LineSpeakerSt TimeContentEn Time
1PRV_se0_ag2_f_030.5988And then we left from there, but then we left to- went to FEMA park.3.6026
3 5.3586Out there where all the trailers and things at?7.1242 
5PRV_se0_ag2_f_037.8673And we stayed out there for a year-9.7445
7 10.2273Okay, let me see.11.0083 
9 11.6947A year12.4899 
11 13.6543and um, half.14.9114 
13 15.6783That's the long we ever- th- that's the long that we stayed out there at FEMA park.18.9491 
15 19.7064A year and a half.20.7600 
16PRV_int_0221.8960That's a lot of moving around, [especially when you have small] kids.25.3419
17PRV_se0_ag2_f_0323.3018[It sure is.]24.4189
19 25.1999Mm-hm.25.6733 
20 25.9383And then I had a mama too in a wheelchair too.28.1895
21PRV_int_0228.2084That's right.28.7007
22PRV_se0_ag2_f_0330.4662But she still here though. She still living.32.3265
23PRV_int_0232.9209That's great.33.6356
24PRV_se0_ag2_f_0333.9623All of 'em- all of 'em-35.0036
26 35.3776My grandmama she dead, my granddaddy gone, my mama she still here.38.6768 
28 39.7871She still living.40.4877 
31PRV_int_0243.5928How um,44.0898
33 44.5206you know,44.9040 
35 45.3516you said that she showed up46.7291 
37 46.9042at the school where you guys were48.7550 
39 48.9822so that the helicopter must have gone back50.7241 
41 51.2996and gotten her.52.1516 
43 53.1693How did it-53.8225 
45 54.0213how did it get back and get her- I mean, just in a wheelchair it seems like it would be so [hard?]58.5918 
46PRV_se0_ag2_f_0358.0759[I know] but they- they did it. I don't know how they did it. Cause they- they took my two- they took my two kids first,63.5572
47 63.9907put them in the helicopter. Then they put65.5196
49 65.9124me- took me and then it took my husband.67.8626 
51 68.3454Then- then I said what about my mama?70.2699 
53 70.7669And uh- they said they gonna get her.72.3763 
55PRV_se0_ag2_f_0373.0437[And so] they got her74.1892
56 74.4638and they took her to the em- uh, hospital and check her out and see, you know,78.1254
58 78.5562if she- what kind of condition she was in.80.1324 
60 80.6720And so they uh, treated her82.2605 
62 82.5492and then they brought her back up there to uh,84.2438 
64 85.0343Tarboro High School where we was at.86.5064 
66 87.3252Before we left.88.1800 
67PRV_int_0288.7149And when the helicopters came, how did they-90.9680
69 91.5029how did they pick you up? Like,92.5490 
71 92.7856were there baskets [or?]94.1498 
72PRV_se0_ag2_f_0393.9812[Uh-huh.] Basket.94.8048
73PRV_int_0295.6284You just had to climb in?96.8260
74PRV_se0_ag2_f_0397.0911They would drop the basket, and then this man was out there99.5051
76 100.0569/Just- well,/ we was in the house right.101.9124 
78 102.5798And the m- the um-103.7064 
80 104.1040the guard- the- the guy- the guard- the- the- uh-106.3504 
82 106.4924the- the airplane man107.6805 
84 108.3810came down and got us, you know, held us /real/ tight you know, so we wont, know, uh /unintelligible/113.1285 
86 113.5811that the wings on the airplane115.0579 
88PRV_se0_ag2_f_03115.7679flying in the air.117.0318
90 117.4321And so he was holding us118.5255 
92 118.9373and put us in the basket and lift up like that.120.5183 
94 121.6591And that was scary.122.6436 
95PRV_int_02122.9777Oh I'm sure.123.5930
97 124.0238[<laugh>]125.3492 
98PRV_se0_ag2_f_03124.2557[It sure was.]125.2214
99 126.3148I don't wanna go through that no more.127.4839
100PRV_int_02128.3975And then you would stay in the basket [until you-]130.8663
101PRV_se0_ag2_f_03130.4924[You sit] down until they lift you up- air lift you up,133.1053
102 133.6616and then another man be inside of the airplane135.6795
104 136.0096and pull you on in.137.1030 
