with- with you.2817.7354 
2366 2818.4563Uh, she said that's fine, she was about to go, um,2820.4228 
2368 2820.9876<clears throat> get the kids and have 'em eat breakfast. I was like, well,2823.4459 
2370 2824.4985I'll be downstairs waiting on you.2825.6357 
2372 2825.8589Of course, I comped their breakfast as well2827.3919 
2374 2827.8684once they came down.2828.7341 
2376 2829.4519I mean, when I- I saw her again when she left, she said she appreciated everything.2832.5896 
2378 2833.4975I mean, it's nothing really that2834.9694 
2380 2835.2529we could have [possibly done] [to change it] because she didn't know2837.8718 
2383 2836.5450[Yeah.]2836.9649 
2384DCB_se3_ag3_m_022838.5383and neither we- I mean, we didn't know either I guess2840.6195
2386 2840.9513he was sick,2841.5425 
2388 2842.3848so.2842.6875 
2389DCB_int_012843.9020/inaudible/ oh.2844.5203
2393 2846.4748Um,2847.0148 
2394DCB_se3_ag3_m_022848.7950[I mean, just-]2849.3217
2395DCB_int_012848.8735[So he was] sick.2849.7421
2396DCB_se3_ag3_m_022849.8779Yeah he was sick and ain't nobody knew it. Um, I would say it's nothing we2853.2108
2398 2853.8570coulda done, we did everything we could.2855.4164 
2400 2855.6276And I- like I s- I- I- like I said I knew when I first got there he2858.3211 
2402 2858.4757was pretty much dead, but2859.6248 
2404 2860.1466I couldn't say that to her because like I said, I'm not a doctor.2862.4098 
2406DCB_se3_ag3_m_022862.8643[So] I had to go through the, um, proper procedures2864.9915
2407 2865.5404from a CPR standpoint.2866.8525
2409 2868.2701Uh, I'm not gonna lie, it was mostly for her benefit.2871.1815 
2411DCB_se3_ag3_m_022872.5811And I had no p- I had no problem doing it neither.2874.1374
2413 2875.0551I mean, that's the first time I ever- um,2876.7050 
2415 2876.9493first and only time actually2878.1528 
2417 2879.0818I ever had to, um, perform CPR.2880.5326 
2418DCB_int_012881.1065So that was when you were close to a dead body, do you ever feel like there was a time when you2885.0577
2420 2885.7484like, were like, oh my god I'm about to die? Like when you were in a situation2888.8348 
2422 2889.0550where you thought you were gonna die or get killed?2891.0035 
2425 2892.1564Never.2892.4098 
2427 2893.5288Never.2893.8546 
2429 2894.2316The-2894.4397 
2431 2894.7293/RD-NAME-2/ the c- the circle I hung around and still hang around2897.1279 
2433 2897.9815I really never hung around nobody that was- that I'm close to that got into like situations like that or2902.4063 
2435 2902.5579put theirself in position2903.6407 
2437 2904.0630to be in- in that situation.2905.4173 
2438DCB_int_012906.6479So you were always- you were good.2908.1900
2440 2908.6786yeah.2908.9573
2442 2909.7856I hang around a lot of positive people, man.2911.2153 
2444 2911.4204My closest friend is my barber2912.7294 
2446 2913.2942and I been knowing him ever since we-2914.6726 
2448 2914.9441I was like, ten years old.2915.9575 
2449DCB_int_012917.6647[That's a] good thing.2918.5492
2451 2918.5613Yeah, I mean, all of my friends- I have- really don't have- of course the p- other than the people here,2921.9039
2453 2922.3165but like close-2923.1279 
2455 2923.4114close friends, I been knowing for decades.2925.2527 
2457 2926.0544I don't have that many.2926.8054 
2459 2927.8520But the ones-2928.3135 
2460DCB_int_012927.8581[That's probably] best.2928.7268
2462 2929.0797The ones I do,2929.7440
2464 2930.0908we're really close.2930.8238 
2465DCB_int_012931.2702So let's talk about DC for a few minutes. Um,2933.8038
2467 2934.5134you've grown up here,2935.5600 
2469DCB_int_012935.7259[you s-] you've seen a lot of things2937.2733
2470 2937.4814being kind of, [/you know,/]2939.1214
2471DCB_se3_ag3_m_022938.6637[<clears throat>]2939.2821
2472DCB_int_012940.0278in your job and stuff.2941.1861
2474 2941.6747How has the city changed?2943.2746 
2476 2943.4030Or do you think it's [changed?]2944.7605 
2477DCB_se3_ag3_m_022944.5968[I-] it's- it's- yeah, yeah,2946.0441
2478 2946.5149it's [changed.]2947.0828
2480DCB_se3_ag3_m_022947.6902The- the whole attitude has changed I guess.2949.6539
2482 2950.1449I mean, I'm- like I said, growing up you s- you see a lot growing up as far as2953.2289 
2484 2954.0152<ts>2954.1191 
2486 2955.2743<sigh>2955.9689 
2488 2957.4638who you consider to be2959.0339 
2490 2960.1004as trouble makers,2961.2613 
2492 2962.5470um, part of the bad crowd. And these were always the older individuals2966.1597 
2494 2966.5033that stayed in a lot of trouble.2967.6244 
2496 2968.6091And they- they younger now,2969.5881 
2498 2970.8992a lot younger now. Whereas though2972.4009 
2500 2972.6146of course,2973.0714 
2502 2973.3718when you had, like if you wanna call it quote unquote beef,2976.2024 
2504 2976.6033with another individual or another neighborhood,2978.4255 
2506 2980.0404you fought.2980.4793 
2508 2982.0511For whatever reason, like I said, I still didn't understand the neighborhood thing because it's not your neighborhood, I never really cared.2986.6945 
2510 2987.7746But, um, now, they- nobody fights anymore.2990.1504 
2512 2991.5582At all. I mean, not that fighting was a good thing in general, I mean, but.2994.0422 
2514 2995.3419Grab a gun real fast. I mean, I think the- the youth today, I mean, they have the right, I think,2999.7805 
2516 3000.8178um,3001.3550 
2518 3001.5138mindset as far as like, um, not being scared of anything.3004.3814 
2520 3005.2483Scared of anything.3006.0569 
2522 3006.7327But3007.0908 
2524 3007.9138truly misguided.3008.8581 
2526 3009.7187Have no guidance.3010.6775 
2528 3011.3394And when you have no guidance as a child and you not scared, you- you straight reckless.3014.5396 
2530 3016.0731And cause you, I guess, figure you-3017.4102 
2532 3018.1697<clears throat> you have the mindset it's no consequences for your actions at all.3021.3253 
2534 3021.7512You feel you'll never get caught,3022.9583 
2536 3023.7034everything you do you'll get away with and it's a reason for everything that you do that's negative.3027.2988 
2537DCB_int_013028.7577So do you feel like the city is getting better or [worse?]3030.8860
2539 3031.4694I think it's getting worse.3032.2231
2541 3033.2662A lot worse.3033.9275 
2543 3034.9238It's no-3035.3396 
2545 3036.4255We had a - we always had, uh, a safe haven when we were younger, always had extra activities when we were younger.3041.4606 
2547 3041.9765Like I said the program called OSAY.3043.5359 
2549 3043.8195The rec center, it was a whole lot of rec centers back in the day.3046.3493 
2551DCB_se3_ag3_m_023047.1232Every corner it was a rec center. Now, I mean, it's- it's nothing.3049.7488
2553 3051.6663It's nothing to fall back on, and I mean, not3053.1940 
2555 3053.6041to say that3054.2077 
2557 3055.1381every, um-3056.0824 
2559 3056.3943Cause I- I- like I said, I didn't think my neighborhood was bad,3058.5573 
2561 3058.7479I mean, you j-3059.2793 
2563 3059.4647I'm- I'm never gonna be a person- and I preach this to my daughter,3061.9222 
2565 3062.5200you never be a product of your environment.3064.2758 
2567 3064.7384You don't have to be.3065.5384 
2569 3066.7339Just because you- you're in bad surroundings,3068.6717 
2571 3068.8045shouldn't mean that you should have the same type of mentality, nah.3071.5803 
2573 3073.4978Because the neighborhood I grew up in, looking at it now, now that I'm older, yeah it was, uh,3077.3104 
2575 3077.8937pretty rough.3078.3644 
2577 3078.6734It was bad.3079.2597 
2579 3080.3599But me being a person at a younger age, seeing that, well, it's- it's bad, but3084.2735 
2581 3085.0850that don't mean I gotta follow the same suit3086.6681 
2583 3087.3756as everybody else.3088.2362 
2585 3088.6636Now,3089.1372 
2587 3090.2000everybody's following everybody.3091.4279 
2589 3092.4328Kids are smoking at a earlier- <laugh>3094.0125 
2591 3094.5410at a earlier age,3095.5430 
2593 3095.6239drinking at a earlier age,3096.8859 
2595 3097.2619stop going to school at a earlier age, I mean, cause it's no guidance at home.3100.5309 
2597 3101.3160Um,3101.8011 
2599 3102.0062and a lot of people use the excuse3103.3346 
2601 3103.9901that,3104.2954 
2603 3104.7300you know-3105.0187 
2605 3105.3855<clears throat> a lot of, um, esp- and it's happening with g- more g- girls now than ever.3109.1137 
2607 3109.7525Boys has always been like that.3111.0000 
2609 3111.6094That it's no like, predominant male figure in the house3114.0756 
2611 3116.1121I guess to show the young- young man, um, guidance. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, it's not.3119.5977 
2613DCB_se3_ag3_m_023121.0624It's not.3121.4331
2615 3122.0876At all.3122.4861 
2617 3123.4218But3123.7221 
2619 3124.0542it wasn't one in my house either.3125.2527 
2621 3127.4913I know times are different then, /but/ I- I know mothers and parents are younger now,3130.8817 
2623 3131.5233but in my household, it was just my mother.3132.8474 
2625DCB_se3_ag3_m_023135.2660But, um,3135.9042
2627 3136.0399like I said, I /mean, to-/ I agree, I mean, not agree, but I- yeah, it's gotten worse.3139.7341 
2629 3140.4618It's getting worse.3141.3224 
2631 3141.9005And in my personal opinion do I see it getting better any time soon?3144.6988 
2633 3145.3688No, unless it's a drastic change. No I- I don't see it. I want it to, though.3148.7828 
2634DCB_int_013149.8889[What does] getting better mean?3151.0498
2635DCB_se3_ag3_m_023149.9466[Cause it-]3150.1946
2636 3151.6476<clears throat> Getting better to a point where3153.5743
2638 3154.7641kids are more respectful,3156.0463 
2640 3156.3438they're staying in school,3157.3718 
2642 3158.1666violence decreases,3159.8329 
2644 3160.4566because it's going like, higher and higher each year.3162.9691 
2646 3163.7840I mean, cause you- you- you get to a point where3165.6669 
2648 3166.0856if you go to a jail,3167.1166 
2650 3168.3526it's more- the population- I mean, /it-/ to me, jail is a business. I- my father been told me this a long time ago,3173.6985 
2652 3174.6319that, um,3175.4174 
2654 3176.8642more kids are getting charges like, at a high rate for everything now.3179.9605 
2656 3181.1561Is it by design? Maybe it is.3182.8513 
2658 3184.5233Cause I figure if you put3185.3641 
2660 3185.4870<clears throat>3185.9418 
2662 3186.9526everybody in the same confined neighborhood3188.9279 
2664 3189.8346with no resources,3191.1602 
2666 3191.9260what g- what good is gonna come out of that?3193.4306 
2668 3194.9814No resources at all.3196.1630 