106 139.2047<laugh>139.5313 
107PRV_int_02142.5729Was anybody afraid to-144.0402
108PRV_se0_ag2_f_03144.3432Yeah my baby was. He was screaming and hollering.146.9229
110 147.3043But my little girl wont though.148.6032 
112PRV_se0_ag2_f_03149.2782See they was in the basket together cause I was scared for them to- you know, him to go up there by hisself153.1454
113 153.3232cause he was yelling and hollering, he might jump out.155.1882
115PRV_se0_ag2_f_03155.9503So they put her and him together157.9147
117 158.5868and I was praying to the Lord that he didn't try to jump out of there cause I was so scared. Me and my husband.162.4378 
118PRV_int_02162.8733And she wasn't afraid?164.1135
119PRV_se0_ag2_f_03164.1797Mm-mm. She wont afraid. She took it easy.166.0806
120PRV_int_02166.6581She was only seven.167.7231
123 169.4413She was brave.170.4354 
125 171.2286I reckon she did that to comfort her brother, you know.173.4438 
127PRV_se0_ag2_f_03174.0355She had his arm around him175.1810
129 175.6165s- comfort him.176.3407 
130PRV_int_02177.9812Do they ever talk about- do your children ever talk about what they remember181.4224
133PRV_se0_ag2_f_03182.9446My bro- my uh, not my brother my-184.4971
135 184.8474my son,185.5101 
137 185.9929when he see the Army folk go by,187.6070 
139 188.2460Hey Army people,189.4652 
141 189.7682y'all saved my life.191.5054 
143 191.9882I said, that is so sweet cause they sure did.194.0945 
145PRV_se0_ag2_f_03194.8546He'll never forget it.195.9169
147 197.3634He took a picture with the Army198.7644 
149 199.4035peoples, you know.200.1040 
151 200.2886Two- uh, two guys,201.5382 
153 201.7824him, he and my daughter,202.7385 
155 203.1243they took a picture with 'em.204.1207 
157 205.5029If I had thought about it I should have brought it along with me, let y'all see.208.0143 
158PRV_int_02208.7906That's /really nice/.209.6284
160PRV_int_02209.9124[You know] just that they remember.211.5691
164PRV_int_03217.9141/What's the matter?/218.5227
165PRV_int_02218.9914/Thought that he was just funny/.220.2410
168PRV_int_02221.7320/It's kind of romantic./222.6692
169PRV_se0_ag2_f_03222.6834Yeah, the camera man.223.8384
170PRV_int_02225.4410So I'm tryna think- Um,227.0173
172 228.6976since you've- you've been here230.1271 
174 230.3875for230.6099 
176 230.9772quite awhile now, you [know,]232.1037 
178PRV_int_02232.7191how have you-233.2634
180 233.4480you know, what changes have you seen in Princeville,235.4029 
182 235.8005you know, since before the flood and237.5878 
184 238.2457before that and239.0078 
186 239.1261and then since?240.1770 
187PRV_se0_ag2_f_03240.6314Well they got new homes coming up,242.2786
189 242.4991and they got they, uh, apartments is up244.4635 
191 244.6670and um,245.4669 
193 246.8160it's just been a little change in there-248.3117 
195 248.6079changing249.2375 
197 249.8765in here.250.3453 
199 251.3587It sure has- schools and stuff. It's- um-253.9425 
201 254.9346They rebuilt the school and s- they done good.257.3723 
203 258.9201Course it take time, you know, but [they-]260.9109 
205PRV_se0_ag2_f_03261.0434[they] coming on through with it.262.2552
206PRV_int_02262.7711That's great.263.6089
208 264.3568If um-264.8207 
210 265.3082if someone asks you just266.6951 
212 267.0718how would you describe Princeville?268.7285 
214 269.9308To them. You know, if someone who had never heard of it-272.3733 
216 272.9156You know, not like us cause we obviously know the town. But if someone walked in, how would you describe the town to [somebody?]277.7750 
217PRV_se0_ag2_f_03277.5071[I would] say it was a small town. It's not big, you know.280.3357