2670 3196.5240Only thing you putting in there3197.5550 
2672 3197.9968carry outs and liquor stores.3199.1982 
2674 3200.8471I mean, what- what are you gonna have to do?3201.9826 
2676 3203.7702You can't- It's- and it's hard to find a job now because-3206.1498 
2678 3207.1807Is it true that, uh, you- you need a diploma or degree to work in McDonalds now or something like that?3210.6669 
2680 3211.0337I [think-]3211.3884 
2681DCB_int_013211.2474[Think-] I think it's getting to that point.3212.6451
2682DCB_se3_ag3_m_023212.6457Yeah, I mean, it's getting to that point. Now is that by design? Maybe it is.3215.5835
2684 3218.4653It just- I mean, it's- the system in general I don't- it's a lot of things I don't agree with.3221.8383 
2686 3222.7797Because I've always believed in- My-3224.4177 
2688 3224.7931I used to think my father was a Black Panther because he-3226.8691 
2690 3227.4326he preached this stuff all the time. It's a lot of stuff I learned from him3230.0380 
2692 3230.8495that we never got taught in school.3232.3800 
2694 3233.7547A whole lot of stuff.3234.7515 
2695DCB_int_013235.4648Like what?3235.8171
2696DCB_se3_ag3_m_023236.4756Um, like the Statue of Liberty.3238.0004
2698 3240.1726Um, originally it's supposed to have been of a- um,3242.8496 
2700 3243.7968a gift from the Fr- I think from France, /a/ France that, um,3246.9018 
2702 3247.9501when slavery was abolished3249.2092 
2704 3250.3620of a black woman.3251.2342 
2706 3253.1546I don't know- I don't know if she was holding anything. But if you go to the, um, Statue of Liberty now,3256.8285 
2708 3257.3108you can see that it was changed, you can still see the shackles on the feet of the statue of liberty.3261.2041 
2710 3261.8395I was never taught that in school.3263.1043 
2712 3264.0361Never taught that. I taught- I- I- everything I've learned from my father I tell my daughter.3267.5175 
2714 3268.1009Cause I know they not teaching it in school.3269.3513 
2718 3272.4592and it's- Of course,3273.4885 
2720 3273.6634we get taught about the same- we- where we was in school we got taught about the same individuals.3277.7012 
2722 3278.4145I mean, I ain't- it wasn't really no big issue at the time, but now that I look at it- but I'm starting to learn more.3283.0986 
2724 3284.2745I- um,3285.0109 
2726 3285.8282people of color- color contributed3287.5003 
2728 3287.8468to this city3288.4590 
2730 3288.9938than ever.3289.4386 
2732 3290.1952We learned about Malcolm X, Martin Luther King,3292.0030 
2734 3292.1560um, Harriet Tubman,3293.2476 
2736 3294.2676um,3294.7903 
2738 3294.9318Booker T. Washington,3295.9021 
2740 3297.0082um, Frederick Douglass.3298.1113 
2742 3300.6561No k- no in- no inventors, we really never learned about-3303.0732 
2744 3304.0638Charles Drew, that's the only one I remember.3306.1089 
2746 3306.7327But no vented- inventors3308.2055 
2748 3308.5289that we learned about that contributed to the city. I mean, because you gotta figure-3311.2643 
2750 3313.1212Like, um, I can't- I can't remember who it was.3315.6688 
2752 3317.4882<ts>3317.6730 
2754 3319.3941But anyway,3320.0266 
2756 3320.3500slaves in general invented a lot of stuff. Because3322.6204 
2758 3322.9034why would somebody invent3324.1423 
2760 3324.8296I- I guess a slave owner invent like, a gadget or something to make them do their job better?3329.0725 
2762 3330.0890If I'm doing the job, I'm'a figure out a way myself.3332.2111 
2764 3333.5694Yeah, [to make it easier] for me.3335.1173 
2766DCB_se3_ag3_m_023335.3368And just that3336.0587
2768 3336.5237if I see something like that, me being in the position of, I guess, a slave owner,3339.9146 
2770 3340.8907I'm gonna take your idea and patent it.3342.4205 
2772DCB_se3_ag3_m_023343.7242That's happened a lot.3344.4433
2774 3345.3501I was never taught that in school, though.3346.5514 
2776DCB_se3_ag3_m_023347.8423I was never taught that in school.3348.8853
2778 3350.6123But do I think ch- things are going in direction- a positive direction in DC3355.1381 
2780 3355.3171ch- as far as for change?3356.5358 
2782 3357.8036As much as I want it,3358.5689 
2784 3358.9645I don't.3359.3255 
2785DCB_int_013360.4870What about3360.8270
2787 3361.0472<clears throat> with all these new condos and3363.0918 
2789 3365.0936[gentrification] and-3366.6386 
2790DCB_se3_ag3_m_023365.3824[<clears throat>]3365.8358
2791DCB_int_013367.6090What is your- what do you think about that?3368.8703
2792DCB_se3_ag3_m_023369.9978See a- a lot of people think that-3371.5399
2794 3373.0791Cause at first,3373.7260 
2796 3373.8675DC was3374.6848 
2798 3375.3986all black3375.8607 
2800 3376.3169for the most part.3376.9476 
2802 3377.5616Now they building these condos,3379.3319 
2804 3379.6120um, new developments,3380.9462 
2806 3381.2759and they moving a majority of the black people that was living in the area to PG.3384.7269 
2808 3386.7692Same thing.3387.4969 
2810 3387.6587You confine people into one area,3389.3866 
2812DCB_se3_ag3_m_023390.0036with no resources,3391.1067
2814 3391.5746what are you gonna expect to happen?3392.7389 
2816 3393.0422So-3393.4551 
2818 3394.5034and- and m- and me personally I don't think it's for our benefit they building these new developments because3398.9137 
2820 3399.7887if you go down t- Man, I- where- where'd I drive to? I drove by the- um,3403.1768 
2822 3404.3261the wharf.3404.8488 
2824 3406.5613Haven't been past the wharf in a while.3407.8811 
2826 3407.9942I drove past it, didn't recognize the neighborhood.3409.8338 
2828DCB_se3_ag3_m_023410.7695At all.3411.1895
2830 3411.9997And the stuff they're- I mean, that they're putting up, I mean, it's-3414.1777 
2832 3414.4232Of course they're gonna put in condos that3416.0259 
2834 3416.2396the average, um,3417.4612 
2836 3418.4552person of color3419.2782 
2838 3419.9308can't afford.3420.6066 
2840 3421.7849So,3422.1834 
2842 3422.7667we gonna move you out, but you have the opportunity to move back3425.0689 
2844 3425.4761in once we finish rebuilding.3426.7843 
2846 3427.2088I'm gonna tell you that3428.0665 
2848 3428.6325knowing that once we rebuild and you try to move back you can't afford it.3432.4768 
2850 3434.4498So now you have to move somewhere that's more affordable,3436.5579 
2852 3437.2856in a neighborhood that's worse than the one that we just rebuilt.3440.0118 
2854 3440.3935And nine times out of ten they have been moving a lot of people to PG.3442.9117 
2856 3443.6250They redoing a whole lot of areas, man,3445.1382 
2858 3445.6032in DC.3446.1958 
2860 3446.7358Cause I drove through where I used to live at.3448.3097 
2862 3449.3435It doesn't look the same.3450.2359 
2866 3456.5527I- I- I just don't think3457.5635 
2868 3457.9504that a lot of people, I guess,3459.3451 
2870 3459.7958black people realize exactly what's happening as far as like, the change that's happening in DC.3463.7065 
2872 3465.4652They building a lot of condos.3466.9068 
2874 3468.3160If you notice a lot of schools are closing, too.3469.9910 
2876DCB_se3_ag3_m_023471.6660A whole lot of schools in DC are closing.3473.5003
2878 3474.3666Um,3475.0106 
2880 3475.8654and a lot of schools are getting overcrowded now, because3478.2046 
2882 3478.5113if it-3478.7827 
2884 3479.5711It's a school on /??/.3480.7089 
2886 3481.0468I can't think of the name of the school. /??/ Street, DC.3483.2589 
2888 3484.0854That just closed but around the corner, it's another school3486.7104 
2890 3486.8895that's still open.3487.5017 
2892 3488.9976Um,3489.5521 
2894 3489.7288majority of kids that go to that school,3491.2854 
2896 3491.7272have to go to that school because of the, um, the distance.3493.8734 
2898 3494.8351/and/ the average person in the city, some of 'em3496.7411 
2900 3497.2435don't have a car to take their kid to like a- uh,3499.5394 
2902 3499.8051<laugh>3500.0736 
2904 3500.6027a private school or something like that.3502.0610 
2906 3502.6011Schools are getting overcrowded,3503.8637 
2908 3504.5561the teachers are getting stressed out because they can't deal with the volume of kids that they getting.3508.0510 
2910 3509.3505Um, they building more private schools and they building more, um,3512.2880 
2912 3513.6800charter schools.3514.4066 
2914 3514.8062I mean, which- I mean, I think it's good, but3516.4696 
2916 3520.3313to build3520.8857 
2918 3521.0937a- like a- um, I can't think of the neighborhood, but.3523.3698 
2920 3523.7684I know they- they tore down the school3525.3004 
2922 3526.7024to put up condos.3527.7773 
2924 3530.9943That's what happening a lot.3531.9502 
2926DCB_se3_ag3_m_023533.8105So, I mean, and- and do I think it's- in the long term is it beneficial for us? No, because before you look up,3538.4340
2928 3539.3818DC will look totally di- it's- it look totally different now but it's gonna get way (laughing) totally different than what it is now.3544.3205 
2931 3546.2670So let me ask you a couple-3547.5954 
2933 3547.8004I- I totally agree.3548.9391 
2935 3549.0687I- um,3549.7300 
2937 3550.1401I think it's really interesting and like to hear- people who have lived here for so long3553.7721 
2939DCB_int_013554.1629to hear3554.7295
2941 3555.2493what they think about it, right? Cause3556.7799 
2943 3557.2621I don't really have a stake, I wasn't born here,3559.1302 
2945DCB_int_013559.6307I went to college here and I work here.3561.3346
2947 3561.7244So my view,3562.7737 
2949 3562.8593I- even going to college here now being here now is still very d- like, it's different, right? From when I went to college here ten years ago to now.3569.2247 
2951 3569.9784Um, and I'm-3570.8049 
2953 3571.1284I'm fascinated, like3572.4452 
2955 3573.9729not necessarily in a good way.3575.1685 
2957 3575.8298Um,3576.7718 
2959 3576.8844but then to hear people who've3577.8865 
2961 3578.1608grown up here all their lives to talk about it.3580.0148 
2963 3580.3354And they're like,3580.9187 
2965 3581.6124my city's changing.3582.7242 
2967DCB_int_013584.2634My city's- you know, it is what- you know. So it's just interesting. But I wanna ask you about a couple of things. A piece- a couple of3590.3256
2969 3590.8598DC specific [things.]3592.4626 
2971DCB_int_013592.8357Do you listen to go go music?3593.8744
2972DCB_se3_ag3_m_023593.9937Ye- uh, what? Yes.3595.0969
2974 3595.5070Born and raised on it.3596.3127 
2976 3597.3696I still do.3597.8692 
2977DCB_int_013598.4040Tell me about it, tell me about go go music.3600.6806
2978DCB_se3_ag3_m_023601.5316I mean, go go music was- I mean,3603.1719