218 283.2751It ain't never been a big town, no way.285.3322
220 286.2981But you know, it's growing.287.8409 
222 290.5795People ask me where I'm from. I say, Princeville. /??/ you are?293.2587 
224 293.9215Well uh, where that at?294.9580 
226 295.5997I say- [<laugh>]297.8528 
228PRV_se0_ag2_f_03298.2220Mm-hm. Where that at? You know, people that, you know, ain't never been- you know, heard nothing about [Princeville.]302.0798
230PRV_se0_ag2_f_03302.4565Sometime, they don't /act like they/ hear nothing- but know nothing about Tarboro305.1261
232 305.9545when you say you from Tarboro.307.1852 
234 307.8857They'll talk about, where's Tarboro at?309.3085 
236 310.5629[<laugh>]311.5474 
237PRV_int_02310.8232[That's pretty-]311.4764
238 311.6089I'm just like, oh, Rocky Mount. [<laugh>]313.3556
239PRV_se0_ag2_f_03312.9201[Uh, peoples, like,] Uh-huh. People- people like, you know, you be talking to people, you know, like on the phone.317.0741
240 317.4385They're from Tennessee and California, places like that. They- they don't know nothing about320.6715
242 320.8825the town321.4458 
244 321.9333around here.322.5297 
246 325.0621But I love it though.326.0325 
247PRV_int_02327.7061It's great.328.2735
251 333.0056are there333.3937 
253 333.6824any kinds of things in particular you know, that your kids enjoy doing that Princeville-337.5828 
255 338.1461you know, or do they play any sports or are there any groups that they're involved with341.9498 
257 342.5556in town like [children's] kinds of things. [What kinds of] things do [they-]345.4742 
260 344.3807[Yeah they-]344.9014 
262 345.2988[The Boys] and Girls Club and stuff like that there.347.7841 
263PRV_int_02347.9924Oh is there an active349.0952
265PRV_int_02349.6585[Boys and] Girls Club350.6147
266 351.0387here?351.3180
268PRV_int_02352.3451What kind of stuff352.9605
270 353.2019do they do353.8030 
272 354.0823with those groups?355.0858 
273PRV_se0_ag2_f_03354.9627They take 'em on trips and like places like Raleigh different places and stuff like that.359.0125
274PRV_int_02360.5982That's nice. Are there- are they-361.9642
276 362.1819are they big groups of kids or?364.0232 
277PRV_se0_ag2_f_03365.1498Well some of 'em is- uh-366.7828
279 367.0526some of 'em are big and some of 'em little.369.1381 
281 369.5168You know the- the- the- usual the van they take the big children like they do little children.373.1426 
283PRV_se0_ag2_f_03374.6647They do 'em all alike you know.376.0138
287PRV_se0_ag2_f_03380.7689Boys and Girls school. <laugh>382.8469
289PRV_se0_ag2_f_03382.9510They're so nice.383.9545
290PRV_int_02384.7213They [do all kinds] of stuff.385.7674
292PRV_int_02385.9074Do you ever do any of that stuff with them or do you kind of take that as your opportunity to like,390.2622
294 390.3852send them to do something with other people?392.4663 
295PRV_se0_ag2_f_03392.5085Yeah I send 'em to do something with other peoples.394.3877
296PRV_int_02394.9084/Cause/ you get to spend-395.9640
299PRV_se0_ag2_f_03397.1189And my daughter she love it done met399.2233
300 399.5688people that- you know, new friends and stuff.401.4953
301PRV_int_02402.2148Is she very social?403.1568
303PRV_int_02405.4931Mm. I bet that's cool.406.7096
304PRV_se0_ag2_f_03407.3675And she f- love408.5509
306 408.7639Princeville /Montessori/ School.410.0751 
308 411.4789She is- sure do. She love to go over that school. She love school anyway.415.1047 
310 415.9757She sure do.416.7141 
311PRV_int_02416.7121You must be glad.417.6020
312PRV_se0_ag2_f_03417.7676Mm, I do. I sure am glad.419.4196
314 420.5746She's a sweet child. Both 'em are so sweet.422.8738 