2980 3603.7327of course, it started like the-3605.2863 
2982 3606.1873a lot of people know the seventies, it wasn't the eighties.3608.0850 
2984 3609.3241It's a lot of bands that we never heard of3610.9355 
2986 3611.9636<clears throat> that are not known or- or relevant now that started out.3614.6528 
2988 3615.9205Like Trouble Funk or, um,3617.8092 
2990 3618.3954<ts>3618.5196 
2992 3620.7120t-3620.8044 
2994 3621.0932I can't think of the name of them. But it's a whole lot of bands. But3623.0598 
2996 3623.6288it- I became, I guess, interested in it because3626.5287 
2998 3627.7329hearing my brother listen to it all the time.3629.6451 
3000 3630.9390Um,3631.5686 
3002 3634.0319and, you know, usually at go gos,3635.9032 
3004 3636.0655it's our crowd.3636.8308 
3006DCB_se3_ag3_m_023639.0256And it can happen- it- you can go to- uh, to- uh, I guess- Well, growing up it used- they used to play like, rec centers,3644.1174
3008 3645.2151um,3645.8799 
3010 3646.9109<ts>3647.0610 
3012 3647.4105football fields or something like that.3649.0158 
3014DCB_se3_ag3_m_023649.5590And I just enjoy the fact that3651.2201
3016 3651.5493we can go somewhere and listen to music for free.3653.6343 
3018 3654.9108Pretty much.3655.5577 
3020 3655.9475And that's how it was. And I saw how-3657.4295 
3022 3658.9023in general3659.5723 
3024 3659.7543how it brung like, a lot of us like, together.3661.9785 
3026 3662.5445People you didn't know, because3663.7603 
3028 3664.0693if a band played3665.1031 
3030 3665.2591on like, Benning Road,3666.6597 
3032 3667.0871and it's a well-known band,3668.1475 
3034 3669.1236people from- it ain't gonna just be people from Benning Road that go over there to see that band play.3672.3435 
3036DCB_se3_ag3_m_023673.3953People from Northwest,3674.4031
3038 3675.3677Southwest,3676.1272 
3040 3676.4390Southeast.3677.0715 
3042 3678.0337All the neighborhoods came /here./ I mean, of course, there was some altercations, I mean, for the- the dumbest reasons.3682.3481 
3044 3683.5674But I think that's why they starting to fade it out and close a lot of clubs because of that,3687.5757 
3046 3688.9884what happens afterwards.3690.1436 
3048DCB_se3_ag3_m_023690.9348But I- I love- I love go go.3692.3874
3049 3692.5203I listen to it almost every day.3693.7418
3051 3694.1057[My daughter-]3694.6116 
3052DCB_int_013694.1640[What makes] go go3695.4462
3053 3695.8910[unique?]3696.2981
3054DCB_se3_ag3_m_023696.2057[<clears throat>]3696.5349
3055 3698.1926Um, it's cause-3699.1658
3057 3699.8392it's different3700.4428 
3059 3700.9106from any other music that you ever listen to.3702.5711 
3061 3702.7559I feel it is because-3703.8764 
3063 3704.1739Of course some of the songs they do3705.5346 
3065 3705.6559are like, cover songs3706.7533 
3067 3707.3049of other artists.3708.1909 
3069 3708.9221But the way they do it is totally different3711.1637 
3071 3712.2696from the actual version.3713.3439 
3073 3713.9504Um, it's more upbeat.3715.1402 
3075 3715.9661You can dance to it.3716.9167 
3077 3717.2517Like they take slow songs,3718.5917 
3079 3718.9787and make it a fast song,3720.0154 
3081 3720.2898which I think is good.3721.1561 
3083 3721.9941Um,3722.5168 
3085 3722.6988what makes it unique is3724.0532 
3087 3725.7455the fact that3726.3866 
3089 3726.7077<clears throat>3727.2824 
3091 3727.7848there's3728.9804 
3093 3731.0135four or five3732.0788 
3095 3732.2731instruments,3732.9287 
3099 3735.5017coming together,3736.2311 
3101 3737.0496at one time to play one song.3738.7310 
3103 3739.7417Of course it takes practice3741.1047 
3105 3742.3644to do it. Cause you can't- well,3743.7275 
3107 3744.0740we're not s-3744.6227 
3109 3744.7526yeah you can't now.3745.5793 
3111 3750.2286I think it's really really3751.5685 
3113 3751.7996unique that3752.6168 
3115 3752.9518in go go3753.6449 
3117 3754.3385I could be in a band,3755.3291 
3119 3756.7268your band playing,3757.6336 
3121 3758.0003I could come on your stage with your band3759.7740 
3123 3760.3516never miss a beat.3761.1515 
3125 3762.2951Cause everybody's in tune with ev- Cause of course, you know, in go go people do some of the same songs.3766.1279 
3127DCB_se3_ag3_m_023766.5582A little different from others,3767.7888
3129 3768.7847<clears throat> but it's the same songs.3770.4255 
3131 3770.7345Cause I think go go is like, a- um, in my opinion it's like a connection3773.8505 
3133 3774.9190of instruments3775.7883 
3135 3776.0314and individuals.3777.0075 
3137 3778.0587Um,3778.4486 
3139 3778.6363just-3778.9048 
3141 3779.0897I mean, and- and you gotta figure you go to a go go,3781.1458 
3143 3781.5507you gonna be there for a couple of hours.3782.9111 
3145 3783.4422It's not /just that/ you going in and see them play one3785.7554 
3147 3786.0846or two songs, nah.3787.1912 
3149 3787.8929A variety of songs you will hear one time3790.0213 
3151DCB_se3_ag3_m_023791.1885from other artists that you'll- And then it's- and they do songs that they know you will like.3794.3854
3153DCB_se3_ag3_m_023797.6839But I l- I love go go, man.3798.8072
3154DCB_int_013799.2751What's your favorite- who are your favorite bands?3800.8981
3156 3801.1076Now, um,3802.1963
3158 3803.3803of course Northeast Groovers who's been around forever.3805.3456 
3160 3807.0282Um,3807.7213 
3162 3808.8885<ts>3809.0127 
3164 3809.9859I like Junkyard and Backyard a little bit.3811.7215 
3166 3811.9323But3812.1258 
3168 3812.4955Northeast Groovers.3813.2492 
3169DCB_int_013813.2781Northeast Groovers?3813.9714
3171DCB_int_013814.4448What about mumbo sauce? Are you a mumbo sauce eater?3816.9375
3174 3819.0948<laugh>3819.7908 
3176DCB_se3_ag3_m_023822.9188Yes I am.3824.5765
3178 3825.1257Not as much I was as a child.3826.9277 
3180DCB_se3_ag3_m_023828.7529But yes I am.3829.5542
3182 3829.9369<clears throat> Not that I'm a mumbo sauce connoisseur,3832.3777 
3184 3832.7329it's two different kinds.3833.7205 
3185DCB_int_013833.6685Okay tell me about the mumbo sauce.3835.1154
3186DCB_se3_ag3_m_023835.2164Uh, it's one 'em got a more tangy like, tastes like barbecue-3838.9568
3188 3839.3322close to barbecue type flavor.3840.5971 
3190DCB_se3_ag3_m_023841.2041And the other one is a little more sweeter3842.9743
3192 3843.6876and more brighter.3844.3460 
3194 3844.9092One is the same color as barbecue sauce,3846.8094 
3196 3847.7312and it tastes like barbecue sauce a little bit like a tangy, like, Kansas City barbecue sauce.3851.7597 
3198 3852.2044The other one,3852.9437 
3200 3853.7818is the one when you eat it and it gets on your fingers and you eat it,3856.2782 
3202 3857.1548the color of the barbecue s- I mean, the mumbo sauce is still on your fingers.3859.6216 
3204DCB_se3_ag3_m_023860.3522It's like a brighter color though.3861.4380
3205DCB_int_013861.6084[Where do you] get your mumbo sauce from?3863.2697
3206DCB_se3_ag3_m_023861.6113[I still eat-]3862.0127
3207 3864.2485[Um.]3865.1812
3208DCB_int_013864.6672[Like where do you] go to order your mumbo sauce.3866.8472
3209DCB_se3_ag3_m_023867.1450Certain carry outs.3868.1182
3211 3868.2395Or, I found out,3869.3224 
3213 3870.6023um,3871.1221 
3215 3871.7141you can get it at the grocery store now.3872.9194 
3216DCB_int_013872.9241Capital [City.]3873.6175
3217DCB_se3_ag3_m_023873.3660[Cap-] what? [Yes.]3874.6966
3219DCB_se3_ag3_m_023875.0588I got two bottles [at the house ready to <laugh>]3876.7482
3221DCB_se3_ag3_m_023877.7156[And actually] I- um,3878.9764
3222 3879.2953I s-3879.5686
3224 3879.9398it was like a year ago for my birthday,3881.5859 
3226 3881.8285I went-3882.2328 
3228 3882.5360they had like a- uh, a expo at the convention center.3884.6319 
3230 3885.1871Capital City was there.3886.1579 
3232 3886.5593And that was my first time tasting it, I been buying it every since.3888.7082 
3234DCB_se3_ag3_m_023889.4818I love it.3889.8979
3235DCB_int_013891.1256Capital City actually sponsored /RD-NAME-3/ when we were doing- Cause when they go to Youth of the Year, the competition they have [to take] gifts.3896.2741
3237DCB_int_013896.5957When they go to regionals they have to take gifts for the other contestants,3898.7215
3239DCB_int_013899.1861And so she gave all the other contestants mumbo sauce.3901.6091
3241 3901.8782And they sponsored-3902.8023 
3243 3902.9496they sponsored it for her they gave it as long as she could post- they could post a3906.0020 
3245 3906.2937picture on their Instagram to tell her good luck for the competition.3908.6132 
3246DCB_se3_ag3_m_023908.6536Oh that was neat.3909.2225
3247DCB_int_013909.2543It was really cute.3909.9156
3248DCB_se3_ag3_m_023909.9214That was neat.3910.3907
3249DCB_int_013910.4326That's how I- I didn't know they were sold in grocery stores until-3912.9051
3250DCB_se3_ag3_m_023912.9658Yeah [they do now.]3913.5607
3251DCB_int_013913.1650[until] /RD-NAME-4/ brought it to my attention.3915.2624
3255 3917.2571Okay, so what- do you have any specific carry outs that you like?3919.9531 
3257DCB_int_013920.9772[You know], some people- like, they have they specific ones3923.1142
3258 3923.3429[on this street], they have to go to this only one.3925.6070
3259DCB_se3_ag3_m_023923.3516[<clears throat>]3924.0504
3260 3925.9073You know what, /RD-NAME-2/?3926.5398
3262 3926.7795The older I got the more health conscious I got.3928.9338 
3265 3930.2859So no, /no I don't even do that/.3931.3804 
3266DCB_se3_ag3_m_023931.3630I still go to the carry out, but not as much as I used to. Like,3934.4299
3267 3934.9647to go get a steak and cheese from the carry out, I don't do that no more.3937.5032
3269DCB_se3_ag3_m_023939.2792I don't do that no more. I think I'm more health conscious now because I'm getting older.3942.0261
3270DCB_int_013942.5517Your cholesterol matters.3943.4637
3271DCB_se3_ag3_m_023943.5567Yeah it does.3944.4115
3273DCB_se3_ag3_m_023945.2437[Matters a- <laugh> matters a whole lot.]3946.6411
3275 3947.1699[And] my family3948.1460 
3276 3948.2211has a history of3949.2771
3278 3950.1536high blood pressure.3950.9334 
3280 3951.4763S- diabetes a little bit, [but]3953.1599 
3282DCB_se3_ag3_m_023953.5613I'm more conscious now. And, of course, if I want something,3955.8293
3284 3956.8569I cook it myself.3957.6770 
3286DCB_se3_ag3_m_023958.8033So I'm not even gonna lie, when it comes to, um, cooking, I'm kind of arrogant.3961.4684
3288 3962.9884To the point where if I eat something, man I can make this better than this.3965.6817 
3290 3966.5294I'm like that with all the food now. It's /just/ time3968.4210 