317 424.8374Especially having a child that likes school, you [know],427.3982 
319PRV_int_02428.2076just cross your fingers [that] it keeps going.430.6149
321 430.6717That's right. <laugh>433.2420
323 434.3855You're right about that.435.4126 
324PRV_int_02436.0658Do you have any hobbies or groups that you're involved with, things that you like to doing?440.3713
326 440.9346You know, other than raising your children, which you spend I'm sure s-444.0018 
328 444.1770tons of time doing.445.2566 
330 445.8573Are there any things in particular that you enjoy doing?448.0647 
331PRV_se0_ag2_f_03448.4919I like to do?449.1829
333 450.0586<ts>450.1864 
335 451.5903Well I like to do helping out people. That's what hobby I like to do. Help peoples out when they need help.456.7118 
337PRV_se0_ag2_f_03457.5355That's what I like to do.458.5342
338PRV_int_02459.9049Are there460.3167
340 461.5190you know, any organizations or any groups or you just kind of help people if you-465.3606 
341PRV_se0_ag2_f_03465.8812Oh no.466.6575
343 467.4480No, there ain't any- I ain't into that- without- you know- no.470.5721 
344PRV_int_02474.7970Well great.475.4029
345PRV_se0_ag2_f_03477.5830I guess a house wife.478.9321
347 479.9119That's all I am right now.481.2372 
349PRV_se0_ag2_f_03481.8668I might go back to work if they ain't- you know-484.5865
351 484.9273if my husband485.8740 
353 486.0918stop going out of town, which I doubt that. [<laugh>]489.0576 
355 489.9049Well I think there's a whole lot more to being a house wife when you're raising two [kids]494.0656
356PRV_se0_ag2_f_03493.8952[Mm-hm.] [Yeah.]495.0434
357PRV_int_02494.7973[than just] saying you're just a house wife. You're raising children [s-]497.6847
358PRV_se0_ag2_f_03497.5095[You're right].498.1580
359PRV_int_02497.9971[kind] of498.4278
360PRV_se0_ag2_f_03498.7781I [know].499.2088
361PRV_int_02498.9485[a big] [responsibility.]500.2691
362PRV_se0_ag2_f_03499.8337[Mm-hm.] You right.500.7235
365PRV_int_02503.6752I mean, is there anything that could possibly be more important?506.3591
366PRV_se0_ag2_f_03506.8541You right.507.6114
368 507.7866It is important.508.7995 
370 509.9924Cause that's a job.510.9816 
373 517.1804you-517.5449 
375 518.3476you know, since you moved here relatively as an adult, what do you think is um,521.5095 
377 522.3568different here523.2041 
379 523.6680than the other places that you've lived? Cause you know you were525.9948 
381 526.3593an adult before you were in Princeville.528.1012 
383 528.3190Like what kinds of things can you /remember/529.9124 
385 531.0103that- do you think makes it different from those places?533.2681 
386PRV_se0_ag2_f_03534.0728Well Pine Top535.2940
388 536.3076and Halifax, well it's a big town.538.1442 
390 538.3146When I left Halifax and then moved to Pine Top,540.7618 
392 541.2020Pine Top a small town.542.7163 
394 544.0306Well Pine Top, well I- I went to school in Pine Top.546.7760 
396 547.2446If- it- it- I likeded that too but um,549.7608 
398 550.5323I think I like Princeville the best.552.2364 
399PRV_int_02555.0744It's kind of in the middle556.0069
401PRV_int_02556.2105[then between-]556.8163
402PRV_se0_ag2_f_03557.0199Mm-hm. I- I think I like Princeville the best.559.2067
403PRV_int_02560.7620Pine Top then Halifax, hm?562.4444
404PRV_se0_ag2_f_03562.7927Mm-hm. I don't want to go back to neither one of them.564.6482
407 567.8602I sure don't wanna go back.569.1997
408PRV_int_03570.6671[<clears throat>]571.1736
410PRV_int_03571.4461Just getting ready-571.9573
411PRV_int_02571.8769I didn't572.2982
412 572.9277realize that I had another body behind me. [I didn't] even see Ryan [/from/ around] the corner.576.5440