3292 3968.8455when, uh, we'll go out to dinner,3970.0815 
3293DCB_int_013970.5955You like-3970.8809
3294DCB_se3_ag3_m_023970.9940she'll wait on my response <laugh>3972.6927
3296 3973.1374after I eat something to see, if I'm like, man, I- I don't like it.3975.1473 
3298 3976.8425But I- I don't eat carry out that much no more though.3978.5353 
3299DCB_int_013979.5374[Cause you-] you grown.3980.4153
3300DCB_se3_ag3_m_023979.5547[I don't.]3979.8637
3301DCB_int_013980.5453I'm like that with coffee, I'm kind of a coffee snob so I get it, [I understand.]3983.6474
3302DCB_se3_ag3_m_023983.0496[Oh I n- I've never] liked coffee.3984.2123
3303DCB_int_013984.5195Well, okay so we won't3985.7411
3305 3985.9028have coffee [together /RD-NAME-2/] that's what you're telling me.3988.1582 
3307DCB_int_013988.4418Okay I want you to do one other thing for [me and then] I'll let you go to-3990.8618
3309DCB_int_013991.3065to Lowe's cause I know you gotta get your-3992.9959
3310DCB_se3_ag3_m_023993.4181<clears throat> [But one] thing I wanted to mention [though.]3995.1768
3313 3995.0180[Uh-huh.] Go- please, p- anything you wanna [mention.]3997.2936 
3316 3997.1521[One] thing, and I forgot to mention it,3998.7606 
3317 3998.9142I think that did change my childhood.4000.7105
3319DCB_se3_ag3_m_024001.7934When I was in junior high school4003.8467
3321 4004.6501I actually had a- like a4006.0911 
3323 4007.0239if you wanna call it a job4008.3119 
3325 4008.4360after school4009.0809 
3327 4009.4791where we got paid a /stipend/ like,4010.7209 
3329 4010.9981seventy-five dollars a month or something like that.4012.7648 
3331 4013.5019I was in a program called the- um,4015.2808 
3333 4016.9419the Ward Eight Youth4018.0530 
3335 4018.4465Substance Abuse Prevention Initiative Program.4021.6612 
3337 4022.7903Um, and they taught us how to be counselors.4024.7830 
3339 4025.5425And it was instances where4026.8166 
3341 4027.4721after we been there for a while,4028.8525 
3343 4029.3608we were one on one with individuals4031.1137 
3345 4031.3072probably4031.6682 
3347 4032.0326twice my age.4033.0838 
3349 4034.5132Um, telling me about their problems they had with drug addiction,4037.6962 
3351 4038.4586uh,4039.0882 
3353 4039.4751with they kids. And you gotta imagine me, I'm like fifteen sixteen4043.2501 
3355 4044.4110listening to4045.2225 
3357 4045.4304somebody who's like, forty4046.7357 
3359 4047.6830telling me about the problems that they have.4049.1072 
3360DCB_int_014050.0631Wow. (whispered)4050.3698
3361DCB_se3_ag3_m_024050.7533And it's- I may- looking at it, I mean,4052.3590
3363 4052.6420being in the situation never dawned on me. Looking at it now I was like, dang I was4055.4860 
3365 4055.6632fifteen years old, listen to somebody- <laugh>4057.5057 
3367 4057.8724somebody's problem, giving them guidance or what I think4060.1861 
3369 4060.8041they should do, or some resources they should reach out to.4063.1520 
3371 4063.9375And, um,4064.5647 
3373 4065.5523my mentor4066.2643 
3375 4066.7608a guy named /RD-NAME-5/ and I-4068.2582 
3377 4068.5095I ran into him like a couple years ago I been friends with him ever since.4070.8781 
3379 4071.3604That was one of the most positive people I've ever met, man.4073.5869 
3381 4074.8321Cause he was the leader of the, um, organization. Cause it was- it was through, um,4078.2484 
3383 4080.0447um, U-4080.4807 
3385 4080.7181UPO.4081.2119 
3387 4081.4372United- it's United Planning Organization.4083.1352 
3389DCB_se3_ag3_m_024083.8485I don't know if they still exist but they was the ones that was, um, funding the program.4087.1008
3391 4087.9296Um,4088.4812 
3393 4088.9895and it was like twenty of us.4090.1677 
3395 4090.9624We go there after school every day,4092.3833 
3397 4093.2236Um,4093.8214 
3399 4094.0293we got taught about, um,4095.5657 
3401 4096.1606drugs in general,4097.2065 
3403 4098.0498um, life in general.4099.5515 
3405 4099.8374Sometimes individuals come there with4102.1621 
3407 4102.4023issues at home theirselves.4103.9820 
3409 4104.6520We'll discuss it while we was there.4105.8793 
3410DCB_int_014107.2568Wow. (whispered)4107.6236
3412 4108.3432And [you /were/] fifteen. [So- and this] was the highlight of- this was4110.9914 
3415 4109.1460[Fif-]4109.6139 
3416DCB_int_014111.3408crack [heroin, this] is the highlight of it in DC.4114.4862
3419 4114.4804Yeah, and programs like that4115.9619 
3420 4116.1467do not exist [anymore]4117.3890
3422DCB_se3_ag3_m_024117.9834at all.4118.3911
3423DCB_int_014119.1709Cause that was all Marion Barry stuff, right?4120.8343
3424DCB_se3_ag3_m_024120.8314Yup, it was.4121.5909
3426DCB_se3_ag3_m_024121.9894Yup, it was.4122.7431
3428 4122.9915And I think that was my f- When I- I was there for like a year, that's- I met him one- I met him like once or twice.4127.2083 
3430 4128.0227Cool guy, man.4128.6811 
3432 4129.2702Real cool guy.4129.9552 
3434 4131.3154But I bring that up because I think that4133.1514 
3436 4133.3369really changed my mind as far as like, um-4135.7546 
3438 4137.5941We do have a lot of problems in our city.4139.2113 
3440DCB_se3_ag3_m_024140.9966Me being naive at that age- Well, I'm not gonna say naive, /really/ I4144.0144
3442 4144.1617just really- I didn't really4145.3780 
3444 4146.0191see it as- as- as a concern.4147.4717 
3446 4148.5056Other than my family,4149.3921 
3448 4149.9899that was my concern.4150.8646 
3450 4151.4373But going to that program, seeing all these people with all these problems,4154.3396 
3452 4154.7728drug addiction,4155.5092 
3454 4156.1965uh,4156.4304 
3456 4157.1471kids leaving the house running away,4158.8712 
3458 4159.2610seeing it from the outside, all these individuals. And4162.4642 
3460 4162.8223those just the ones I came in contact with. I knew it was more, had to be more4166.4119 
3462 4167.2037that, um-4167.8997 
3464 4170.2129<clears throat> From then on, I always took a liking to like,4172.8905 
3466 4173.1764kids. I used to coach football and basketball.4174.9986 
3468DCB_se3_ag3_m_024176.1855I've always wanted to be in a position where I'm-4178.0915
3470 4179.5071I'm I guess4180.5092 
3472 4181.0723can play a part in a child's life4182.5896 
3474 4183.4173in any type of way.4184.3679 
3476 4185.0610I mean, because I ran into problems when I was coaching whereas though4187.6139 
3478 4187.9979it was a single mother, child's really really really spoiled.4190.5745 
3480 4191.8105No father figure in his life,4193.3901 
3482 4194.3085um,4194.7676 
3484 4195.0830really really good4195.9580 
3486 4196.0937at a sport4196.5991 
3488 4196.9601but had no guidance.4197.9881 
3490 4198.7736Every little instance4199.7994 
3492 4199.9524we had during practice,4201.0152 
3494 4201.5408temper tantrum.4202.2165 
3496 4202.4764Cussing, yelling, screaming.4203.6180 
3498 4204.4546And4204.9369 
3500 4205.5554I guess before he came to our program- And cause I used to coach at number eleven boys club. It don't [exist no more though.]4209.7284 
3501DCB_int_014209.2317[Yeah,] I know number eleven.4210.6669
3502DCB_se3_ag3_m_024210.6559<clears throat> And, um,4211.9988
3503DCB_int_014212.4348Miss /RD-NAME-1/ used to be the branch director there.4214.1135
3505DCB_int_014214.7942[And she-]4215.1119
3506 4215.4642Miss /RD-NAME-1/, [she was] over /at-/4216.8307
3507DCB_se3_ag3_m_024215.9470[Oh really?]4216.3369
3508DCB_int_014217.3130And then when she-4218.3526
3510 4218.9475But then she became the regional director, mm-hm.4220.6773 
3512 4220.8535But she used to be over [at number] eleven.4222.4395 
3513DCB_se3_ag3_m_024221.6598[Oh wow.]4222.0184
3514 4222.5925That's [where the po- the police department-] police department was there too, [right?]4225.0154
3515DCB_int_014222.7716[And then /RD-NAME-3/.]4223.9609
3517 4224.8277[Mm-hm], /RD-NAME-3/. All the number clubs were police clubs.4228.1378 
3518DCB_se3_ag3_m_024228.4237Oh, [okay okay.]4229.4373
3519DCB_int_014229.0330[And all] the4229.7925
3520 4230.1159clubs that have names are- um,4232.8276
3522 4233.2960were- So, you know, it was Greater Washington and it was Metropolitan Police.4236.6517 
3524DCB_int_014236.8972So all the number clubs were police clubs.4239.0030
3525 4239.3409All the name clubs were Greater Washington [clubs.]4241.7695
3529 4242.8409Um,4243.3543 
3531 4243.9649and so number eleven, number two, number fourteen, number six, those are all police4247.6873 
3533 4247.7970department cause they're all4248.5739 
3535DCB_int_014249.0047station numbers.4249.8234
3537 4250.8356<ts>4250.8905 
3539 4250.9800Um, but yeah she used to be other there. So I- I know of number eleven, [I've heard.] /RD-NAME-2/4254.7637 
3541DCB_int_014255.1997from [/?/]4255.9968
3542DCB_se3_ag3_m_024255.7080[/RD-NAME-2/ was-] yeah he was a branch director there I [think.]4257.4753
3543DCB_int_014257.2732[He] was,4257.7584
3544 4257.9721uh-uh, [tee- teen-]4260.1789
3545DCB_se3_ag3_m_024258.3590[Or /started/ teen, uh, sports.]4259.7977
3546DCB_int_014260.3378teen director?4261.0471
3548 4261.2330Teens, [he did teens.] Cause they-4262.7405 
3549DCB_se3_ag3_m_024261.8539[He was?]4262.2957
3550DCB_int_014263.0408he took the keen- teens to Keystone.4264.3548
3551DCB_se3_ag3_m_024264.4304Yeah cause I knew him before I started here.4265.8945
3553DCB_se3_ag3_m_024266.3133I met him [at]4266.9998
3554DCB_int_014266.7118[From number eleven, mm-hm.]4267.8958
3555DCB_se3_ag3_m_024267.3443[number eleven, yeah.]4268.1049
3556 4269.6141But, um,4270.2494
3558 4270.3915<clears throat> they don't have programs like that anymore, though.4272.6332 
3560DCB_se3_ag3_m_024274.1139I wish they did but they don't.4275.2200
3562 4276.2140At all.4276.6067 
3563DCB_int_014276.9590Cause it gives you a very different perspective.4278.4549
3564DCB_se3_ag3_m_024279.4137Yes it does,4280.3147
3566 4280.7103seeing that you're not the only one that have- <laugh> have issues or problems.4283.6738 
3568 4284.2803It's people with issues or problems that4285.9090 
3570 4286.2151super exceed yours.4287.4113 
3572DCB_se3_ag3_m_024288.2487And if you in a position to help,4289.3354
3574 4290.0537you put yours to the side.4291.1337 
3576 4291.2348And that's [how I always] been, put yours to the side to try and help them.4293.6034 
3578 4294.4495Wow.4294.7787
3579DCB_se3_ag3_m_024295.0040I love working with kids though.4296.0494
3580DCB_int_014296.3699And now you do safety and kids. [So-] and I think4298.6090
3582DCB_int_014298.8743this is the marriage of both your [worlds.]4300.7312